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KT competition rules "VIDOVDAN 2019"

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by YT1B, Jun 16, 2019.

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  1. YT1B

    YT1B Ham Member QRZ Page

    logo_2018.jpg 2019 KT - English

    KT competition rules "VIDOVDAN 2019"

    ORGANIZER: Within the celebration of the municipality of Krusevac - St. Vitus, Radio club "Bagdala" - YU1ADO organized KT competition "Vidovdan 2019".
    II PARTICIPANTS: All licensed ARS in the country and foreign countries.
    III TIME: Competition is held 21.06.2019.god. (Friday)
    at frequencies of 3.5 MHz to 3.8 MHz (DX outside the range) and that of the two periods
    1. The first period CW
    From 17:30 to 18:15 (UTC) at frequencies from 3.510 to 3.580 MHz.
    2. The second period SSB
    From 18:15 to 19:00 (UTC) at frequencies from 3,675 to 3,775 MHz.
    The Exchange: RS (T) and serial number starting from 001 (to be continued in the second period)
    and auto-registration number. Example: 599001 BG. Participants from outside of Serbia provide, in addition to the RS (T) and the ordinal number of connections, and the label NY. Example 599 001 NY.
    Station organizer YU1ADO from Krusevac sending units report without numeration connection with the designation (VD) telegraphy and telephony word "Vidovdan".
    V The categories in the competition:
    1. One operator
    2. More operators
    3. Stations outside Serbia
    -All right links are: CW - 3 points, SSB - 2 points.
    VII Multiplier
    -Množitelji are made Serbian car license plates, and labels which give NY NON YU stations, which do, during one period.
    -YU1ADO VD worth as three (3) multipliers.
    - Own label does not count as a multiplier.
    VIII Summation
    - The same station is allowed to do only once in each period.
    - Number of points in one period is obtained by multiplying the sum of QSO points by the sum multipliers in this period.
    - Total score is the total points from both periods.
    - Any incorrect connections (incomplete, or typed incorrectly received data) will not be counted in the final sum.
    - The difference in time made a connections that is more than 5 minutes between 2 correspondent, will be considered incorrect connection.
    - Call sign of the station that sends the log must be registered in at least 10 dailies in both periods ( account it also wrongly received sign ), to such a connection was recognized those who have properly received callsign.
    - call sign, which did not send the log must be registered also in at least 10 dailies in both periods (counted incorrectly received character), so that such a connection was recognized by those who have received the correct call sign.
    - Selective reporting only individual stations are not allowed.
    IX POWER ARS: ARS Power must be reconciliation with the operator's license.
    X PRIZES: The First Places cup or statue.
    Organizer awarded diplomas electronically for the first 3 places per category.
    XI Competition Commission: Competition Commission will review logs YU1ADO the following composition
    The log contains: date, time (UTC), callsign correspondent, exchanged report and serial numbers, and visibly marked multiplier.
    A summary sheet containing: Name and date of contest, call sign, name and address, the call signs of other team members (if any), number of connections and the number of points (for each period), the total number of connections and the total number of points, short description rack, antennas and statement of compliance.
    Logs sent no later than 8 days after the competition, but not later than 30 June 2019. (Valid postmark) to the following address:
    AS PER. Box 136, 37000 KRUŠEVAC, SERBIA

    or mail (in doc, txt format or CT): with mandatory certificate (REPLY) receipt log
    XIII PUBLICATION OF RESULTS: The results of the competition will be published on the website and diplomas submitted electronically no later than 60 days after the contest.
    Note: Radio club Bagdala will on its website set up Competition diplomas that competitors may take in electronic form, this year will be no diploma in the paper.

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