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SteppIR CrankIR First Tests + News and Update

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VA2PV, Sep 2, 2019.

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  1. VA2PV

    VA2PV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello everyone,

    It’s been awhile since I posted a new video online. Here’s some news and update with the SteppIR CrankIR portable antenna first tests.

    During our test operating portable in the park, Robin VA2NRJ and I had the visit of Franck F4IGF who was on vacation in Canada. It was a pleasure to meet him with his wife.

    73 Pascal VA2PV

    W0FW likes this.
  2. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very well spoken guy, but like all ham videos, over half is the ham on camera and in this case the antenna setup part was 2 minutes or less with no explanation of how it goes together. Most hams are much worse because they love their own voices and usually drone on in almost a monotone for minutes at a time.

    This seems like a cool guy and at least I got to see the crankIR. Thanks!!

    If you make videos, do what I too had to learn the hard way:

    1. Minimum time on camera for the ham. Do voice over video or pictures if you have to talk.
    2. Get to the subject of the video in no more than 45-60 seconds into the video.
    3. Hams have short attention spans. Demos should be no more than 5 minutes. If you have more to show, have a part 2.
    4. If you need to do an on video mostly on camera, limit it to 2 minutes.
    5. If you have any product plugs to do, save them till the end, not before or during demonstrations.
    6. Practice before shooting the video. This guy got it right in that he knew what he wanted to say and got it out.
    N7UJU, KC5MOL, W7XLR and 7 others like this.
  3. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    We'll that was a nothing sandwich!!!

    What a waste!! I want my 6 minutes back.

    4 minutes to tell us there's actually no review, because you failed to charge a battery. How dumb! Two thumbs down.

    Note to everyone: do not watch. Do something else instead.
    AJ6MA, KC5MOL, WA6JFK and 2 others like this.
  4. WJ4U

    WJ4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    What a switch - the guy who often disses posts offers great advice while another guy pans the video.

    I thought, like most "news" today, it was pretty entertaining if not exactly informative.
    KV6D, N9NY and AK5B like this.
  5. AK5B

    AK5B XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Good dragonfly video.
    W7XLR and VA2PV like this.
  6. VA2PV

    VA2PV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi Charles, the next video will be showing the step-by-step assembly. My friend and I are getting more and more familiar setting it up, as we gain experience this will improve the next video. Please take a look at my YouTube channel and check out the SteppIR UrbanBeam video series, I will try to be as details as this one.

    73 Pascal VA2PV
    KF4ZKU and NZ5F like this.
  7. VA2PV

    VA2PV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The battery was fully charged but I never tried it out in the field before. After 15 minutes it couldn't keep up with the demands, instead of scrapping the video I decided to post it anyway while providing a few updates. Sorry I wasted your time. 73 Pascal VA2PV
  8. VA2PV

    VA2PV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi, this is not usually my type of video review, but hope it was entertaining anyway and thanks for watching. 73 Pascal VA2PV
  9. KA2K

    KA2K XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I like all of your videos. Thanks for reminding us that like the rest of us, you also have a life that doesn't always revolve around ham radio. I hope you had fun on your vacation with the family. Enjoy the new deck and pool.
  10. W5MIL

    W5MIL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very informative and I'd love to have a SmallIR or BigIR antenna as a stealth solution on the roof of my condo. Unfortunately, they are outrageously expensive for what I antenna that remotely retracts when not operating.
  11. NU4R

    NU4R Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good morning Pascal! Good job sir!

    73! Greg
  12. AK5B

    AK5B XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    While I can see both sides of all the comments posted so far I am grateful for actually getting a decent glimpse at this intriguing cranking wire contraption. I am curious about the design; is it some sort of folded loop or is it a linear-loaded vertical? Doesn't appear to have radials so I am puzzled. Approximate cost would be of interest, too. I'm also curious about the VNA mounted on the antenna; is that included or a user-installed option? Neat-o!

    I look forward to the follow-up, and judging by Pascal's previous videos I bet it will bear a lot more substance than this ill-fated first field attempt...

    Sometimes we are dealt unforeseen setbacks where we can either choose to give up entirely or forge ahead and make the best of it that we can.

    Bon chance avec la prochaine, Pascal et merci partout!

    KF4ZKU and KM6CND like this.
  13. K9ZW

    K9ZW QRZ Lifetime Member #262 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Looking forward the second video VA2PV has promised.

    I liked seeing the analyzer and would enjoy seeing more about its usage.

    I have found it quicker to thread my CrankIR with the mast collapsed and then to pull out each section starting with the smallest. The hose clamps are a must and helpful is a wrap of tape to keep your clamps from coming off their respective sections. That doesn't work very well if you want to collapse everything to the bag.

    Not certain if the radial reel is still an accessory, but it makes a great deal of performance difference if you don't have it deployed.

    I've a few pictures of the unit I've used for a number of years (about five I think):



  14. WB6FQZ

    WB6FQZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well that was a big zero!
  15. WK0P

    WK0P Ham Member QRZ Page

    I will be happy to give my personal review after having owned a Crank IR for about two years. Use it with the RV, mostly.

    Works very well, easy to set up...I have an antenna analyzer that sure helps.

    Other than that, able to work the world JAs and VKs 4o meters with 100 watts from Denver Metro, Colorado.

    Seems to be holding up quite well, too.

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