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APRS Operators support Ron Paul

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KC8WCC, Dec 1, 2007.

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  1. KC8WCC

    KC8WCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    This suggestion was made at the last meetup I attended.

    Interested APRS Op's who support Ron Paul are being asked to insert "friends of Ron Paul" in their stations postit text line.

    Wondering if this will go viral.

    Pretty cool idea.
  2. AB8XL

    AB8XL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sounds like a unique way to get more people to research a presidential hopeful the stands for Honesty, Freedom and Liberty. God knows this country needs every ounce of help it can get to change things for our children's future.

    Ron Paul 2008 - Hope for America
  3. AE6IP

    AE6IP Ham Member QRZ Page

    When you don't have any support you can't afford any advertising so you end up stealing ideas from the guerrilla marketing handbook.

    What's next for the candidate that jumped the shark?
  4. KC8WCC

    KC8WCC Ham Member QRZ Page

  5. AE6IP

    AE6IP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes, yes it does speak for itself.

    It says "shark, I have jumped thee".
  6. KC8WCC

    KC8WCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    You really watch too much TV. You know that stuff is bad for your brains.

    For the rest of the "normal" people reading this that have no idea what this guy is taking about reference;

    This also seems obvious.

    Last reply - I have other things to do then post tit-for-tat with a professional crap stirrer with 4500 QSZ posts.

    Have a nice life dude .........
  7. KC4YLV

    KC4YLV Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is fine, as long as you don't mind me adding "Ron Paul Is The Antichrist" to my APRS tag, as I believe.

    darn, this slope sure is slippery
  8. KC8WCC

    KC8WCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sir, I am for freedom and I love my country.  If this "IS" truely what you believe then by all mean please feel free to speak it in whatever method you see fit.

    73 .......
  9. K5GHS

    K5GHS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm leaving my tags alone, thanks.

    There are going to be a lot of people crying in their beer after the primary season. I wonder if he can give all that money back that he raised if he doesn't burn it all up somehow [​IMG]
  10. KC8WCC

    KC8WCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    That’s a good question.  I don't see why not.  He gives back the extra money his congressional office is budgeted yearly.

    This is one of those "once in a lifetime chances" to do something good for my grandkids future.  If it's all for nothing, then so be it.  At least I can say I didn't support the current criminals.  And no matter what, he has been able to bring up subjects that the main streamers refuse to address so it's a win-win situation regardless.  As I see this right now voting for any other republican candidate is a vote for Shillary.  Then we can continue the Bush's and Clinton's and Clinton's and Bush's dynasty another 4 years.  For god's sake, Bush Sr. and FOX news are supporting her.  They're all scared to death of this guy and it’s GREAT to see them on the scared for a change.  There are A LOT of people that are pissed off with the current leadership, both factions of the one party system they sell us as a 2 party deal.  I tend to agree that he doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of breaking thru the control grid they have established for the last 75 years but if I didn't TRY I'd have no room complaining later and at least I'll have a clear conscience.

  11. KE6ANM

    KE6ANM Ham Member QRZ Page

    lets just put this in perspective.........

    you guys are probably republicans, which means you probably voted for the single worst president in the history of this bush................TWICE.........
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  12. N2IZE

    N2IZE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ron Paul is not a viable candidate. He has no logical plan for middle class America. For those who feel that Paul's across the board elimination of regulatory agencies and deregulated free market behavior will benefit there kids and grandkids you've been sold a bill of goods. The man has no viable plan and is unelectable.
  13. KC8WCC

    KC8WCC Ham Member QRZ Page

  14. N2IZE

    N2IZE Ham Member QRZ Page

  15. KC8WCC

    KC8WCC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes, Teddy warned about the "military industrial complex" and he was 100% correct. Look where we have come. Ok, I'll bite. Paul's "plan" may be a bit scary but what are the alternatives? We've completely screwed things up and it's not going to fix itself overnight. The rest of the candidates, on both sides, are nothing, NOTHING but mainstream "WHORES". They are not interested in helping anything but themselves to "US". And as Paul has said, 99.9% of congress, the judges, and the executive need to be impeached and tried. The ones that are running are just as bad. I would much rather take a chance on an honest mans attempt to right things then a pack of CRIMINALS whom wish nothing but to maintain and increase their power base. Go ahead, put a name up here. I'll be back with enough dirt on them to sink a battleship. Try and find an ounce of dirt on Paul. My point is not that Paul is the die all end all - he's just a man. But his message of honesty and following the constitution is going to be hard to beat. I realize that most of the people in this country have become just as corrupt as the politicians, that IS a problem too. A corrupt population doesn't deserve freedom. I know they will try with every trick in the book to hold onto their power, but the movement has begun and whether it's Paul or another it needs to happen. This isn't about a man named Paul; it's about right and wrong. It's about honesty and criminals. It's about lies, theft, corruption, murder and the law of the land. And if anyone thinks for one second that the "easy life" is more important then honesty and integrity, well that’s what has brought us to this point in history and that is what will destroy this great country from within. We will never be destroyed by a foreign invader, never happen. It will be our own doing, turning the blind eye to what goes on. Always wanting "your piece of the pie" at any cost, always the end justifying the means. If we keep electing CRIMINALS we will get what we deserve. So if honesty and integrity are bad things, I'm totally guilty as charged.

    Best Regards,


    First they ignore you
    Then they laugh at you
    Then they attack you
    Then you win

    Tricks and treachery are the pratice of fools that don't have brains enough to be honest.
    -Benjamin Franklin

    " does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.."
    -- Samuel Adams
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