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Senate passes National Defense Authorization Act, H.R. 5515

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by W1BR, Jun 19, 2018.

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  1. NN4RH

    NN4RH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Except that it's not "at first". They've been beating on various HOA antenna restriction bills for decades. This was their last desperate all-in effort.

    The current attempt only got as far as it did, because the Congress had the Community Association Institute rewrite the thing. The CAI knows how to influence legislation. If this passes, it will be a big success for them.
  2. K1VSK

    K1VSK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm not sure Congress had CAI re-write it as my understanding is the now defunct ARPA language was the result of a negotiation between the League and CAI. Regardless, it hasn't been decades they have been trying but rather a few years with no success on their own.

    Unfortunately, this thing has now morphed into a mandate on HOAs to write prescriptive rules with a stipulation those of us living in HOAs must notify and seek approval which is what we already have. Some success! Sounds more like a failure to me.
    WQ4G likes this.
  3. WA7PRC

    WA7PRC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Call it what you want. For years, he (and a few others) have punctuated many of their posts w/ language that puts down (or talks down to) others.
  4. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    "was told by my Division Director back in January, that ARRL is not going to pursue another attempt at an HOAantenna bill afterthis one."

    Oh? Who at the ARRL said this? Could you forward that here so we can fairly attribute it?"

    73 and All the Best!
  5. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page


    73 and All the Best!
  6. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    No... Instead, You have put forth a very very poor argument for which you have been taken to task, and have no logical defence... Remote Operating, Indeed!

    73 and All the Best!
    DE W8LV
  7. K1VSK

    K1VSK Ham Member QRZ Page

    He told us who. If you really want to know, it isn't complicated to figure out his DD's name and address and call him on the phone to inquire.
  8. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    If I wanted to do all of that... however, it would be much easier if he just clarified. But in any case, Thanks for that investigative hot tip, because Inquiring Minds want to know!

    73 and All the Best!
    DE W8LV Bill
  9. K1VSK

    K1VSK Ham Member QRZ Page

    He seemed quite clear who said that as well as when he said it.
    I guess he could have posted the DD's phone number so you wouldn't have to go to the effort of verifying it or even better drive to your house and dial it for you. But I guess it makes more sense to you to ask here for him to reiterate the source. Oh well, ...
  10. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's not a biggie...

    And we're ALL passionate here about Our Country,
    Our Freedoms,
    and Amateur Radio.

    Our Political Process? It's Messy!

    And I Thank God that we have it every day of my life.

    Individuals AND Countries learn by both their successes and mistakes over time.

    73 and All the Best!
    DE W8LV Bill
    K1VSK likes this.
  11. W1BR

    W1BR Ham Member QRZ Page

    The fact that the ARRL has remained silent is telling. I guess we need to see what gets passed by both chambers and ends up on Trump's desk.
    AF7XT likes this.
  12. AB3TQ

    AB3TQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was thinking exactly the same thing. I reviewed the June 21, 2018 ARRL Leter and found no mention of any recent ARPA developments (and that was 3 days after the original post for this thread). Perhaps it was too new a story on a busy news week heading into Field Day and a DXpedition among others.

    But if they are equally silent this week in the June 28, 2018 Letter, I think that says everything it needs to about their ARPA expectations. In three days we will know if the League is still cheering this legislation on, or if they have given up any hope of eventual passage. I think they know quite a bit about what is or is not coming.

    I read somewhere that those in charge would like to have the NDAA on the Presidents desk some time in July, but can not find any details at all about the conference committee that the NDAA has to navigate first.
  13. K4KWH

    K4KWH Ham Member QRZ Page

    While I don't have a "dog" in this fight, I can see how this *might* be a good thing. We sometimes argue within/among ourselves about the need for amateur communications in ES applications. However, there ARE other agencies whose volunteers, perhaps, face the same HOA challenges. These people have a *justifiable* need to be on the air. Some are volunteer firemen, some are members of CAP with HF and VHF stations that are definitely part of our civilian and military communications structure. A new ARPA with HOA's having the ability to so (if I read this correctly) may react by restricting these agencies as well. After all, they would be unlikely to know the difference between an amateur station, a CB station, OR a station governed, not by FCC, but NTIA. I do not yet know if NTIA even has a policy, or a rule, regarding this. Probably it has not yet come up. The same problem exists WRT our mobile capabilities with the 'distracted driving' laws. To me, while many of us don't seem to consider amateur radio anything BUT a hobby--and that is fine-- it IS, however, a potential (and. IMHO, a vital ) resource that can be called upon IF needed.

    Some of us believe this Bill is a good thing: others think it is bad. and we can read it both ways. While I have been in favor of some sort of relief, this partially reeks of "be careful of what you ask for". It sounds like the language contradicts itself, so I'm not sure. It would seem that HOA's could interpret the law as "status quo" leaving them to restrict as they please. So where will this leave us AND the NTIA-controlled folks? Thankfully, I don't have an HOA!:cool::)
  14. K4KWH

    K4KWH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Does that apply to mobile as well?:confused:
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