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Ham Radio Deluxe Update, QRZ interface in the works

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WJ6R, Oct 21, 2014.

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  1. WJ6R

    WJ6R Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Ham Radio Deluxe team enjoyed the final convention of the year last weekend at Pacificon in Santa Clara, CA. The entire team would like to express their thanks to all the volunteers that put this event together, and all other conventions throughout the year. In honor of our customers near and far, HRD has extended the normal weekend “show discount” until October 31st! All items in the store are now 10% off with the coupon code halloween2014 – (be sure you don’t include any caps or space in that code!)

    HRD appreciate all the feedback we are receiving from our customers on the Beta 303 in Version 6.2.72. This beta release includes improvements to the memory leak issues experienced in Digital Master, as well as support for Winkey Version 3 CW keyers. The developers are working to incorporate the necessary improvements and have been working with the Microsoft development team on the issues. HRD looks forward to releasing the update soon. HRD will also be incorporating uploads to the QRZ logbook.

    As always, HRD is available to “try before you buy” with a FREE 30-day trial that includes support. Now is the time to try out HRD or renew your support package AND save 10%. Visit HRD at Don’t forget, this special is available until October 31st! When the lights on the jack-o-lanterns fade away, so does our coupon!

    Try Ham Radio Deluxe 6.2 at
    HRD Forum:
  2. KD4EBL

    KD4EBL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    HRD just keeps getting better and better!
  3. K7FL

    K7FL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great ... good to see HRD well represented at the conventions. Great things to come!
  4. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very nice Rick.

    Does 6.2 work with XP ?

    Keep up the Great work HRD Coders.

    You should tell MS how to make Their OS work.

    I will debug if you give me a Free copy. LOL

  5. WM9F

    WM9F Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    It'll be great once they fix the memory leak issue.
  6. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    What does it do ?

    Lock the machine and put the radio in Transmit ? I hate when that happens.

    A lot of that issue is due to the OS and USB buffering and Overrun. And one reason I like XP and a real RS232 port.
  7. W5LMM

    W5LMM Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank God.
  8. KJ4RWQ

    KJ4RWQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    XP is no longer supported by Microsoft as of April of this year.
    I would look at Win 7 as an alternative.
  9. KD4EBL

    KD4EBL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I believe the HRD update is the last one that will support XP
  10. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think you may me correct.

    Nor will old school XP Users support the new version of HRD.

    Even if it is the Cats Meow.
  11. WA6MHZ

    WA6MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just ordered a Dual FTDI cable so I can run HRD on my FT5K from my shack laptop since the rest of the computers are KAPUT! (they all get continuously rebooted by RF from the KW!) So I will give HRD another run on the Laptop now.
  12. AB4D

    AB4D QRZ Lifetime Member #415 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I've been using HRD for a year. It works fine about 95% of the time. Except it seems the log book crashes easy on my system and alerts to an Unhandled Exception error. Most recently, a new weird issue has started when using the logbook. Anytime I attempt to launch a new ALE window from the cluster for station TX7G, the ALE window appears, the radio responds, but the logbook stops working. I get the generic message that HRD MFC application has stopped responding. It only does it on TX7G, no other stations seemed to be affected. Of course, all of this weirdness started just as my one year subscription expired.

    73, Jim AB4D
  13. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would hope that is not in the code.

    I think it would be nice if you could get a better break to update. Many companies do that, And I support them every time a update is available.

    More people would buy it and keep paying to use it. I think.

    The HRD group does a great job from what I can tell. And they get to deal with the Win OS problems. That can be fun.
  14. AB4D

    AB4D QRZ Lifetime Member #415 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I no way believe or am I implying it's something that is written in the code, that HRD goes bonkers when the paid subscription expires. Just one of those weird coincidences. It's just, I am not used to a paid program crashing that often.
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