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VK6WIA NewsWest for Sunday, 29 July 2018 - Special Show and Tell Edition

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VK6FLAB, Jul 28, 2018.

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  1. VK6FLAB

    VK6FLAB Ham Member QRZ Page


    In the news this week we discover some of the stories behind building and inventing things within the hobby of Amateur Radio. Bob shares his fascination with wire, Steve is on YouTube, Andrew shares his adventures with antenna masts, Neil describes how he broadcasts this news, Peter has a DC Distribution Board, I've built a High Precision LC Meter and if that's not enough, we also have a new radio club in the best location of the world, there's the NewsWest Dinner and Raffle, Eddie tells us about the NCRG Hamfest, Glynn has a Jamboree on the Air heads-up and of course the news wouldn't be complete without Roy sharing the latest from the estate from VK6LK in the weekly Helpline.

    Thank you to Steve, Roy, Peter, Neil, Glynn, Eddie, Bob and Andrew for their stories.

    This news was made possible by contributions from radio amateurs like yourself. Getting it to us is as simple as sending an email to

    One question you might have is, "What should I say?" and the answer to that is simple: Share what excites you, what makes you tick, what is of interest to you, what challenges you, what things you learnt, what mistakes you made, what activities you've got planned.

    It doesn't have to be complicated. For example, Neil's story about how he broadcasts this news came to us in a simple email, just telling the story of what he does.

    One comment I can make is that none of us are professional broadcasters. We have different levels of experience, different interests, different skills and different story telling abilities. Don't let that deter you from making your own contribution.

    We also take feedback, on-air or on-line, so register your callback or visit the website and let us know your thoughts on the program this week.

    We'd love to keep making broadcasts about what you've been up to, so send in your tales, tall or true and we'll do what we can to get them on air. Our address again,

    On behalf of WA Amateur Radio News, thank you for listening, look forward to your company next time we meet. Now get on air and make some noise.

    If you have questions or comments, feedback, good or bad, the address is

    You'll find links to resources on the website where you'll also find information on where to hear the news, where to download it, how to rebroadcast this news and how to register your callbacks.

    If you want to join in, you can. Send an email to and we'll be happy to respond. Send your stories, tall or true, audio production, scripts, events, updates, membership information, meeting announcements, AGM alerts, contests, swap-meets and more to us and we'll happily present your contribution on-air.

    Please register your callback, either on-air, or on-line. Visit and click on the callback button. You can also subscribe to our announcement list and we'll let you know when the news is hot off the press.

    Originating in Perth Western Australia NewsWest is produced by WA Amateur Radio News for listeners on-air, on-line and on-demand.

    You can tune into this news on-air across many amateur frequencies, download the show from or subscribe via your favourite podcast application, whichever way you're listening, whether you're a licensed radio amateur or not, experienced or just a beginner, old or young, thanks for being here and thanks for joining us.

    Get your copy:

    NewsWest is broadcast and relayed across VK6 and far beyond by many transmitters and operators. Details can be found on

    The main VK6 NewsWest broadcast occurs at 09:30 WST (01:30 UTC).

    If you'd like to broadcast this news in your local area, you can. There are no restrictions on broadcasting NewsWest, other than that you must broadcast it as supplied without any modification.

    We ask that broadcasters advise us that they're transmitting the news.

    We look forward to hearing callbacks from the new network when it goes live!

    Our address is

    Producer: Onno

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