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Password stopped working

Discussion in 'QRZ XML Logbook Data' started by AG1K, Mar 12, 2018.

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  1. AG1K

    AG1K Ham Member QRZ Page

    I changed my password for QRZ and am able to login to the website and forums just fine. However, MacLoggerDX and Jt-Bridge are saying the password is incorrect and will not connect to QRZ for the XML service or any callbook related information.

    I've done everything shy of uninstalling my logging application and Jt-bridge. Anyone else have any ideas?
  2. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Were you able to change your cached password in the logging software ?

    Good Luck.
    N6QIC likes this.
  3. AG1K

    AG1K Ham Member QRZ Page

    MacLoggerDX is able to perform callbook lookups via QRZ. JT-Bridge cannot and gives the "Incorrect Password" error.
  4. N6QIC

    N6QIC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just a guess but try deleting all your browser history and cookies. Close down your browser and restart it. Then try to access your program again, it my ask you for your password the first time.

    73, Lisa
  5. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    JT-Bridge is a good way to get your QRZ password hacked, If it has to match the QRZ password. :eek:
  6. AG1K

    AG1K Ham Member QRZ Page

    Tried that. No go. Thanks for the idea though.

    It seems JT-Bridge is broken as it won't even accept my credentials for HamQTH either. I emailed the developer but haven't heard anything yet.
    N6QIC likes this.

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