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POTA DXcation to St. Vincent: J8NKI and the Other Side of the Pileup

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Jan 29, 2023.

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  1. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    As Parks on the Air expands worldwide parks, and with activators very accustomed to traveling with their gear, the number of DXcations are likely to increase. In this video recap, W1DED provides his perspective about planning and executing a casual ham radio trip to a foreign country - St Vincent & the Grenadines. He operated as J8NKI and netted about 1100 QSO’s with hams worldwide while also being the first to activate Parks on the Air in St. Vincent. He closes the video with his summary what you should consider for a successful trip.
    KF7PCL, N4OKN, VK5FUSE and 18 others like this.
  2. AE8EM

    AE8EM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Congratulations on a fantastic weeklong activation and vacation at such a beautiful place!
    W1DED likes this.
  3. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for watching, Bill.
  4. AE8EM

    AE8EM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    It was my pleasure. Please keep more of these coming.
    W1DED and W9EBE like this.
  5. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very well done and cogent. Thanks.

    BTW - loved the photo bomb at 3 min in! See got a look at your setup and turned around, have to wonder what she thought.

    Side note:
    I really like watching these kinds of videos. Cogent, well thought out and the viewer doesn't get buried in umms and ahhs. The checklist and 'lessons learned' would apply to any activation in the field - a real bonus, even for non-SOTA/POTA operators.

    Once again, my thanks!
    K9ASE and W1DED like this.
  6. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you, Don! I appreciate the feedback. Keeping these concise and helpful is a goal that I continue to strive toward. The photobomb was a funny coincidence. Since it happened at a pivotal point when my run was just starting it was difficult to work around in the final edit. Most people thought I might be fishing with the big vertical up in the air so close to the water. 73, Kevin
    KL7KN likes this.
  7. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I can feel ya on that one.
    I was using an AS-1320 antenna in Exit Glacier park and the tree fuzz thought I was 'fishing illegally'... next to the outlet stream of a glacier. :rolleyes:
    W1DED likes this.
  8. N6GWH

    N6GWH Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello, great video. I also use a 480 HX great radio. Thank you for sharing your adventures.
    W1DED likes this.
  9. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for watching. I love the 480HX. Bought it used via a listing here on QRZ. Had no idea at the time what a great find it was.
  10. KB2FMH

    KB2FMH Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I use the HX for activations also Kevin, it is a great talker with the right mic and has terrifiec ears and filtering to take out the fools who whistle their call!
    I liked it so much I got a second for backup! Both off the Q swapmeet. I may take one on my next Exped..

    I'm about to watch the video now that I refilled the coffee cup ;-)

    BTW, there's Another video I am anticipating seeing - Soon?
    W1DED likes this.
  11. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi James, If you ever want to get rid of that extra 480, you know who to call! Yes, getting back into "normal mode" and was editing the next video interview this morning. Might be ready by end of week. I hope you enjoy the J8NKI recap!
  12. 8P5UD

    8P5UD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Congratulations well done
    W1DED likes this.
  13. KB2FMH

    KB2FMH Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I did enjoy it Kevin and learned and was reminded of a few things about traveling with equipment. I have always used supplied equipment by the host(s) sponsoring an expedition outing but may drag some of my own on the next ones..
    In all a very informative while entertaining video. Thanks.

    I have seen some 480HXs for sale on the Q swapmeet recently and have considered getting a third for myself but my YL wants me to get a BuddiHex antenna after I used one during WFD this past weekend and can't stop talking about how well it worked and how easy it goes up.
    Anyway, they are fantastic radios for their size and the 200 watts makes a big difference; I am often told by pota hunters that I am the only one they can hear clearly even when there are dozens on the spots page. That's why it doesn't pay to go low at a park, especially on such as you did - imagine if you tried a QRP op there! You'd be crying for contacts.. When I did get you that one time you sounded great and had a very strong solid signal so there ya go!
    When someone tries to tell you 5 or 10 watts is enough with a good antenna just tell them 200 is Better!

    BTW, when I have hard power I use an Astron 50 amp switching PS and in the car it's an 80 AH Bioenno with a PWRgate so the alternator and / or 200w solar panel charges it without using any of the car battery (I killed three of those before learning they're not for heavy draw!)
    W1DED likes this.
  14. K1CWB

    K1CWB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well done Kevin! I enjoyed you sharing your activating journey and appreciate the summary too.
    W1DED likes this.
  15. K1CWB

    K1CWB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hey now, QRPers are people too James. lol
    W1DED likes this.

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