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Ofcom 27 MHz CB and 915 MHz Consultations

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G4TUT/SK2022, Apr 19, 2014.

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  1. G4TUT/SK2022

    G4TUT/SK2022 Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ofcom 27 MHz CB and 915 MHz Consultations

    Ofcom has published a public consultation on draft regulations, the Wireless Telegraphy (Exemption and Amendment) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 and a Decision to make the Wireless Telegraphy (Mobile Communications Services on Aircraft) (Exemption) Regulations 2014

    The proposed Wireless Telegraphy Exemption regulations would implement the following previous decisions by Ofcom:

    • authorise the use of 870 to 876 MHz and 915 to 921 MHz for a number of short range devices on a licence-exempt basis (following a statement in April 2014);
    • enable the land-based use of Earth Stations on Moving Platforms on a licence-exempt basis (following a statement in January 2014); and
    • allow two different Amplitude Modulation (AM) modes of operation to be used for Citizens’ Band radio on a licence-exempt basis (following a statement in December 2013).

    The consultation closes on May 19, 2014.

    In addition Ofcom has published a statement on its decision to make the Wireless Telegraphy (Mobile Communication Services on Aircraft) (Exemption) Regulations 2014.

    The regulations implement a European Commission Decision by extending the current licence exemption arrangements for the use of mobile terminals when connecting to mobile communication services on aircraft to include 3G and 4G technologies.



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  2. M1WML

    M1WML Ham Member QRZ Page

    where,s the mention of ssb... :confused: that,s what we realy want... ofcom..
  3. G4LNA

    G4LNA Ham Member QRZ Page

  4. M3KXZ

    M3KXZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is there and clearly mentioned many times throughout the consultation document.
  5. MM0KFX

    MM0KFX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not sure this announcement is newsworthy. Why bother with 11m if you're licensed?
  6. G6UDX

    G6UDX Ham Member QRZ Page

    With the amount of spectrum available to us, for all sorts of modes, why should "we" want that?
  7. KG5RZ

    KG5RZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not all of my friends and family are licensed. CB helps the group stay together on the trip.
  8. G6UDX

    G6UDX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I don't have any hang ups with CB. But CB is CB; and FM is perfectly suitable for group trips in the EU. I would hazard many of the campaigners for SSB are also those to be found around 27.555MHz.
  9. KG5RZ

    KG5RZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would like very much to have the FM option. Add CTCSS to cut down on the long distance interference and it would make the trip more enjoyable.
  10. AC4BB

    AC4BB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Definitely NOT amateur radio news. Back page news at best.
  11. AB8RU

    AB8RU Ham Member QRZ Page

    As to the American side of things 26.965 (CB CH 1) to 27.405 ( CB CH 40) is still AM & SSB which is covered under Part 95 renamed personal communications with the Radio Control Channels off limits to any Yackety Yack. Only the other side of the world can do what they want, it does not affect us. which I heard the radio traffic subsided.
  12. M0JFE

    M0JFE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Lets clear this up from July Ofcom have aloud ssb on ONLY the CEPT 40 channels as well as AM but the original 27/81 40 channels remain FM so in answer to those who don't get it 27.555 will remain ileagal but what this means is that it brings the UK in line with EUROPE which makes sense.
    Ofcom is a UK only body so only affects UK advantage is for truckers who travel through Europe when the FCC pass a regulation it does nothing to what the UK does.Please read and understand the class of emission on the licence exempt uhf section it is not as plain as first thought.
  13. SM0AOM

    SM0AOM Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is "a sign of the times".

    In many countries, including Sweden, amateur radio and CB have drifted together as a consequence of the lowered examination standards. Several national societies have advocated "quantity before quality" as a means for trying to keep the membership numbers from falling dramatically, which have had no measurable effect.

    When amateur radio and CB finally have become indistinguishable from each other, there will not be any valid arguments for keeping the amateur service frequency bands.

  14. M0SYY

    M0SYY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think I heard somewhere that you will be allowed 25 watts on the CB frequencies which seems a bit harsh on the Licenced Foundation amateur's running 10 watts ?
  15. AC4BB

    AC4BB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Will the U.K. participate in Da-bowl?
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