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Central Philippines earthquake update

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Feb 7, 2012.

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  1. G4TUT/SK2022

    G4TUT/SK2022 Ham Member QRZ Page

    Central Philippines earthquake update

    Communications have been set up on HF as the emergency activity of amateur radio becomes established in the earthquake and landslide hit areas.

    Chief Operating Officer for IARU society PARA, Eddie Valdez DU1EV said that Ham Emergency Radio Operations (HEROs) has activated the emergency frequencies of 144.740 MHz and 7.095 MHz.

    Eddie DU1EV said 'They have established their command centre on board the Philippine Coast Guard search and rescue vessel BRP Davao del Norte. HEROs have been busy forwarding traffic from the disaster areas to Cebu and Manila.'

    Rescue workers are searching for survivors after the 6.7-magnitude quake earthquake killed dozens of people. The death toll is 43 but rescuers are still searching for missing people in the rubble and landslides.

    It struck just before noon local time on Monday in the heavily populated islands of Negros and Cebu in the country's central region.

    Eddie DU1EV said that the traffic handled included mainly responding to overseas inquiries for persons looking for information about their family and friends in the earthquake areas.

    He said 'As land lines and cellular phones have been erratic, amateur radio has provided a vital link. Among the active HEROs are RJ DU7RJA, Roy DU7DDJ, DW7XKS and, DW7RDX.

    'Alvin DU1AJ/7 has set up his station so that it could act as relay for the HEROs at the earthquake stricken areas. He receives and sends traffic via HF, VHF, echolink and Facebook.

    'In Manila, HEROs operatives Butch DU1RP and Lito DU1PA have set up camp at the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC) under the Department of Defence.'

    They are active on HF and they act as liaison between the disaster area and the NDRRMC command centre in Manila, reported Eddie DU1EV.

    Jim Linton VK3PC

    Chairman, IARU Region 3,
    Disaster Communication Committee.

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  2. KF7RHB

    KF7RHB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good luck and 73 to the hams operating in this tragic situation.
    Prayers for all those affected by the earthquakes and storms.
  3. AF6LJ

    AF6LJ Ham Member QRZ Page

  4. KC8YHW

    KC8YHW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Main stream media is preoccupied with did that woman flip off America?
  5. AF6LJ

    AF6LJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    They are also ramping up the hype for the next false flag terror attack to come later this year.
  6. WA6TKD

    WA6TKD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Syria? Iran? or both? It's an election year, I don't expect any 'new wars' unless attacked first.
  7. K9ASE

    K9ASE XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  8. N4WPG

    N4WPG Guest

    i hope all goes well .earthquakes no fun. good work to the hamx in minilla and neargy/ lloyd
  9. KX0Z

    KX0Z Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have several friends in Cebu City. Both said it shook fairly well. One friend was in the basement of Gaisano Mall in Lapu Lapu City and everyone ran out as the earthquake hit. Then afterwards there was a Tsunami scare and lots of people were running around panicking (sp). I did see a video of a small Tsunami maybe a couple feet in height roll in. Doesn't sound like much if any damage on Cebu Island, but Negros Oriental and the city of Dumaguete has some fairly heavy damage and unfortunately some loss of life..
  10. K9LMR

    K9LMR Ham Member QRZ Page

    >>Chief Operating Officer for IARU society PARA, Eddie Valdez DU1EV said that Ham Emergency Radio Operations (HEROs) has activated the emergency frequencies of 144.740 MHz and 7.095 MHz.<<

    Despite the ARRL's claims that amateur radio is available to help save lives in this type of event, they are apparently unwilling to yield 7.095 MHz for disaster operations. Their deliberate RTTY transmissions continue to jam reception of 7.095 MHz.
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