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It's OK to be Different!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KB2FMH, Mar 28, 2023.

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  1. KB2FMH

    KB2FMH Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    The largest global special event operation is under way this week and the support from Hams around the world has been amazing!

    A team of 87 outstanding operators in 26 US states, 23 countries, 18 zones on 6 continents are activating on all bands and modes, even SSTV, throughout the week supporting World Autism Awareness Week.

    Autism affects 1 in 40 children worldwide and many are misdiagnosed and treated like outcasts so our team got together to help spread the concept that "It's OK to be Different" to Hams around the world which will in turn be spread to all those They know and continue spreading because everyone knows someone impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder.

    Please support our operators by calling as many as you can as well as visiting the respective QRZ pages to see how You can help support awareness.

    The calls are: W2A - GB2AA - GB2AAW - GB0AAW - GB5AAW - 8A0RARI - 4X0AAW - HI0AUT - S76A - VC2AA

    K8VSY, M7EWB, M0MNE and 18 others like this.
  2. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is instructive to so many ways....

    Then ask yourself - if being autistic is horrible, why has Elon Musk (also autistic) done so well? He had some help with his 'social problems' early on.

    My grandson is autistic. I've also worked with him to play to his strengths - like coding. He has for more patience for this than I ever could hope for....

    His high school has robot teams (local contests etc). The schools "All Girlz only" team asked him to join their team - as their coder. The girls do well with the mechanical part of the tech, he runs rings around the rest on coding/fixing bugs on the fly.

    Now, if I can just get him interested in working CW.....
    KH7AD, GM4JPZ and PY2NEA like this.
  3. KJ6ZOL

    KJ6ZOL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Autistic (high functioning, or HF hihihi) ham here. I have been fascinated by radio since I was a kid. Television is way too overloading for me, but radio I can handle, maybe due to the lack of the visual element that gives so many "auties" trouble. Radio was also an escape from my horrible childhood, something outside the scope of this forum. Autistic kids have it a lot easier today. I wonder how many young auties would love radio but have never been exposed to it due to radio's declining influence in society? Kids don't get their music from radio now but from YouTube and TikTok.
    M0MNE, G0IMB, HA2ZB and 4 others like this.
  4. JF6COJ

    JF6COJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    KD9ORR, KM4FVI, 4X1ST and 1 other person like this.
  5. LB2UI

    LB2UI Ham Member QRZ Page

    I like radio because i can do it from home and it is easy to communicate. Also the community is helpful even if you ask "stupid" questions.
    AJ4LN and G0IMB like this.
  6. NG0G

    NG0G XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    AJ4LN likes this.
  7. HC2FN

    HC2FN Ham Member QRZ Page

  8. AE0YB

    AE0YB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am a special needs dentist. I have many autistic patients. They are good friends. I hope they will be happy.
    Is the translation and thank you Dr. Toshi
    GM4JPZ, G1TZC and G0IMB like this.
  9. KB2FMH

    KB2FMH Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Look at the "International Operators" listing, bottom left of all pages. The Special Event calls for certain countries are listed at the top, all personal operator calls are below.
  10. PF3X

    PF3X Ham Member QRZ Page

    PA23WAAD is also on the air this week! 73
    GM4JPZ likes this.
  11. W5AKC

    W5AKC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you all for all you do and thanks for the contacts thus far! 73, W5AKC
  12. KE6JB

    KE6JB Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is a great thread. I've heard that Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Alan Turing, and even Einstein might be "on the spectrum." And many autistic people gravitate toward a hobby like ham radio, where focused, technical thinking is valued.
    AJ4LN, KB0RTQ and W5AKC like this.
  13. KG5JST

    KG5JST XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm very proudly autistic. Also am an extra class ham and an attorney. Most of the time, my autistic traits have helped me in my work and hobbies.

    Appreciate the message sent by these stations and their focus for this year!
    KU5Q, GM4JPZ, AJ4LN and 6 others like this.
  14. JF6COJ

    JF6COJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks Donald for the translation. It is teaching of the Buddhism all are different, and to be the most wonderful.
  15. K0NH

    K0NH Ham Member QRZ Page


    I don't even want to get started...

    I detest having autism with all of my heart, and I particularly detest hearing groups like these glorify people with autism as if they're literally retarded, which is not true and never will be. In fact, I'll wager that the majority of Autistic people who social media makes famous for performing some of the simplest tasks any "normal" person would complete are smarter than the majority of the population will ever be.

    It's impossible to be "normal." Its definition is "standard" which means that it is the same as or extremely comparable to something, therefore comparing the limitless cosmos of Autism to the average person is, to put it mildly, naive. Both Autistic folks and the typical person are not normal. Everyone is different in some way, and in most cases, they are powerless to change it. People with autism are more powerless in this regard; all they can do is sit by themselves every night and keep asking themselves, "Why me, why me, out of the now 8 billion people?".

    Where does the position of "normalizing" make sense if the creator(s) of these "Support" organizations don't know what Autism actually is? I suppose I would automatically assume that they aren't Autistic. The majority of people who ever contribute never consider this, and even if they did, they couldn't do anything about it unless they also happened to be Autistic. Autism cannot be defined with words; it can only be understood by experience.

    You'll never know what the motivations of those in charge of these organizations are within this rigged system. By assisting those with autism, are they really attempting to uphold morality? or are they really attempting to profit off the uninformed non-Autistic individual who wrongly thinks their hard-earned money is supporting a meaningful and worthwhile cause? cough cough Bob Wright cough cough

    Personally, all of my rage comes from organizations that advertise in such similar ways as this week of support. The people running a lot of these groups ironically know none regarding Autism and care just about being avaricious and generating a lot of money, which I won't imagine Autistic people will stand for any longer.

    Nowadays, being autistic is considered weirdly similarly to being transgender or homosexual, and just look at how many morons are against those groups. Being excluded is what drives these individuals to terrorism and insanity. As an example, many contend that the reason behind people becoming transgender is because those people weren't born in the "correct" body, while others have proof to say otherwise. Contrarily, it has been established that Autism is blatantly genetic, so why should autistic individuals be treated differently if this is not their fault?

    Homosexual and transgender individuals relate to Autism in the same way; different from the general public, which explains why people with Autism are also never taken seriously; nonetheless, I don't need to tell you that these trans/gay people didn't take this contempt lightly, and I doubt Autistic people will much longer...

    The more people, particularly middle and high school students, that treat innocent Autistic children with contempt and negligence, the closer we are to a school shooting, or perhaps a series of school shootings, in which the child suspect or suspects is/are Autistic and their only explanation is "revenge".

    Being "normal" will never be comparable to being respected. Autistic persons should not be considered "normal," but rather cherished and accepted for who they are, and not for who some think they aren't.
    M0MNE, KF5KWO, W9EBE and 1 other person like this.

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