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2mtr am & 2mtr sstv net

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by KA9DZR, Mar 14, 2024.

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  1. KA9DZR

    KA9DZR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    name here is dennis ka9dzr qth is illinois we have a 2 mtr am net every nite at 7pm (cst) on 145.600 vert.antenna we use tube type or s.s. radio stop by give us a call. also every saturday at 7pm (cst) we
    have a 2mtr fm sstv net on 145.490 (-) 88.5 wb9arc rptr covington,ind sstv mode is scottie 2 .it work satisfactonly you must turn modulation level down the motorola rptr has audio processing that compress the incoming audio.stop send us some pix tnx cu then ka9dzr dennis

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