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BSA - W0SV - Ripley Rendezvous (3 June 2023)

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KU5MC, Apr 28, 2023.

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  1. KU5MC

    KU5MC XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Calling all QRZ members, Scouts and HAM operators near and (very) far – the annual Ripley Rendezvous is here again!

    The Central Minnesota Council will host the 2023 Area Wide Ripley Rendezvous June 1-4 at Camp Ripley. This event is one of the largest Scouting events in the upper Midwest and includes Scouts from councils across our region and Canada. Camp Ripley is a 53,000-acre military and civilian training facility operated by the Minnesota National Guard near the city of Little Falls which makes its extensive facilities available for this unique Scouting event.

    W0SV, the St. Cloud Amateur Radio Club will be participating in supporting this event. We have done so for quite a few years now. We feel it is a great opportunity to introduce these young Scouts to the world of HAM radio. And it is. This year’s event is unique in that it encompasses the surrounding states of Minnesota.

    W0SV will be operating from Camp Ripley (Central Minnesota) and will be using a unique 1x1 call sign – W0N (Whiskey Zero November), and we hope to have a full day of pile ups, with your help.

    To date, they have approximately 2000 Scouts signed up for the event. There were “guesstimates” of close to 4000-6000. Signup is still ongoing. The weekend long event is going to occur from June 1st, 2023, to June 4th, 2023. W0SV will be onsite, operating HF bands, on the 3rd of June 2023 – Saturday. We will be operating from 9AM Central to approximately 3PM Central.

    Ok, with all that being said, W0SV and the Scouts would like to thank you, hope you can make it!



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    W4ABC, KD9PQI, DE2TRF and 2 others like this.
  2. KU5MC

    KU5MC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    We will have a webpage set up that will display what frequency we are on. It will refresh every 15 seconds, so you can determine where we are and if we change bands, THANKS!
    KD9PQI, KJ4EX, N4GST and 1 other person like this.
  3. KU5MC

    KU5MC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    We will also be working with Ken and David and the Cub Scouts - Scout Camping Day, out of Arcade, NY. They hope to have enough operators to "man" the USS Little Rock, USS Sullivans & the USS Croaker (Submarine). Being that it is "Museum Ships on the Air" weekend. To see what band/frequency we will all be working, as it will change, visit this LINK on the 3rd of June for up-to-date info on June 3rd. Thanks.
    KJ4EX and (deleted member) like this.
  4. AE7XG

    AE7XG Ham Member QRZ Page

    You have given me enough info to follow your Scouts. Thanks AE7XG
    Former Scout...
    KJ4EX likes this.
  5. KU5MC

    KU5MC XML Subscriber QRZ Page


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