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2019 State of the Hobby Results!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by N8RMA, Apr 10, 2019.

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  1. KE8BHP

    KE8BHP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very interesting info. Thanks for taking the time to put this together
  2. 2E0WMG

    2E0WMG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Took me all of two seconds to view it, less time than it took you to vent your misplaced frustration...
    K8VHL, WU8Y, NG9F and 2 others like this.
  3. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    Didn't read any instructions. Click on it and then click go to sway. How much easier could it be? You have a ham license?
    WU8Y likes this.
  4. N1NDN

    N1NDN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Seriously? Just click.
    WU8Y and W6SAE like this.
  5. KC3EWK

    KC3EWK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Awesome report my dude.
  6. N4AAB

    N4AAB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I see no problem with Techs getting voice HF privs. And thanks for the survey.
  7. G3SEA

    G3SEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Big Mahalo for such a comprehensive report !
    Interesting to see the FM stats.
    IMHO a fully modulated FM signal sounds better than some of the Digital modes but then that's just IMHO. :cool:

    WA2LXB likes this.
  8. K5CO

    K5CO Ham Member QRZ Page

  9. K5CO

    K5CO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Techs are numerous in the SW and we find they are CB'ers with repeaters once installed by a better breed of Ham. The hobby has been seriously damaged and diminished and we can thank the ARRL and their self interest for most of the damage.
    VE3EEI, KT4RC and K0PV/SK2023 like this.
  10. K5TRI

    K5TRI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    This is interesting and a lot of work. Thank you. A few comments:

    1) The formatting is confusing as you have the titles some times at the top of the card/ slide/ graph, some times below.

    2) Accessibility is an issue as the graphics don't seem to have proper ALT IMG descriptions which make them
    useless for blind users with screen readers.

    3) From your intro:

    This year was also new in that I received a larger than normal amount of vitriol and aggression. It's typical when conducting something like this and I tend to not taking it personally. I was the subject of no less than 4 death threats this year, so that was new and exciting. At least to me - my wife, not so much. Regardless of that, I will continue to conduct this survey for as long as the community finds interest and value in it.

    WTF people? Death threats over a ham radio survey? I don't want to know what happens when something really irritating happens to these individuals when a simple survey about a hobby already creates such a
    reaction. What a sad example of humanity.

    73 Mike K5TRI / DK5TRI
    KG5THG, AG5DB, N4AAB and 1 other person like this.
  11. KN4GEX

    KN4GEX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for taking the time!
  12. WA2LXB

    WA2LXB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great survey...I wish that 10 times as many hams had participated. Hopefully the ARRL takes a look and digests the data.

    I've observed that about 30% of our fellow Americans have mild to severe emotional disturbances, and that the perceived anonymity of the keyboard gives them cyber muscles. All I can recommend is to continue the great work and, as is typical of many prepared for the worst and hope for the best.
    AG5CK, N4AAB, W0FW and 1 other person like this.
  13. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page


    I had death threats--and attempts to get me fired from my university professorship---from hams. That was over fractal antennas. Oh, and a well known ham claiming he built one of my antennas and it was so inefficient it burnt his farm, scorching many acres. All nonsense. Almost 20 years ago.

    Recently I have had hams cancel my travel reservations. Now I tell hotels to only cancel if the party can read back the CC #.

    I actually traced one of the situations(not the above) and was ready to go legal. He died shortly thereafter(of cancer). He was a prominent QRZed poster. I don't blame Fred for giving him a voice, but IMO the behavior should not have happened at all.

    One of the reasons I do NOT get on SSB (save rarely) is the anti-semitic responses I frequently get when I call CQ. And on CW, I get responses (frequently) like K1KE; J3W; etc. (NOTE K1KE is a real person and a fine one; his call was spoofed as a hate response to me).

    Despite all this, I am still here, enjoy ham radio enormously, and think the world of my fellow hams.

    The world, especially the US, is a nasty place with contentiousness and hate nowadays. If you give in to it, you encourage it. BTW, drunk hams have called in the middle of the night with slurred verbiage on the other end. This was in the land line days.

    I know that must have been upsetting to your wife, but all you need to realize is that any death threat probably came from some old timer(s) who has trouble urinating, let alone the ability to pursue a death threat. Such individuals are not 'crusty'. They are uninhibited and don't give a damn. And many of them are closer to our Maker than they think, based on the demographic curves....

    Take away: IF YOU REPORT ATTITUDES (as in a survey), YOU ENABLE CHANGE. Some people hold onto the past at any cost. They are threatened by it and will do whatever they need to to stop it. Fortunately their actual ability to pursue may be limited by their ability to find a john every 2 hours.....for example.

    Chip W1YW
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2019
    WG7X, WE4B and WA2LXB like this.
  14. WU8Y

    WU8Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    Agreed. Of course, we see the same, perhaps not to that extent, right here on Teh Zed.
    KG5THG, AG5DB, N4AAB and 1 other person like this.
  15. K5TRI

    K5TRI XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    I was responding to the OP, I haven't received death threats.

    Sorry to hear about your shitty experience as well. I don't operate SSB except maybe in a contest, plus for
    the most part I operate from my station in Germany. Much different environment.

    73 Mike K5TRI / DK5TRI

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