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Tiny Spectrum Analyser - Any Good?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by M1MRB, Dec 6, 2020.

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  1. M1MRB

    M1MRB Ham Member QRZ Page

    ICQPodcast Episode 339

    In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Leslie Butterfield G0CIB, Dan Romanchik KB6NU and Edmund Spicer M0MNG to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief and this episode’s features is TinySA is it any good?


    We would like to thank David Peet (KG5WSA) and Jonn Sandon (G8DVB) and our monthly and annual subscription donors for keeping the podcast advert free. To donate, please visit -

    News stories include: -

    • Pella Amateur Radio Club APRS Balloon Spans the Globe
    • Arecibo Dish to be Decommissioned
    • National Amateur Radio Day resolution Introduced into Congress
    • Radio Communications Regulations (General User Radio Licence for Short Range Devices) Notice 2020 in force
    • 144Mhz TEP Openings
    • Sunspot Cycle 25 to Set Records?
    • Get on the Air for Christmas Campaign Update
    • Netherlands Radio Amateurs Face 2021 Fee Increases
    • G Prefix Callsigns New Full Exam Pass
    The ICQPodcast can be downloaded from

    M1WML and K4FMH like this.
  2. KH7Y

    KH7Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi, I purchased one a few weeks ago. Put it on the bench and fired up my HP 8921A, frequency readout is close, RF level from the service monitor shows the same level as the generator. For under $80 bucks it is a real deal. It would be nice if it had a metal case.
    M1WML, K5MPH, KI4ZUQ and 4 others like this.
  3. N1IPU

    N1IPU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I sprung for the Comet after my last one choked out. Now for short money you can get a decent one so no excuses if you build and install antennas.
    M1WML likes this.
  4. KB4XT

    KB4XT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Bought one, charged it, turned on: Can't read it, Fonts too small. Switches hanging around the edges look fragile. By the way my eyes test 20/20.
    M1WML likes this.
  5. G1EUH

    G1EUH Ham Member QRZ Page

    I bought my TinySA from Amazon (UK), it is an absolutely brilliant device for the money, with tremendous support from the developer Erik Kaashoek

    I can easily read the display, the fonts are not too small for me and my eyesight is anything but 20/20.

    In addition to the spectrum analyser facility it also serves as a signal generator.

    Take a look at the web site for further info -

    • Spectrum Analyzer with two inputs, high quality MF/HF/VHF input for 0.1MHZ-350MHz, lesser quality UHF input for 240MHz-960MHz.
    • Switchable resolution bandpass filters for both ranges between 2.6kHz and 640kHz
    • Color display showing 290 scan points covering up to the full low or high frequency range.
    • Input Step attenuator from 0dB to 31dB for the MF/HF/VHF input.
    • When not used as Spectrum Analyzer it can be used as Signal Generator, MF/HF/VHF sinus output between 0.1MHZ-350MHz, UHF square wave output between 240MHz-960MHz.
    • A built-in calibration signal generator that is used for automatic self test and low input calibration.
    • Connected to a PC via USB it becomes a PC controlled Spectrum Analyzer
    • Rechargeable battery allowing a minimum of at least 2 hours portable use
    • Due to the low cost and very small form factor there are certain relevant limitations.

    Highly recommended!
    M1WML likes this.
  6. KI5AAI

    KI5AAI Ham Member QRZ Page

    When is the last time you got your eyes tested LOL :)
    M1WML, HOTH, KO2Q and 2 others like this.
  7. WB2JIX

    WB2JIX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    If he doesn't respond to your question, he can't see it! ;-)
    How many fingers do I have up?
    M1WML, W9DBI, N9AMI and 2 others like this.
  8. W1LWT

    W1LWT Ham Member QRZ Page

    I bought one a couple months ago wo its pretty dam issues no i got a second one for my portable kit on the go. well worth every dollar....looks like complainer's is like naaayyyyers there to ruff with the toys........and looking for a complaint to give......hey get one and i'll know youll love it......compared to equipmet of 20 years ago and farther back in time ...swr meter heck i retired that long analizer cant be beat..
    M1WML, K5MPH and K4FMH like this.
  9. W1LWT

    W1LWT Ham Member QRZ Page

    and my eye's isnt the best and i can see it perfectly works...
    W4FBI, M1WML, KI5AAI and 1 other person like this.
  10. K1GWW

    K1GWW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    My eyes aren't the greatest either, and I have always lusted after a nice SpecAn, like the ones at work (that can't leave the building).
    Much like the NanoVNA, I have been holding out in anticipation that they will upgrade this unit to a metal case and a 4" screen. I have one of those new 4" NanoVNAs now and it is worlds better than the original model while at the same time being basically the same device. Some of the other features are worth the wait there too, like USB-C and a huge battery, plus a little more band coverage into the GHz.

    Might not be able to hold out though. Maybe buy 2, one now and one later when it's upgraded. Still less than a used HP on ebay.
    G8DQX, M1WML and K4FMH like this.
  11. WB0ZRD

    WB0ZRD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Bought one a while ago, 38 bucks shipped on eBay. How could one go wrong, works well.
  12. AC9OX

    AC9OX Ham Member QRZ Page

    So... 20/20 means that you can see the same things at 20 feet that a person with normal eyesight can see at 20 feet. The big "E" at the top of the chart is the 20/200 mark (as in, you can see what a person with normal eyesight sees at 200 feet).

    Neither of these address your reading acuity. The characters are small, but legible.

    There are excellent, inexpensive magnifier sheets or lenses available. I have a Xiegu G90 with a very small display and magnification helps.

    I have the Tiny SA and there are some excellent You Tube videos which show it in comparison to an HP Spectrum Analyzer.

    I also own and recommend the Nano VNA (both the SMA and UHF connector versions).
  13. K4FMH

    K4FMH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi George,

    I have a couple of the TinySA's as Martin mentioned in his feature review re: our discussion in the podcast. I also have a Tek/TG and a Siglent (with TG). But the TinySA does have it's place, especially in the field. I'm 67 and a bigger screen does help. But I also use an 8" Windows tablet with the TinySA velcro-attached to the back and that works, too.


    N2RIC likes this.
  14. KC3TEC

    KC3TEC Ham Member QRZ Page

    KD0CAC likes this.
  15. KO6KL

    KO6KL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    love it ...

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