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Live stream of Hamvention with Prizes

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by W5KUB, May 13, 2018.

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  1. W5KUB

    W5KUB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hamvention 2018 Marathon webcast
    We will be webcasting over 48 Hours of live video from Hamvention. We will also have many special guests plus prizes for our viewers all day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Astronaut Douglas Wheelock, joins us again for the 5th year as a co-host.
    Here is the schedule

    Wednesday May 16 0800 AM central until about 1800 central time. We will be live streaming our 550 mile drive which takes about 10 hours. We will also be in the chatroom on while streaming so you can talk with us. In addition we will be running remote shack in the truck allowing us to work any HF band during our trip. Lets make a lot of contacts. Watch us drive, get lost, get bogged down in traffic, and even pulled over by the police (true story) (intl time 1300-2200 UTC)

    Thursday May 17 0800 Eastern time until about 1700 Eastern. This is set up day but we will be live streaming. You will see vendors coming in and setting up, you will also see many people come by and get on the stream. (intl times 1300-2100 UTC)

    Friday May 18. 0900 Eastern until 1700 Eastern. This is the first day of Hamvention. Chat directly with us. Watch for great fun. Also we give out thousands of dollars in prizes to our viewers. See “Prizes” tab on memu for more information (intl times 1400-2100 UTC)

    Saturday May 19 0800 Eastern until 1700 Eastern. This is second day of hamvention. Astronaut Doug Wheelock will be joining us as guest and co-host. Many prizes to be given to viewers.(intl time 1300-2100 UTC)

    Sunday May 20 0800 Eastern until 1400 Eastern. Final day of Hamvention. Still lots of fun and many big prizes still be given out to our viewers. We will have a special announcement of the winner of the Comet CAA-500-MKII antenna analyzer about noon on Sunday. This is one special prize set aside for those who make a donation to help us cover the high cost of the webcast. See more info under “Prizes” tab. (intl time 1400 until 1800 UTC)

    Monday May 21 0900 eastern until about 1800 Central time. This is our 550 mile drive back to Memphis, TN. We will stream this drive live, and there will be recordings of various walk around at Hamvention. We will be in the chat room plus on HF on all bands using remote shack back to the radios back home. (intl time 1400 until 2200 UTC)

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