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Yaesu FT-818 -- The FT-817ND Replacement Available Soon

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4LKO, Feb 23, 2018.

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  1. VE7DXW

    VE7DXW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Increased Battery Capacity to 1800mAh.... My current FT-817 uses 2500mAh MH batteries so this is a big bust.

    There is no reason to upgrade to a radio that is no upgrade!

    All the best;

    Alex - VE7DXW
    N6MEJ, WD9EWK and KK5R like this.
  2. KC7JNJ

    KC7JNJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    It makes me wonder if Yeasu’s design team even takes out their own designs and plays with them. Anyone who has spent any time with 817nd outside working HF could easily see what needs to be changed. Yeasu must really be in dire straights to put a design like this out. They must not have the money to do anything more. At this price point and having to add needed filters and DSP on top of that, makes it very easy for me to justify one of the Elecraft KX’s.
    G3SEA, AB0RE and KK5R like this.
  3. KF7CLH

    KF7CLH Ham Member QRZ Page

    I wish people would stop whining about the radio they haven't seen yet. Will the display be improved? I'm sure there is more features than 4 or 5, Yaesu engineers are pretty sharp and are not known for building junk. Can't we wait to complain, after we know what to complain about, and not before? Really, you want an internal auto tuner on a compact portable radio? Make it bigger, heavier and still won't tune a multiband dipole? Think next time before making a statement like that. I'm just saying.....
    K0PIR likes this.
  4. VE6MB

    VE6MB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Other than a mild disappointment that the “upgrade” wasn’t a little more so, I’m surprised with the backlash. This is still a very capable radio that appeals to a broader audience than one might think. It was always billed as a “backpacker” radio, good for the outdoor crowd....very popular with SOTA operations. It’s a shack-in-a-box radio that appeals to all-mode VHF/UHF enthusiasts in a market with very few options for those types of operators (in fact I worry about the future of the FT-857D for the same reason). Microwavers like it as a nice, small IF radio to drive transverters...

    It’s not merely a portable HF/6m radio, of which there ARE other options....

    Maybe, we’re upset because of a lack of choice in this market segment that few manufacturers have chosen to support. Imagine if they would have just chosen to discontinue it instead...... we’d probably be screaming “bloody murder”.

    Mild disappointment? yes........a disaster? Hardly...

    To those who think it’s still a’s not. However, as has been pointed official photos it’s hard to say any more about it......I suppose with the official announcement from Yaesu, it may only be a matter of time to view the manual, schematic, and photos of it on the FCC webpage (which are currently not public).

    Tino, VE6MB
    N6MEJ, WD4IGX and KK5R like this.
  5. VE3TCV

    VE3TCV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Very true, I still like my FTDX-5000 as it is a VERY good radio and has all of the manual controls that I love. However it is getting dated, it would be nice to have the same radio with a built in sound card and gave the DMU-2000 modernized to today's standards. Wishful thinking I guess.
  6. W1LWT

    W1LWT Ham Member QRZ Page

    FAKE as can be..the foolishness if it is true is so dumb......
  7. NL7W

    NL7W Ham Member QRZ Page

    I would assume Yaesu is working on what you speak of...
    KK5R likes this.
  8. KE5ES

    KE5ES Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    HEY! Six watts is a vast improvement. For only $150 more than the 817. At Gigaparts you can get a FT-857 for $12 dollars more than the FT-818 and have 95 watts more than the FT-817. I will stick with planning on the purchase of the 817. If it runs out before I get to it I will just get the 857. I can't believe they are pushing "An extra WATT!!" $150 for an extra watt!!! PASS!!! They say "For the satellite communicators there is better frequency stabilization." Correct me if I am wrong but the FT-818 will be able to monitor one frequency not two. You can uplink on 70 CM but switch fast to 2M for the downlink. Pass again.
    G3SEA and KK5R like this.
  9. VE3TLT

    VE3TLT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Maybe a bigger screen. ?
    KK5R likes this.
  10. KB3LUE

    KB3LUE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I looked on the yaesu site and it is not listed or reported. Hoax?
  11. WD4IGX

    WD4IGX Ham Member QRZ Page

    The extra watt is probably just a side effect of switching to new finals that can be obtained. But, hey, it's a feature! Sort of.

    I bought my 817 used. Looks like I beat the rush but I don't think I paid too much more so I'm ok with it. Won't be rushing for one of the 818s along with all the others that won't be, unless it offers something way more substantial than listed here.
  12. K3FHP

    K3FHP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Not shown on Yaesu site yet. Not much change from original a hefty price(I'll keep my KX-3 thanks). This may turn out to be a good opportunity to pick up an 817ND at reduced price when this 818 arrives.
  13. N0KEW


    I was having a bad day. Then I came here and read 8 pages of Yaesu bashing and I love Yaesu bashing. Today is now an awesome day. Thank you qrz!
    K5WW, LB4FH and KF5VGK like this.
  14. 2E0WMG

    2E0WMG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yea. With an increase in TX power to 101w
    K5WW, UT7UX and WB4M like this.
  15. MM6ECO

    MM6ECO Ham Member QRZ Page

    The new 818 radio does not impress me! It`s 817 is now classed as an old design.
    Redo the whole radio into the ultimate QRP DX machine and give it a proper april fools name!

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