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EN65 on the air for a few days (PSK and phone)

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KC9GLI, Mar 27, 2017.

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  1. KC9GLI

    KC9GLI Ham Member QRZ Page

    For the next few days, I will be operating portable from Washington Island in Lake Michigan. This is rather a rare grid location (EN65). There are two ham operators among the permanent residents of the island, and a few regular visitors such as myself. I come up here a few times each year and I "activate" the island on phone and PSK.

    Between now and April 1, I will be using the following frequencies from Washington Island, as KC9GLI/9 or KC9GLI/P.

    Phone: near 14.240 and near 7.210.
    PSK: 14.070 and rarely 7.070.

    PSK63 is my preferred variant, to speed things up. I ask for short QSOs to accommodate as many operators as possible. Let's save those brag macros about which version of Windows we are running, for another day!

    On request, I can switch to PSK31 or RTTY. I am also available for skeds via the email address on my qrz profile.

    Washington Island is ~ 80 miles northeast of Green Bay, Wisc. It has no IOTA number. Its USIL number is WI001L. QSL by LOTW, direct, or buro only. SASE is not requested.

    Apologies to the moderators for posting here, but I am not sure where else I could have posted about operating from a rare grid location with little PSK or phone activity.

    73 de KC9GI /9/P

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