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10 Ways the ICOM 7300 Has Impacted Ham Radio — 5 Years Out

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K8QS, Sep 29, 2020.

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  1. K8QS

    K8QS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    One thing to keep in mind is that the real cost of a rig is the difference between what you pay for it and what you can sell it for. Some rigs hold their value really well. In any case, you CAN sell any rig you buy and try something else. See our new video on 10 Keys to Selling Used Ham Gear.

    PY2NEA likes this.
  2. KB6QXM

    KB6QXM Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Yaesu FT DX10 is 2X the cost of the IC-7300, so I would not make that hasty statement.
  3. KC3MIO

    KC3MIO XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    When I saw your video, that was my first thought - I’d like to be able to try some of these rigs and sell if I decide it’s not a keeper. I have a 7300, a Mountaintopper MTR-5B and a Xiegu G90. I’d like to try a KX2/3 and maybe an Icom 705. If I can resell them with acceptable loss, effectively I’ve rented them.

    Good video. Much appreciated.

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