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ARISS SSTV transmissions April 11-14

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Apr 8, 2019.

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  1. K4DSP

    K4DSP Ham Member QRZ Page

    You did better than I did. I was actually watching the panadapter when the transmission started. Very strong and consistent carrier, but the audio was quite low. Still, it's exciting to receive an image from the ISS.
    Doug K4DSP

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  2. W2AAC

    W2AAC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    41319 8PM.jpg 41319 801PM.jpg April1319 130pm.jpg April1319 131pm.jpg

    Here are a couple images I received over the last 2 days in N.Y. Saw them all come in live. Pretty cool.
  3. K6MFW

    K6MFW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've noticed problems of not receiving images yesterday of I hear strong carrier but very low modulation. My PC froze up Friday 4-12 so I missed transmissions, I have MMSSTV running on a PC continously, it seems I'm never home whenever there is ISS pass. So far most stored images in History are all static except a couple with just very top recognizable image. Oh well at least I got three and submitted one, next will apply for an award.

    I remember Richard Garriott did lots of amateur radio activity from ISS including SSTV, a friend at NASA Ames Amateur Radio Club set up a PC to get images, I thought that was pretty cool. His dad Owen Garriott did the first human amateur radio from space from the Shuttle in 1983. I wonder if Owen wanted to setup a ham station on Skylab in 1973, lots of room on that station.

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