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Disabled Ham's Tower threatened

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by K4IJA, Apr 24, 2010.

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  1. K4IJA

    K4IJA Ham Member QRZ Page

    A 10 year old ham, in Mt. Pleasant, Wisconsin, is facing having to remove his tower, by a complaint from a neighbor. This neighbor has filed a complaint with the local zoning commission. Please contact the zoning commission,, to support this young ham.
  2. W4RLR

    W4RLR Ham Member QRZ Page

    If the young ham has a legally permitted tower, IOW erected with proper permits and the blessing of the planning and zoning authorities, said neighbor doesn't have too much legal standing. Won't stop a civil suit, though.

    If the young ham did not have the proper permits, he will have to take the tower down, regardless of how many e-mails fellow hams send. Those e-mails will probably be sent to the Recycle Bin, as people from out of town have no standing either.

    If the young ham did all of the right legal things and the neighbor is doing legal saber rattling, a call to the ARRL for help is in order.
  3. W7IVK

    W7IVK Ham Member QRZ Page

    heres my email:
    i am a radio amateur in las vegas. im 15 years old. i support young people that are experimenting and learning about radio. i personaly have antennas mounted on the roof that allow me to provide long distance communications during an emergency. i can tell you that this is a very beneficial hobby that requires radio hardware like towers and antennas. but i also am an advocate for saftey. if the tower is not secure and will endanger ANYONE, steps should be taken to fix it. if this amateur has his act together i can tell you that the benefits of having emergency communications will outweigh the cosmetic effect of the tower. the word "amateur" is really a misnomer. we are all very professional about or "hobby" please check this website:
    Please understand
  4. W7IVK

    W7IVK Ham Member QRZ Page

    and this is what i got back:

    "Thank you for your comments. Without knowing any of the facts, however, I find it hard for you to make a judgment regarding this case."

    i predict that this kid wont win the fight
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