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RSGB changes Foundation license exam assessment

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VK7HH, Oct 5, 2021.

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  1. VK7HH

    VK7HH Ham Member QRZ Page

    News out of the RSGB in the past few days has said that they are making changes to the practical assessement component for exams for the Foundation license. What are your thoughts?

    AA5BK, M6EVR, M1WML and 1 other person like this.
  2. W8ASA

    W8ASA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm curious. What is a practical assessment? Does one demonstrate he can set up a station and operate?
    M1WML likes this.
  3. AD5NM

    AD5NM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Precisely, one must physically demonstrate their ability to set up and use equipment success fully.
    KE5NSC, W6SAE, K5MPH and 3 others like this.
  4. NN2X

    NN2X XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I know this is for the Brits, but when I was in Australia, I witnessed a former colleague of mine take the exam, (Foundation). He had to know full well how to set up and operate a Ham radio station, along with the antenna design and configuration (Dipole)...I don't recall if it was part of the exam, but for sure through the Ham club...It was the best I seen...This was in Melbourne Australia.

    I wish we had that here as part of our exams (In USA), not for anything, other than the new Ham will enjoy more of what Ham radio has to offer...Yes you can go to a Ham club, but it would be great to know all this before one gets on the air

    I like the driving test, you have to bring a car to the facility and demonstrate how you can drive (And first part is the written exam)

    I like Ham radio to do the same (At least for the General Class). The new Ham would pass his written, and then demonstrate how to configure his / her Ham radio for SSB, and maybe a digital mode....My colleague (In Aussie Land) had to set up SSB, make sure his ALC was low, and checked the VSWR, and the rest of it...You don't get that through an exam

    DE NN2X Tom
    AA5BK, W8LGZ, K5MPH and 3 others like this.
  5. GW6CZE

    GW6CZE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Uk licence is a joke no difference in band restrictions only for a full licence on 60m . Power limits are the only restriction and are totally unpoliceable .all the foundation licensees i know are running 100W plus.
    G1UVY, G0ORG, G3VKW and 10 others like this.
  6. K0DUC

    K0DUC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think a practical test, showing actual knowledge and ability, and having a new radio operator make mistakes in front of a skilled and experienced teacher to learn from, is far better than any paper test that people can cram for.

    I wish US CB operators had to take a practical test. And the proctor could rip out the echo boards out of radios and bludgeon the operator with them. Perhaps use the power micorphone cords to throttle them a little when they over modulate. So they can learn a few practical, and useful, lessons on how to not completely destroy a band with bad practices.
    M7CCI, AA4KT, K5MPH and 5 others like this.
  7. MM0JNL

    MM0JNL Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Does this statement mean we also have full UK license holders working 1kw+? Just asking... as power is not everything. 10w goes a long way what the airwaves are not overloaded with 1kw+ stations blasting the bands apart!

    The REAL learning starts after the foundation exam and if someone cannot safely setup a 10w station after the exam there is truly something wrong.
    GM4JPZ, M3LMY, G1UVY and 12 others like this.
  8. MM7JMR

    MM7JMR QRZ Member

    Name and shame them then......
    GM4JPZ, G1UVY, AG5DB and 4 others like this.
  9. 2E0BLN

    2E0BLN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    G1UVY and M1WML like this.
  10. 2E0BLN

    2E0BLN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Not saying I agree but naming and shaming people really so are you going to name and shame all the full license holders that run 400w plus
    2E0GCY, MM0XXW and M1WML like this.
  11. M0NYW

    M0NYW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I took the foundation licence back in 2002. The big restriction back then was not being allowed to use 10M (see link, page 9 band plan ) 175-759 RA BR68/F ( as RSGB or RA had concerns that foundation licence holders might use CB amplifiers on there.

    What a oversight! As I knew a few local foundation licences holders were using the full power on what radio they had at the time anyway and weren't afraid to say it either.

    One of the main reasons I progressed through the licences was to be allowed access to 10M and use my licence abroad and I still believe the foundation should of been 28Mhz, 6M, 2M & 70Cms as a starting point which would encourage progression.

    Many people are visual learners and the practical element sure assists those who require it and gives you that "foundation" knowledge.
    G0ORG and M1WML like this.
  12. G7DAZ

    G7DAZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Same as those clowns on 1933 who "pretend" they aren't using anything above the legal openly brags about his AMP....because :- (add the 2 red highlights above & below)
    G5TM, M0TTQ, MW7OFS and 1 other person like this.
  13. M1WML

    M1WML Ham Member QRZ Page

  14. MM0JNL

    MM0JNL Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I wonder if they actually realise the max power on 1933kHz is 32-WATTS? Current UK band plan is 1850kHz to 2000kHz is secondary user 32W (15dBW) maximum.
    M1WML and K0UO like this.
  15. MM0JNL

    MM0JNL Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    It IS policeable if enough decent and consciousness licensed operators give these power-jackers enough grief and guidance. It IS a self regulating hobby after all and this will continue as long as people sit back and do nowt!! A huge amount of QRM on the popular bands comes from the spurious signals bouncing about the planet from excessive QRO.

    Remember the FOUR kind of people....



    Those who do not step up and do something are no.2 and are responsible for the no.3's getting all confused. No.1 will get things fixed and no.4 will break everything, whilst no.2 sits and moans but does nothing to help and poor no.3 is left sucking their thumb.

    We can all fix this by collectively pulling no.4 into line, they think they're big and clever... they are ignorant and selfish, which spoils things for everyone else!!

    I'm not an advocate of QRP working, but come on guys and galls, stick to your legal power limit.

    For final, there is way more in the restrictions at every UK license level than just the power levels and 60m for full licensees; go read up on it. I know as I have just gone through the mill to get here. The recently scrapped "practical" assessment was the joke. If you get into ham radio and cannot set up a simple 10W 2-metre station by the time you take the foundation exam there is truly something amiss. We have a massive community of willing and supportive operators (unless you are a no.2) who can guide you.
    MM0XXW, M1WML and G8DCJ like this.

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