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8 August ISS Space Station Contact to Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) !

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by IW2BSF, Aug 8, 2017.

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  1. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    An International Space Station ARISS contact has been planned for astronaut Paolo Nespoli, IZ0JPA and the Youngsters on the Air event,

    which takes place at Gilwell Park - UK this week.

    The ARISS contact is scheduled for Tuesday, 8 August 2017 at approximately 1838UTC.

    This will be a direct radio contact, operated by GB4YOTA, and downlink signals will be audible in many parts of Europe on 145.800MHz narrowband FM.

    ISS contact is udible ONLY in Europe !!!

    Paolo, IZ0JPA will operate the HamVideo transmitter.

    The Goonhilly receiver will be activated sometime on 4 August 2017 and will remain active over the weekend, continuing to track the ISS until the morning of the 9th.

    Two internet video streams will be available.

    The main YOTA event stream is at and the ISS contact stream, starting at around 1740UTC on Tuesday,

    will be at

    You can also watch the ISS contact live on the RSGB’s YouTube channel at

    best 73 de IW2BSF - Rudy

  2. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page


    1. Do any of you experiment with ham radio in your free time when you are not obligated to work up there?

    2. Typically, how many ham-radio operators are there on the ISS?

    3. For ARISS contacts, what frequency bands, and how much power is used to communicate with the ground stations?

    4. What are some of the challenges with sending live HD video from space?

    5. How important do you consider your interest in amateur radio to your set of technical skills?

    6. What would you say to encourage YOTA attendees to continue with their interest in radio?

    7. How important is the amateur radio/ham radio setup to ISS backup communications?

    8. How do you maintain communications with the worldwide mission control centres?

    9. How many different types of communication systems does the ISS have?

    10. (ONLY IF HAMTV IS ACTIVE) Can you show us your favourite trick with a water droplet?

    11. Do you experience any ionizing phenomena in space that affects the wave propagation in a POSITIVE or NEGATIVE way?

    12. When using amateur radio/ham communication equipment in space, what kind of problems can cause difficulties How are these resolved?

    13. We are talking via voice (and video?). Can you use other modes, such as straight CW-keys onboard the ISS?

    14. What are the main differences between a contact with a ham ground station and a space agency ground station?

    15. What are the differences between the HDEV (High Definition Earth Viewing) camera and HamTV?”

    16. How many cargo supply ships are docked with the ISS at the moment and do they change the pattern of earth facing communications?”

    17. How do you see the ham radio system developing in the next decade?

    18. Does everything go according to plan or do parts break and need replacement. If so, do you have a repair facility on board?

    19. In space, can you use social media and messaging with others in the same way we use it on Earth?

    20. How does the oxygen and electricity production work on board of a spaceship?

    21. In which direction do plants grow onboard the space station?

    22. What do you do in case of a fire onboard the ISS?
  3. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    FAULT on Ericsson handy radio !

    on the pass at 20:21 UTC very strong signal (use the Kenwood radio in russian module ) on 145.800 and NO hamtv video !

    here my video:

    best 73 de IW2BSF
    KT5OT likes this.
  4. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    strange ......Paolo used for this contact to UK the callsing american NA1ISS ! 73
  5. KE8AQW

    KE8AQW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Do you know what his answer was for the first question? I'd really like to work the ISS on voice, but if none of them ever get on the air just for fun, then it is a waste of time to try and be near my radio on the most likely passes of the ISS. I'd also like if they had the voice repeater running. 73
  6. IZ8CKY

    IZ8CKY XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  7. IW2BSF

    IW2BSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    grazie IZ8CKY troppo onore che non merito, hi ! ciaooo un abbraccio 73 de Rudy
  8. YV5MKI

    YV5MKI XML Subscriber QRZ Page


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