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Progressive Changes at the ARRL

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by M1MRB, Feb 28, 2021.

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  1. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    They didn't upset me, but they upset at least half the active amateurs maybe more.

    That helped Wayne Green start 73 magazine and CQ was even doing great in those days.

    Others will probably comment.
    which took away many privileges from the General, Advanced and Novice went into effect in 1968.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2021
    M1WML and (deleted member) like this.
  2. K0IDT

    K0IDT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Incentive licensing would be a good guess. ARRL idea that killed amateur radio growth and some say it led to the demise of some old line US amateur radio manufacturers. Google is your friend, search "ARRL incentive licensing".

    The really funny part is now the ARRL is going for "reverse incentive" licensing....they call it "enhanced licensing".
    M1WML, K0UO and (deleted member) like this.
  3. KE8QEP

    KE8QEP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I looked up some information on that, it seems that there was already a tiered system and they changed it reducing some privileges for some license class and added higher classes (or something like that). As a new ham technician class, based on reading this forum, the tiered system is very popular amongst the higher class hams. They seem rather bitter that the non-code hams like myself even exist; and think we are killing the hobby.
    W4JLN, N0TZU and M1WML like this.
  4. KE8QEP

    KE8QEP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    When you have a big group people many decisions will upset about 50 percent of the folks. Not really the same, but it's like giving a test, 20% will think it's too hard and 20% will think it was too easy.
    N0TZU and M1WML like this.
  5. KG5JJ

    KG5JJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Follow the money. Always, follow the money...
    NJ6J, K0UO, M1WML and 1 other person like this.
  6. N2OG

    N2OG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I am a new Ham. I joined the ARRL at the beginning because I REALLY needed and still need help understanding the hobby. I got help from the ARRL. From getting licensed to the publications and news, ham related job announcements with FEMA. They have even reached out to me personally and invited Me, to join a Zoom meeting for new hams.
    My best Elmers are ARRL members. I have read through this entire thread and see no reason to stop supporting the ARRL.
    73 N2OG Scott
    WJ9M, N0NC, KA0HCP and 5 others like this.
  7. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Actually help is quite limited and one will find better help on the respective groups for the digital mode your using I was a member then so thanks for proving that to the poster who said I wasn't a member.
    K0UO, K1LKP and (deleted member) like this.
  8. N0TZU

    N0TZU Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    So what? That's true for just about anything.

    If one goes to a general automotive forum and asks for help on a specific make and model, some will be forthcoming; but really detailed information is better found on an enthusiast forum for that particular vehicle.
    K0UO and K3XR like this.
  9. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well it points out they are not the end all. Hope this helps.
    1 person likes this.
  10. G8FXC

    G8FXC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It is hard to see how they can justify the numbers for what is effectively a club for enthusiasts - the RSGB seems to get along on about £1.6m per annum.

    Martin (G8FXC)
    N8ZI, K3XR and (deleted member) like this.
  11. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi Scott!

    Welcome to the ranks!

    The ARRL , like most non profits, has its problems and change of positions on some key issues. Nonetheless, as you attest, the emphasis is in helping hams, especially in the recruitment of new ones. You should continue to support the ARRL, and also voice your opinions on matters they are pursuing.

    Chip W1YW
    WA8FOZ and N0TZU like this.
  12. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    The 'money' is donations from generous members. You should, indeed, IMO, follow their lead, if you have the resources and inclination.

    Chip W1YW
  13. N0TZU

    N0TZU Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I believe that the RSGB has roughly one tenth the membership of ARRL, and the number of hams in the UK is also roughly about one tenth of those in the US.

    £1.6m is roughly one tenth of the ARRL figure. So perhaps the ARRL is as prudent with their money as the RSGB, or the RSGB is as profligate as the ARRL.
    K0UO, WN1MB and K1LKP like this.
  14. G8FXC

    G8FXC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I seriously doubt that the running costs are directly proportional to membership numbers. I'm sure that, for the significant majority of members of both societies, their interaction with the society is limited to reading RadCom or QST every month.

    Martin (G8FXC)
    N8ZI and K3XR like this.
  15. K1LKP

    K1LKP Ham Member QRZ Page



    EXTRA EXTRA folks are looking for a treasure.jpg


    KA2FIR, N8ZI, K0UO and 1 other person like this.
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