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Brand new digital mode testing...thoughts?

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by N2NXZ, Feb 15, 2018.

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  1. N2NXZ

    N2NXZ Guest

    Hello all,
    After several years now as a "weak" signal mode user of modes such as WSPR , JT9 , Opera , JT65,QRSS and the rest of them,I have decided it was getting harder to cut through the limited band space where now the waterfall is filled with many old and new modes. I realize that new and older modes are allocated certain portions of each band,but who cares right? After all,no one follows those stupid rules anyhow and besides...gotta get those piles of QSO`s soon as possible right RTTY guys? After all,what good is a small log book ? As many obviously have been doing,rather than "weak" signal mode, most tend to use 30-100w for WSPR , just has to be that way. I began to realize we need more new modes but how can we squeeze another in somewhere?
    Solution....who cares,just transmit anywhere you like (as most do anyhow) without care using this new technological digital mode. The theory here is not to follow any rule but get the QSO any way possible and what a better way than ditch the weak signal concept altogether and pump as much RF out as possible...say around 1kw? That will guarantee the QSO is made anywhere,anytime propagation or not !
    This new mode is designed with the "bob" and "weaving" method that is able to find it`s way around all other activity on the bands.No more need for special restrictive software that prevents you from transmitting out of band like WSJT does.Anyone can produce their own software as usual where you can freely transmit anywhere you set your dial.Not to mention,great for those that know nothing about band,install and start blasting out as much RF as you got.I think the many software developers currently will find having "restrictions' of where your dial is set will find this appropriate. Smart hams know where they should be anyhow using specific modes...not anymore.
    Hoping this new mode will be eventually be used ONLY by invite and special privileges providing the ARRL will sign on to this.The very few given the new power can then contest any time of year when they feel the need and maybe there will be a small fee for these few elite members.Just a thought and hope some of you take the time to check out the sample video/audio clip of this fantastic new concept. One more will be a 2 minute timeslot for this mode as well. We all know that only the most powerful and longest transmission will yield the best results ! 73
    Mode in testing -
    KP3FT likes this.
  2. KP3FT

    KP3FT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good post Jim. Include the WARC bands too! More contacts!
  3. N2NXZ

    N2NXZ Guest

    Thank you KP3FT. You seem to get it !
    Turn your beam to me and crank up that amp.Hope to grab your FT8 QSO .
    Looks like a good opening on 10.13870 and 14.09560 @ 1500 hz on my waterfall.
    I`ll be ready for RTTY if FT8 does not get through.
  4. WF4W

    WF4W Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've not noticed users of digital modes, besides RTTY, going outside their allocated spaces. 3y0c was planning to use a differnt freq. for FT8 but that's the only instance I've been aware of. PSK centers on their freq. FT8 on theirs, JT65 on theirs, and the myriad of others somewhere in between all of those.

    Your complaint about power has no merit as transmitted power is less detrimental to the mode than is transmitted RFI, poor audio, open mics, and just plain old poor operating practices.

    the new modes have generated a lot of activity, yes, and there are growing pains. But they really are relegated to very narrow portions of the band so not sure how it's effecting you to get you to the level of anger you seem to be...
  5. N2NXZ

    N2NXZ Guest happens a lot.Either by those who can care less or dummies.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2018

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