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New Award Offered on the GERATOL 80 Meter WAS Net !!

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by N1KL, Nov 24, 2014.

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  1. N1KL

    N1KL Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    As the name suggests -- Greetings Extra Radio Amateurs Tired of Operating Lately !!

    The 2014/2015 season is well under way on the GERATOL Worked All States Net,
    which meets nightly beginning at 0100Z on 3.668 Mhz.

    All Extra Class amateur operators are cordially invited to participate in the net, and you do not
    have to be a member, or have a GERATOL # to participate.

    This year, the GERATOL Board has approved a new award for the year, titled the
    20/20 CLUB AWARD
    The nice part of this award is the fact it is available to anyone who checks into the net, and then fulfills
    the criteria: Namely, to work 20 Club Stations that hold a valid GERATOL Number, and then to also contact
    another 20 stations, who are working toward their basic GERATOL Award. No QSL's are required for this fun
    and yet challenging award.

    More information is available via the GERATOL web page (GERATOL.NET) or take a look at the attached flyer, for more information.

    Stop by some evening, and see what the net is all about, and how much fun you can have working toward your 80 Meter WAS as
    well as the new award !!! Regards, Kevin N1KL
    View attachment Flyer_for_the_20_20_CLUB_Award_11_15_14.pdf
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