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ARRL Secret Rules

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Jan 6, 2024.

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  1. WN2C

    WN2C Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think that if members or even non-members want to show their distaste for this rule, then they should not participate in ARRL contests.
    Lack of support in the contests will show them. Even those that don't have a say in what the ARRL does because they are not members. But then, why should they care they are not members anyway.
    N3FAA likes this.
  2. WR3V

    WR3V Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ain't gonna change a thing until the CEO gets tossed out by the ear, and his toadies see the handwriting on the wall.
    W2CPD, N5KX, WZ7U and 8 others like this.
  3. W9BRD

    W9BRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    There can be as many as you want, but IARU will recognize only one. That won't play well for international regulatory coordination.
    K8PG and KA0HCP like this.
  4. K9UR

    K9UR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Exactly my sentiment.

    For decades the ARRL leadership has aged in place (K1ZZ, K5UR all basically lifers) have done little to stay modern or drive the charter to protect the precious spectrum that we have access to, and have collectively spent loads of money on lawyers (with no result, eg limited enforcement, no result on PRB-1, Risk to 60 meters, Loss of UHF spectrum, infilatration of Day traders on HF spectrum experimentally) and rather focusing on worthless squabbles and inward conduct issues and WASTING OUR MONEY DOING IT.

    It's telling that the President, First VP and international VP are all attorneys / lawyers.
    In the corporate world, these "leaders" and the board, would have all been fired for failing to focus on what matters. The current league board behavior is worse than high schoolers - certainly not how any good corporation is run.

    There is no reason another organization to promote and represent amateur radio can not be launched. It only takes time and money. Imagine a $10/year membership - all online content - and focused ONLY on what we need nationally (no need for divisions, vice divisions, etc). Streamline the overhead and focus on job #1.

    Unfortunately launching such effort is often met with apathy and inertia especially given the not-for-profit nature of the endeavor and the shrinking market for such. Truth: the league membership and the hobby at large is mostly comprised of older / retired hams who don't have the energy, motivation or runway to drive any sort of change.

    Imagine a world with real advocacy, real enformcement, and a modernized view of the world of amateur radio and what threats / opportunities exist - rather than backward looking "what we were" 10, 25, 50 years ago and trying to recreate the glory days.

    The envelope only has to be so big for the IARU to wake up and recognize a new advocacy group. Competition is a very good thing !
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
    HA3FLT, WA5KW, W1WH and 2 others like this.
  5. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page


    The problem that is in focus is the board, not some issue on the ARRL lower-organization. That is NOT the problem. The problem is transparency in the face of crisis. WITH THE ARRL BOARD.

    One should not blindly subscribe to Mother Jones because it is 'streamlined' to be available on line.

    'Change' is a buzzword for ...well, take a guess.

    As if we don't know that 'idea' is being "considered".

    So let's get to the heart of the matter-- and yes, many of us either know or can 'guess' who the players are...

    Frankly, socialistic systems of advocacy--which demand rescinding the individual's right of creative ownership --are hardly any better than authoritarian ones.

    Be CAREFUL what you wish for.

    MO. Yours may differ.

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
    W4RWS likes this.
  6. K5YDD

    K5YDD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great idea... However, like at the local level where an alternate club sprouts up in an area... given time it too will be governed by blowhards, who will end up doing exactly what the first original club did to alienate its members.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
  7. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    In time?

    How about ab initio?
  8. WR3V

    WR3V Ham Member QRZ Page

    Let the canary in the coal mine be the NRA wilh the departure of their CEO.
    W7IVK likes this.
  9. N0TZU

    N0TZU Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well, If you want the CEO changed then you need to elect different board members who will do it, and that requires being a member and voting.
    KD7G, N0YPD and N2EY like this.
  10. WR3V

    WR3V Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hold you hand on your a** and see how that works out for you. The deck is stacked against us. Good luck with your altruism. One other of us also thinks letter writing is the answer. A waste of time and energy against this League of Tyrants.
    NL7W and N3FAA like this.
  11. K5YDD

    K5YDD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The unfortunate thing is that as a member, I can only vote for ONE director in the Division of my residence. The Directors that need ouster are outside of my Division.
    KC3NOH, N6HCM, NL7W and 3 others like this.
  12. K9UR

    K9UR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Change is a good thing. When one system no longer works, we try something else. Regardless what the system was or is to be.
    As the phrase goes, insanity is trying the same failed approach over and over yet expecting a different result...
    We've tried the same approach with the league over and over, and nothing changes. Insanity...

    Not changing is akin to fatality...
    N0YPD and NL7W like this.
  13. WR3V

    WR3V Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well then, start digging.
  14. AD7TI

    AD7TI Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    People like to fixate on one big issue and make decisions like, do I renew my membership, based on that one issue. But, issues change over time.

    Instead look at the ARRL past, present and future as well as from the Amateur community perspective and not just as an individual.

    The ARRL does provide a fair number of services. Instead of saying, "The ARRL does nothing for me", again look at it from the Amateur community perspective. Contests, Awards (for those who care), LoTW, the Bureau as well as representing us to the FCC and government in general (I give them a C- for that), and others come to mind.

    We need the ARRL as appose to a second organization for if nothing else the ARRL is our representation in the IARU. This isn't a trivial responsibility.

    If you don't like how things are going, that is a reason to stay or become a member. Then you have an al be it small voice but many small voices make a chorus.

    Best Regards,
    KD7G, N2EY and KQ1O like this.
  15. KB9MWR

    KB9MWR Ham Member QRZ Page

    There can be. But getting someone else to step up the plate would be the hardest part. In theory a potential organization might be able to apply for a startup grant from the ARDC depending what their goals are and how that aligns with ARDC's mission.

    You may recall Wayne Green of 73 Magazine fame often tweaked the ARRL. Back in 1962 he attemptted to represent the hobby with the Institute Of Amateur Radio (IOAR). The man wasn't perfect, but overall I have a much deeper respect for what he did over the year than the League.
    K2PH, K3FHP, W2CPD and 2 others like this.

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