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New ICOM software - Time Adjustment - ST4003W

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AC3DS, Dec 2, 2021.

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  1. NI0F

    NI0F Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Even though I leave the power applied to my 7300s (I run remote quite a bit) and don't have any issues with the clock dying I still appreciate this app for if nothing else it lets me get the clock set exactly. The date and time are used when you save various files to the SD card, so I like to have the exact time.
  2. W5ZZ

    W5ZZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Maybe radio clock is important for some operators, but what is really annoying (for me) in IC-7300 is that CW side tone level changes with AF knob .
  3. W5CJA

    W5CJA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I prefer the term "planned obsolescence"
  4. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's the computer clock, not the transceiver clock.

    Edit: dupe
  5. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hmmm, my KX2 clock drifts mightily, but is easily synced with one button using the Elecraft KX2/3 management app. I'm surprised there isn't something for the K3?
  6. WG5ENE

    WG5ENE Ham Member QRZ Page

  7. K9RDU

    K9RDU Ham Member QRZ Page

    AK5B and WG5ENE like this.
  8. KO4CES

    KO4CES Ham Member QRZ Page

    You're absolutely correct. Perhaps I was the one who misunderstood the context of the discussion and its importance with regard to timekeeping and ham radio. True, I've never found a need to fiddle with the IC-705 or FT-991A -- only the computer.
  9. AK5B

    AK5B XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Not as far as I know, and I check the Elecraft reflector almost daily for things of interest. Whenever I am about to do a contest or serious dxing I usually reset the clock to WWV.


  10. K9RDU

    K9RDU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Research the Leo B Precision GPS Reference Clock
  11. WG5ENE

    WG5ENE Ham Member QRZ Page

    You can get these on FleaBay cheep. Only 75 clams plus shipping. Stick an antenna on it and you're golden. Search for "Brandywine".

    PY2NEA likes this.
  12. WY7BG

    WY7BG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I can't believe that, after so many years of troubles, Icom is still making the colossal blunder of placing soldered-in batteries in its rigs! Even rechargeable batteries should be (firmly) socketed so that they can be replaced without a soldering iron.
    K6EFA, KB2SMS, KO4CES and 1 other person like this.
  13. VK2JI

    VK2JI Ham Member QRZ Page

    You beat me to the response Meindert !
    After having a similar (lithium cell stopping recharging and time and other CMOS setting being lost) fault in my old portable XIEGU X108G, when the problem appeared in the IC-7300, I knew what it was straight away and already had replacement rechargeable lithium batteries (of a larger capacity) available and replaced the one in the IC-7300. Since that time I have not seen the problem anymore on either radio ("touch wood"). I wonder if there were some faulty batches of these batteries at some point, which were installed by Xiegu and ICOM?

    A small program to reset the IC-7300 internal clock to your PCs clock has been around for some time. I believe it uses a CiV command to set the time in the radio.
    73 Ed.
    KO4CES likes this.
  14. KP2BH

    KP2BH XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I download and install but is no use for it .all my software use the computer time .so if an Icom
    user have no computer need to buy one? or change the battery.
    KD9VV likes this.
  15. AE7HF

    AE7HF Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    you would think for these radios they could do what some clocks did years ago.. self update from WWV on 10mhz or so.. useless program in my opinion. don't even use the clock on my 7300
    K6EFA, PY2NEA and KO4CES like this.

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