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Ham Guru and Genius Search Continues - Part III

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by Guest, Jan 26, 2002.

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  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Art N9AS Simpson 260 writes:
    You ask all of the other hams about our Guru and Genius hams and they tell it correctly. They are considerate, loyal, progressive, friendly, balanced in life, and very patriotic to country and community.

    Is the Amateur's code patterned after our Guru and Genius hams or is it that they have found themselves in a pattern in life that strictly
    re-enforces the Amateur's code?

    Don't we all find the Ham Guru or Genius of days past and present with the above consideration for others whether it be hams, families, friends or new acquaintances?

    We find it refreshing to be included in the circle of such people. There is a new sense of excitement, adventure and familiarity when we are privileged to be in the company of such hams. Just as in years past it's a renewal of hope for amateur radio.

    Picture this scenario!

    At a grand dinner with some of the world's most important people to have ever served mankind were three ham radio operators. It wasn't clear who the honored guest was that memorable night. Word had it that it was a ham from the United States. The honored guest requested that his wineglass be filled with grape juice in order to not deny those who wished their glass to be filled with wine.

    As the wine steward served the honored guest, the glass was filled to brim and overflowed. The red grape juice slid down the honored
    guest's suit coat and onto his white shirt. The wine steward began to tremble. Out loud he spoke "Sir, a lesser man I could have served PERFECTLY!"

    The ham operator replied "Thank you old man for the reminder for it is I who must serve mankind more perfectly.

    Our search for Ham Guru and Genius qualities continues. We don't have to search far as we found several on one of the more active frequencies on 75 meters. We explore some of their accomplishments in the amateur radio world.

    We'll include several hams that fit into the described category of Ham Guru and Genius in this article. This article can in no wise cover all who fit our category. Further articles will continue the recognition of other deserving hams. Out intentions are to show the great presentation of ham radio to others and those who look to the sky and light up the airwaves.

    Lets look at some of Bill, N4VMY's world!
    We have had so many comments about Bill, N4VMY and we'll include as many as we can without extending the article beyond short reading time.

    Jim, KJ9T shares some of his reflections as well as providing some wonderful links.

    "I have three of his transmitters in my possession and believe me they are of the finest craftsmanship that I have ever seen.
    I need to take some pictures of the 152TH transmitter that Bill rebuilt and redesigned. The story of this transmitter is as follows: Bruce, W9OTN, built the transmitter when he was 17 years old.
    At that time the tube lineup was comprised of a pair of 304TL's in push pull, modulated by four 810's. The transmitter was sold and out of Bruce's hands for many years.


    <br clear="left">

    When he reacquired the piece, the wiring had deteriorated and the transmitter had been modified severely. Bruce gave the transmitter to Bill with the understanding that if Bill would redesign and rebuild the transmitter and market it, that the money would be donated to a missionary in Haiti.

    Bill rebuilt the RF deck with a pair of 304TL's in push pull, but with a right angle drive so the B&W butter fly tuning cap was located
    at the rear of the deck and the tubes located in front of the chassis in plain view of the picture window.



    The modulation deck was scrapped and a new deck constructed with a pair of 304TL's in class AB1. The exception and audio was supplied by a modified DX-100. The 1625's connected in triode configuration and bias changed to allow them to operate in class A. An RCA 500 watt modulation transformer and a modulation reactor are also a part of the lineup.

    I in turn purchased the end result of both Bruce and Bill's efforts. I operate this transmitter exclusively on 160 meters at present and it works flawlessly. The purchase was donated.

    This is an example of the selflessness of Bruce Balsley and Bill Decker. Also this is an example of the fellowship that we have within the confines of the group that hangs out on 3.875.


    On Kilowatt Alley you can find a very interesting history of the Collin 16E-5 transmitter that Bill also built and I operate at my station.

    [*]Collins 16E5


    The "Clydesdale" that also appears on Kilowatt Alley is another example of Bill's fine craftsmanship. I operate all three of these transmitters nearly every day and I cannot tell you how proud I am that Bill allowed me to purchase them.



    I know Bill derives so much pleasure out of hearing the results of his labors on the air regularly. Indeed that makes me very happy.

    Bill is probably one of the most selfless people that I have the privilege of knowing. He is an asset to the community, the church, and more importantly to our group.

    I know much of this information will be very informative to the readers."

    Tom, AAØPO feels N4VMY knows more about high voltage and amplifiers, rebuilding and improving ancient boat anchors than most of us in the hobby will ever know or learn. He has a very keen mind, and once learned, will retain the information forever. Perhaps he has forgotten more than a lot of us will ever learn...if you follow my thinking.

    Bob Heil, K9EID commented "I just came back from Springfield, Mo (mother in law lives there).
    A group of the 3875 gang met at Bill Dennison’s KØVCD. Bill Decker, N4VMY drove that long distance and was there to enjoy a wonderful day with everyone. Bill is very soft spoken and is extremely knowledgeable about many subjects.

    His heart is definitely into preserving the true foundation of what amateur was back in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s.
    Unfortunately the hobby took a turn somewhere in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Designing, building and properly operating your equipment sort of went out the window for many – but not Bill Decker. He is the mainstay of the 3875 group and holds high and mighty the true amateur radio.

    Along with all of that Bill is one of the very talented designers and builders of ‘real radios’…heavy iron
    as we like to call it. His love for all of the early equipment shows in his dedication to see it continue to be in service and communicate with those that share that wonderful technology of years gone by but never forgotten….especially around 3875 each evening !

    God Bless Bill for his sacrifices to keep the hobby as good as we can make it. Those of us that admire him and are
    lucky enough to be called his friend honor his time and talent.

    If there ever was a reason for cloning of the human being, Bill Decker would be one of my first candidates!"

    Bob, K9EID indicated "I'l like to tell you the story of the 32V3 on the back of Bill's's this for a heck of a guy and his will to keep these great pieces of artwork known as AM transmitters alive...

    Mike KD9AW restored the 32V3 he owned and operated for several years. Mike is getting some health problems that don't allow him to carry and move heavy things Mike decided he wanted the 32 to live on and not end up on Ebay, so he gave it to me!

    He called me a few weeks ago and told me he wanted to do this...I couldn't pay him for it - he just wanted to do this. So Mike took it to Kevin's house in Chicago and Jimmy KJ9T drove over there -loaded it into his truck and was headed to his farm down here near Cairo, IL.

    Bill was going to Springfield to the gathering so he left a day early so he could stop by Jim's. Spent the night, loaded up the 32V3 and drove to Springfield whereupon I backed my Durango up to Bill's truck and we unloaded as these pictures were taken.

    [​IMG] <br clear="right">

    <h2> N4VMY, K9EID, and KØZDQ </h2>

    Now THAT is some of the warm fuzzies that happen between friends on 3875 !! Thought you would like to know.. 73 BOB HEIL See you on 75 on 75, Bill!"



    [*]<a href="">PICTURE THIS - - - interesting photos from Bob --- updated often<a>

    <a href= ""> dio.htm</a

    Bob Heil, K9EID remarked " I saw the wonderful article about Bruce, W9OTN. Talk to Bruce just about each night on 3875. Amateur radio was founded upon the credentials of those of us that know what to do with a soldering iron – and do it! I truly hope that you can continue to spread the word to the community about those tireless operators that give so much to keeping this an educational and fun experience. "

    260 replied "Your comments are in the mix and it really is looking like a wonderful chapter ER....RR....
    I mean Book of the 3875 group.

    Two more of our Guru and Genius hams! K9EID, N4VMY [​IMG]
    I have heard the pleasure in other hams voices because of Bob Heil over the years. I am sure it is the Heil microphones as well as the man who makes them."

    In the Guru and Genius articles it is difficult to do justice to such icons especially when our fellow hams bring our own dreams into reality. But isn't that what Amateur Radio is about?

    Previous Guru and Genius discoveries include W9OTN, W9PKC and KE9UW.

    Thank you & 73 om,

    [​IMG] </a>

    Shall we continue this project of Guru and Genius within ham radio?

    email Art - N9AS - Simpson 260
    <a href="">
    [​IMG] </a>
  2. K8CPA

    K8CPA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great Story! Glad to be one of the many late nite listeners on 3875.

    73 de K8CPA

  3. KE4MOB

    KE4MOB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Let's go...I mean, continue, this fine piece of work. The pictures alone speak volumes of the knowledge and dedication put forth into ham radio--every time I see one I go WOW!! I have a complete set of 1937 QST's, and looking at the pictures instantaneously takes me back to those yellowed pages, now over 60 years old. The transmitters, the receivers, the TUBES!! WE NEED THIS TO SURVIVE AS A VIABLE SERVICE!! If we forget our past, we can kiss the future goodbye!!

    I will gladly "sit on the knee" of an original 1x2 or 1x3 and learn the heritage of ham radio. Sometimes, it seems like we have forgotten that on the convenience of 12 volt transistors we have forgotten the sweat and toil of HV tubes!

    Steve, KE4MOB
  4. K3EU

    K3EU Ham Member QRZ Page

    "Shall we continue this project of Guru and Genius within ham radio?"

    Two remarks:

    A.) The accomplishments of these amateurs seem almost impossible to properly quantify, and the rest of us should view them as a fine example of what it means to be a good ham. My hat is off.

    B.) That said, I need to point out, even at the risk of someone taking offense, that these articles border on the unreadable. This one, for example, started with a parable about certain unnamed ham radio operators that to me felt like I was reading some kind of inside joke (I didn't know who these people were or quite why I was reading about them but somebody obviously wrote it for a purpose), then jumped straight into discussion about Bill before seeming to change the focus of the article to Bob Heil. I finally got the point of everything and commend the effort, but I think the style and structure of these articles is hindering our ability to get the most out of them.

    Please consider more careful editing, including a spell/grammar check and the construction of a more organized and transitional structure rather than the loose format where connections between people and things become blurry and difficult to draw.

    My point here is not to play English teacher or act unnecessarily judgemental; it is, rather, to point out the way what you write is being perceived. I sincerely appreciate a positive article on this website, particularly one about fellow hams making such constructive use of their licenses and knowledge, and hope you continue your project.
  5. W8QF

    W8QF Guest

    I have listened to the fella's on 3875 for a long time.My elmer W8RTL/SK told me back many years ago you have 2 eye's,2 ear's but only one mouth,and if you watch and listen twice as much as you talk you will become wiser in a shorter peroid of time.Listen to these guy's long enough and do a little experimenting on your own and you could gain the knowledge of the masters.TNX guy's,I listen from the mobile most of the time.Dave AE8U
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