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100 Watts and a Wire: Episode 41 is posted.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K0STH, May 2, 2016.

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  1. K0STH

    K0STH Ham Member QRZ Page

    On this episode, Christian describes last week's road trip to Lexington, KY. Specifically, the Pearl Jam concert and the damage done by the storm that pushed through Oklahoma, Texas and Missouri. Other topics include microphone shyness and a new Sunday morning Gathering of the Willing.

    100 Watts and a Wire ® is a weekly podcast celebrating amateur radio. Join Christian Cudnik, K0STH for topical conversation, interviews, news and an entertaining look at the adventures of a ham trying to figure it all out.100 Watts and a Wire is perfect for those who are new to ham radio, those looking to serve as Elmer’s, and the technically curious crowd. Whether you run 5 watts or 1500 watts, everyone is welcome. In our community, it's OK not to know everything, ask for help, give advice and get on the air.

    Please visit and subscribe to the show.

    Here's some more useful information.

    • 100 Watts and a Wire ®: Calling frequencies are 14287 and 7180. [+ or -]
    • 100 Watts and a Wire NET is Thursday on 40M at [01:00 UTC]. Try 7.180. first.

    K3TEF likes this.

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