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A Mountain Top Moment !

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VE6JTW, Feb 23, 2024.

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  1. VE6JTW

    VE6JTW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    In this first of my new series, I'm on summit on Mockingbird hill and speak for a few minutes on Learning and using CW and where to look for inspiration and for help learning. This series will feature more activators with tips, tricks and advice in the future.

    Please enjoy this video Like & Subscribe for more.

    73 de VE6JTW

    K7AMJ, AI7FF, KB1MCT and 16 others like this.
  2. VE6JTW

    VE6JTW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm loving all the like's everyone thank you so much. Keep on the likes here and on the channel and maybe a sub if you enjoy this content!!! You all rock, this gives me the want to make more and better content for you all.
    W0VTT and HB9EPC like this.
  3. KD9TED

    KD9TED Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very good video! Can't wait for more!
    HB9EPC and VE6JTW like this.
  4. VE6JTW

    VE6JTW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    More to come 100%, I'm working on setting up a Giveaway, planning more activations & getting into YT shorts as well. lot's coming stay tuned!
    KD9TED likes this.
  5. K7KMM

    K7KMM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I’m always afraid I will take too long getting the call sign. I send kind of ok. But receiving is well not great. Funny part I was actually a novice and made a few contacts back then. Tried for my 13 words a couple of times but never passed it. So it’s been a long time since I’ve tried getting on the air. I listen a lot but only get ever 3 letter.
    VE6JTW likes this.
  6. VE6JTW

    VE6JTW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I had the same issue when I first started out, I would struggle on decoding Calls and eventually guys would just give up and leave, But I never let that bug me and I kept going. Using tools like Morse ninja on YT downloading his videos and listening to them and using this software Word List Trainer | Morse Code World I was able to get past that hurtle and start decoding better. and at the end of the day its just doing reps and putting in the time. DON'T GIVE UP you will get it eventually we all started out rough.

    73 de VE6JTW, Jesse
    W1DMH likes this.
  7. KF6VVQ

    KF6VVQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I first learned CW at 5-7 WPM. Was never told that learning that slow was a bad idea. But I found out pretty quick and after I had a few QSOs I put my stuff away and never considered getting back on the air. That was the early 2000s. Another thing that took my time was work and the birth of my first son.

    My first QSO was with my Ten Tec 40m QRP Transciever that I built from a kit. I used a dipole strung up in my tiny backyard in Long Beach, Ca. My first QSO was with a guy in Arizona.

    But now I am back and am in the process if learning CW again.

    I am trying to find any tips that will help and encourage me.

    I was pretty discouraged trying to write down as I listened because if I missed a letter I would be lost.

    So I am just going to listen for now and worry about copying later.

    Any other good advice is appreciated.
  8. VE6JTW

    VE6JTW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have lot's of advice My friend.
    Copying is the most important and the hardest spend anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour a day Just doing copy practice learning the characters of the alphabet and numbers 0-10 at a speed of 35wpm with 10 wpm spacing a good Tool is on YouTube a channel called morse ninja, download his videos of letters or letters and numbers spoken do the 30wpm and above videos so you don't count dits and dah's and don't write stuff down it doesn't help you any. Look in to CW ops academy they have beginner classes over zoom twice a week and the semesters are 6 weeks long.

    feel free to email me anytime for help, and don't give up. and check out other CW youtube channels Red summit RF, VE6LK Vince, Kyle AA0Z, K6ARK mountain top radio are all great cw ops and helpful in learning and encouraging.

    73 de VE6JTW
  9. W0VTT

    W0VTT Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    EXCELLENT advice, Jesse; just get on the air and operate we ALL make mistakes. Long Island CW Club also has some very good CW learning programs. It’s come a long way since we only had the ARRL cassette tapes and W1AW code practice (which is still very good).
    VE6JTW likes this.

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