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California AB-1785 signed - Bans Ham Radio Usage in Vehicle

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K6ZOO, Oct 27, 2016.

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  1. NM7L

    NM7L Ham Member QRZ Page

    What a waste of bandwidth ...
  2. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    California has some whacked out rules.

    Everything causes cancer there, Even the drinking water.
  3. KV4WM

    KV4WM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    What do you think the FCC and ARRL will do with this OVER REGULATION. California is over reaching into FCC territory in my humble opinion, but it's the left coast, what can we expect.
    N4GST likes this.
  4. K5CLM

    K5CLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    (e) This section does not apply to an emergency services professional using an electronic wireless communications device while operating an authorized emergency vehicle, as defined in Section 165, in the course and scope of his or her duties.

    So the law doesnt apply to them
  5. KA6WKE

    KA6WKE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm reading it as you can't have the radio itself in your hand - wireless device. A mic on a cable isn't wireless; it's connected to the radio. Now it could mean that a wireless mic is considered a wireless device and can't be used. But yeah, CA does make it hard to live here. As far as hands free cell, that's a total joke. Too many people hold the phone in their hand while on speaker.
  6. W2MYA

    W2MYA Ham Member QRZ Page

    As if these knuckleheads don't really have enough important things to do!People driving a half hour after sunset with a dark color car on a
    dull dreary day when visibility is poor,drivers turning w/o turn signals on.Driving in the rain w/o wipers on,weaving in and out of traffic lanes,
    tailgating,speeding,etc. are there not enough violations being performed to keep the police busy?EXPLANATION:Knuckleheads=The government
    lawmakers,not the police!! The next thing we'll hear is someone sitting at a red light picking up a container of coffee will be ticketed! Vy73,
    Respectfully,Gregory L.Mitchell-W2MYA, W.Caldwell,N.J.
    N4GST and WD4DXQ like this.
  7. W2MYA

    W2MYA Ham Member QRZ Page

    ABOVE PLEASE: Meaning driving after sunset or on a dark rainy day w/o HEADLIGHTS ON !!
    TU,73, W2MYA
  8. K7XRL

    K7XRL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Government consistently exempts itself from the restrictions it imposes on the people who fund it.

    The law should apply to government employees as well as private citizens. And if a government employee can be trained to operate a radio in a moving vehicle safely, the same training course should be offered to citizens to allow them to be exempt from the law as well.
  9. N1EN

    N1EN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Do you really think cops are actually trained in special tricks to using their computers while in motion?

    Public emergency and law enforcement personnel is a market segment where the development of voice-recognition tools would be most welcome.
    N4GST and K7XRL like this.
  10. DM3BC

    DM3BC Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's called a distracted driver law. The operator of a motor vehicle needs to have control of his or her vehicle at all times. We who took driver education learned that. Even hands free ops for cell phones can not keep an operator from being distracted. Even a nasty argument with the person sitting next to an operator can be distracting and cause an accident. Nowadays, drivers seem to be doing everything else in their vehicles instead of focusing on driving them.

    Where I live there have been too many one-car accidents on sunny days, dry pavement straightaways, no oncoming traffic. The drivers simply ran off the road and usually hit a tree. The tree always won that argument. The driver DOA. I think we can all assume the driver was distracted somehow. Probably diddling on his/her smartphone or tablet. My mother-in-law was fond of saying about these kinds of stupid people, "Out of the gene pool!"

    If my wife or kid were killed or injured by some idiot who couldn't keep his hands and eyes off his radio/smartphone/tablet while driving, I would wrap his mic cord and antenna around his neck very tightly and stuff the the goddamned thing down his throat.

    Police, fire trucks and emergency responders have exceptions to these laws. They also are allowed to drive through red lights and stop signs when their lights are flashing and they are blowing their sirens. They too, must answer when they cause an accident.

    You don't piss in your car either.
  11. K7XRL

    K7XRL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Of course not. But that is the usual argument for why police are allowed exemptions to traffic laws. "Better training."

    My position is that a government paycheck does not endow ordinary people with extraordinary abilities. So, what is safe for government employees, must also be safe for ordinary citizens.
    K8AI, N4GST and WD4DXQ like this.
  12. K7XRL

    K7XRL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Would you wrap the cord around an ambulance driver's neck and shove his radio down his throat under the same circumstances? A police officer? Border patrol?
    N4GST and KG7VTO like this.
  13. N1EN

    N1EN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    The thing is, it's not considered safe. Police departments and ambulance drivers regularly lose in civil court when their distraction contributes to accidents.

    It's just that the legislators aren't making this particular form of distracted driving a ticketable offense.
  14. DM3BC

    DM3BC Ham Member QRZ Page

    You betcha! But most likely it would be some idiot who mixes up his priorites of playing with his equipment and operating a motor vehicle. Drive like your life depended on it. And the lives of others. Believe it or not, some traffic rules do make sense if one has a mind capable of it.
    WA8FOZ and K7XRL like this.
  15. KD7YVV

    KD7YVV Ham Member QRZ Page

    I wonder how this law would affect people in ARES? I know RACES has government protection.
    I'm of the opinion, if the feds say I can, the state can't say I can't. (Say that 3 times fast).
    Hams and CB'ers have been operating in their vehicles for 70+ years. I think CA is going to get a nice tap
    on the shoulder from Uncle Charlie going "uhm....excuse me....."
    N4GST likes this.

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