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Did the US Air Force take out an Amateur Radio balloon for $470,000?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K1LPI, Feb 12, 2023.

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  1. KE0GXN

    KE0GXN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Wow! The USAF is now killing ham radio!

    And all this time I thought it was FT-8…..:confused:
    K9RJ, VA4BEN, K3RW and 23 others like this.
  2. AD5CL

    AD5CL Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Just don’t be borkin with the pico de gallo and nobody gets hurt.
    AK5B, AD5HR, WD5GWY and 2 others like this.
  3. K4PIH

    K4PIH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Pico balloons makes sense, but since that has to be coordinated with the FAA before launch wouldn't the US Military be able to get that information if they don't already have it?

    I'm not buy into they have problems tracking these balloons. If they could track one of the Gemini astronauts lost spacesuit glove, surely they can track something as big as a car sized balloon?
    KD2AVW, W4QBQ, KB2QQM and 5 others like this.
  4. W3SY

    W3SY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I always assumed it was the iPhone that killed HAM.

    But an iPhone running an FT-8 application while dangling from a balloon... yeah, that would definitely do it.
    W4DXR, HA3FLT, AF6SA and 3 others like this.
  5. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    You are assuming one hand can (or even will) talk to the other hand - if they even know what hand to talk to...

    I'm a retired Zoomie, you have no idea how bad it can get when something (or anything) out of routine happens.....
    People who 'live by the book' can get nearly catatonic with no 'rules or procedure' to follow. To be fair, pilots rarely suffer from this. Ground-based decision makers, OTOH...too often suffer from such. Many call it Politicitus or CYA disease....
    HA3FLT, KR3DX, AK5B and 3 others like this.
  6. K4PIH

    K4PIH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for your service. I'm also a retired zoomie, 22+ years in Air Intelligence field. If an Amateur radio club launched a pico balloon they would have to notify the FAA. Seems to me that information would be available to civilian airlines and DoD and specifically to the Air Force through NOTAM.
    KD2AVW, AK5B and KL7KN like this.
  7. KA4DPO

    KA4DPO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have seen it myself, the springbutts can suffer from paralysis when they might get some on them.

    Forgot to mention, now is probably not a good time to be launching pico balloons, or any other balloons for that matter.
  8. W4NNF

    W4NNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Possible. Given what the DOD and MOD have said, however, I don't believe they have much idea what they shot down. If anything.
    W4DXR and W2ZF like this.
  9. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yeah - 23 years as Ground radio. The last half was spent mostly writing SOW/COTR work for a DIA unit with a single tour stint as a TACP radio mech for a break.

    That's why I was laughing so hard. I thought it might have been a Beltway Bandit product that got smoked by 'accident'.
  10. AD5CL

    AD5CL Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Near as I can tell the springbutts are paralyzed from the neck up.
    KA4DPO likes this.
  11. KA4DPO

    KA4DPO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I hear that the planet of Meep Zorp is none too happy about getting their intergalactic, self mobilizing, amateur time travelers, tic-tac repeater drone shot down. Boy, it's getting so you just cant do anything anymore without someone getting offended.:)
    K4PIH, AK5B, PY2NEA and 1 other person like this.
  12. AA7IS

    AA7IS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yes tin foil hats will be in even greater demand then usual, might be good money!
    Maybe some of the traditional sharpened wooden spears to poke at the sky gods, $50 apiece.
    I personally will take all donations to the sky gods on anyone's behalf and make sure it's spent wisely to appease the sky gods.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2023
    W7HT, K0UO and WD5GWY like this.
  13. K3XR

    K3XR Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's always fun to watch some folks try to make a connection with almost anything in the news to ham radio.
    W0FS, KO4TXV and (deleted member) like this.
  14. WZ7U

    WZ7U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Kinda like certain Zed pages?
    KO4TXV, KC9LOO and (deleted member) like this.
  15. K4NWD

    K4NWD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    K0UO likes this.

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