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Yaesu FT-818 -- The FT-817ND Replacement Available Soon

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4LKO, Feb 23, 2018.

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  1. KK5R

    KK5R Ham Member QRZ Page

    I went to RandL's website and pulled up the 818 ad. Looking at the image, it does seem that the image is 'shopped since the FT-818 is not really centered in the available space. I'm not familiar with the 817 enough to note if it is merely a 'shopped copy of the 817 image. It does seem questionable, though.

    My guess? There is a new radio, the FT-818, but the opinion circus we see here is a valid way to see how much interest there is in a so-called upgrade and possibly to generate more interest ($$$) in the radio. For what it is, the reason most people buy the FT-817 is because it serves a purpose and many like it.

    Power output is important but more important to me is the receiver. I have an FT-450 and think it's unbeatable, mostly because of the receiver. However, I have to emphasize that everyone's taste is in his own mouth. The 450 is a more likable radio to me due to the DSP signal conditioning and I was surprised that the lowly 817 did not have DSP... Even the IC-718 has the option of adding a module that's not much bigger than an old Zippo lighters, stacked on top of each other.

    I would not be surprised if the 818 comes out and it does not look like a more polished 817. I believe it will have several distinctive differences to the 817 and it may be that Yaesu has several options available for the final version but they are waiting to get feedback (like here) to see what people are wanting and are willing to pay for. It may be a more modern "type" of radio like the 817 but they are calling it an upgrade to get attention.

    They are certainly not in a hurry to put out a new version of the 817 if it means getting rid of a popular radio. That is not smart, business-wise. They would not like to see older radios passed off as undesirable, in some way.

    Making it "an enhanced version of an old favorite" would be a great advertising slant for the new radio but it would also be good company-wise if they kept on with the 817 and presented the 818 as a much improved, next tier up radio that is not meant to compete with the 817 but is somewhat like the KX2 and KX3 where they are very similar but offer features that are desirable to two distinctly different user groups. For example, many would opt for an 818 that was an HF +6 radio with 10-15W but without the UHF features. It would fit a niche that the 817 does not and the removal of the UHF bands could even provide the space for the electronics (if they wanted to keep the same general dimensions) that could give more power. It could even include a small fan laptop type fan which automatically switches on when the temperature rises too high.

    I'm sure Yaesu is thinking about many things like the above plus other things that I cannot imagine. They were not born in the dark.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
  2. W5CJA

    W5CJA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm a HUGE fan of the 817nd. I'm on my second personally owned model and have taken it portable many times. Seeing this "revision" has left me utterly disappointed. I was hoping for some modern tech, an upgraded display, perhaps DSP, and other modern connectivity options. I guess I'll stay with my 817nd and wonder if Yaesu really wants to be competitive in the 21st century when it concerns qrp portable transceivers.
  3. N6MEJ

    N6MEJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Try as I might....I have been unable to find any announcement by Yaesu, formally announcing the FT-818, nor is there any mention of the “new” radio on their website.

    I cannot imagine Yaesu funding the design and production of a new rig with so few noted upgrades.

    Right now, gotta call this bogus.....

    The FT-817 is a great rig and I have used mine for years now. It would be nice to see a modern design, in the same compact and rugged footprint of the current model.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
  4. N6MEJ

    N6MEJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just received my March QST...lo and behold, the usual two page Yaesu advert, displays the FT-817ND as the current model. Of note, the HRO add in The magazine does not display the FT-817 or FT-818...unusual for their ads.

    So yeah, something may be up.
  5. N7DFL

    N7DFL Ham Member QRZ Page

    There's a post on the Official Yaesu Facebook page regarding this radio. John Kruk has confirmed that it's a running change for component shortages with a few improvements and a list price of $980!
  6. KC7JNJ

    KC7JNJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    That was such a let down. I would say if you want one save some money and get a 817nd while you can.
    KK5R and VK3BL like this.
  7. W6UXB

    W6UXB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I can't believe how many FT-817 ND's are up for sale now, I bought mine used before the 'news' broke I could have saved a few doubloons but still very happy I have the BHI DSP install (absolutely brilliant thanks Andy WD8BWW) and use a Bienno LiFePo4 4 1/2 AH battery, works great! no FT-818 for me
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
    K8KET likes this.
  8. N6MEJ

    N6MEJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I stand corrected. It is astounding to me that the first public announcement by Yaesu, would be on FaceBook of all places. But hey...I’m old. :cool:
  9. KK6FR

    KK6FR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, this is the 2nd "RE-DO" bummer from Yaesu, look at the FT-2900, to the "new" FT-2980 (same radio) A whopping 5 more watts REALLY YAESU... WTF???? And you can turn the power up to 100 watts on the 2900 your self. It has a 300 watt heat sink. It's Easy to do in the service menu. And I have 3 of them running that way for years now, so don't tell me "It's not good to do that" the point is, you could turn the radio up to 80, 85, 90, watts yourself.

    I wonder what comes after the FT-5000 MPL ??? Looks like Yaesu will likley screw that up too.
  10. AB9TX

    AB9TX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yaseu could just repackage the Ft-891 with 10 watts and a real usb port. Done.
  11. KB4MNG

    KB4MNG Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is a "bone head" mistake, how could they get this wrong. This could have been the ultimate radio and all we get are these upgrades?
    KK5R, MW1CFN and VK3BL like this.
  12. VK3BL

    VK3BL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yaesu's FT-818 is currently the year's number 1 contender for 'Golden Screwdriver + eBay Pack' winner of the year.

    With a nice external battery, and a cheap ebay TXCO, most of us already have its features!!!
  13. MW1CFN

    MW1CFN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Maybe. But most manufacturing opts for more (often very tokenistic or marginal utility) features to keep selling their wares at a price they perceive people have come to expect to pay.

    I'm all for people making a decent living from making good items. But one has to ask, after 100 years of development and mass markets, why HF radios STILL cost so much.
    G3SEA and KK5R like this.
  14. KN3O

    KN3O Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's hard to believe that the industry has changed so much since I first got on the air in 2015. I continue to be unimpressed with Yaesu, does Kenwood still know HF exists, and Icom is blowing up the industry. Elecraft's continuous rise has also been impressive.

    This radio would have been a worthy upgrade around 2009-10, but in 2018 it is old tech. This rig doesn't get Yaesu any market share, the same people that would have bought the 817 before will buy the 818 instead, but it won't draw in anyone new.
    G3SEA, VE3TCV and VE7DXW like this.
  15. KI7KVI

    KI7KVI Ham Member QRZ Page

    The reaction here to the FT818 is very similar to reaction of Pentax users to the Pentax K-1 II. The high end electronics industry is shrinking and established companies are uncertain how to react.
    MW1CFN, VE7DXW and KK5R like this.

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