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"HamCation" and ARRL Convention Delayed Until 2022

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K5XS, Oct 5, 2020.

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  1. WQ4G

    WQ4G Ham Member QRZ Page

    I could not agree with you more... Wink, wink.

    I just wish I could comment. Unfortunately, anything I say would be deemed political and deleted...

    Dan WQ4G
    WB4YAL likes this.
  2. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    My comment is not in any way political: its a statement of fact that biological attacks require biological defenses and mitigations.

    Irrespective of which political ideology you favor, they ALL must submit to the basics of life and its biologically-based survival.

    Chip W1YW
    WQ4G likes this.
  3. AD4ZU

    AD4ZU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Baloney. ARRL could do something next year.
    WB4YAL, WA9RAY and W9MRH like this.
  4. NJ1S

    NJ1S Ham Member QRZ Page

  5. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    Just call it a protest.
    W1CZX, WA9RAY and KE4ITL like this.
  6. WQ4G

    WQ4G Ham Member QRZ Page

    The last time I tried to chime in and state what I thought about the 'biological' aspects of the Coronovirus and what it MIGHT do in the future the post (in another thread), which I tried very hard to make apolitical, was still deemed political and deleted. They just did not like what I had to say - period.

    I believe the problem that I run into is that I favor the FACTS and not political ideology. And, as you know some people can't handle FACTS.

    I can say stuff like... "It's a virus and it's making people sick." But, if I go much beyond that I'm taking a chance that the post will be deleted.

    Actually, I may have already said too much now...

    Dan WQ4G
    WB4YAL and KC2IEB like this.
  7. WQ4G

    WQ4G Ham Member QRZ Page

    What is/are sheepable? And, how do you figure the world is new?
  8. K3FHP

    K3FHP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    One would have to ask, if this were true, how, when and where they acquired all those doses considering that a true vaccine for ANY Corona Virus had NEVER been developed before, let alone THIS virus. This is not Smallpox or the Black Plague, thinking people realize there is more to this(even if they DIDN'T know that many countries, including our NIH, funded the Wuhan Lab research on this virus(look at their research papers thanking their funders).
  9. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    They made them. Dropped most production of other products to do so. It's called 'WAR MODE' as in--'increase production to win the biological war'.

    Nothing to do with any government lab in any country.

    This stuff is public and common knowledge.

    Really: a CONSPIRACY?

    Gimme a break....
    WQ4G likes this.
  10. K9GLS

    K9GLS Guest

    I think what Clifford is trying to say is the book of Revelation doesn't end well for some.
  11. KJ7GXL

    KJ7GXL Ham Member QRZ Page

    More politics, Im definitely not surprised!!!!!!
  12. NX1Q

    NX1Q XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    [ content deleted ]
  13. WQ4G

    WQ4G Ham Member QRZ Page

    Lots of that going around now days... What is surprising to me is how easily people are to manipulate.

    Consider, for example, Orson Welles', "War Of The Worlds," radio broadcast in 1938. Although the 8:00 p.m. broadcast had opened with a brief announcement that the story was science fiction and based on the novel by H.G. Wells, huge numbers of people across America believed it was REAL. Those who turned their radio dials for confirmation learned that other radio stations had interrupted their own broadcasts to follow the exclusive, live CBS Radio coverage about the Mars attack. Thousands called the station and thousands more called the police. Switchboards jammed. Hospitals began admitting people for hysteria and shock. Families in New Jersey rushed out of their homes to inform anyone not 'in the know' that the world was experiencing a Martian attack. The state police sent a Teletype over their communications system noting the broadcast drama was an "imaginary affair," but the hysteria was already well beyond local law enforcement's control. Across New York and New Jersey, people loaded up their cars and fled. To many it was the beginning of the end of the world.

    Thousands of persons believed a real invasion had been unleashed. They exhibited all the symptoms of fear, panic, determination to resist, desperation, bravery, excitement of fatalism that REAL war would have produced. This showed that the government would have to 'insist' on the close co-operation of radio (eventually TV and now Internet) in any future war.

    America was not the only place where government officials were impressed by how easily people could be influenced by a radio broadcast. Adolf Hitler took note as well. He referred to the
    Americans' hysterical reaction to the 'War of the Worlds' broadcast in a Berlin Speech, calling it "evidence of the decadence and corrupt condition of democracy." It was later revealed that in the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin had also been paying attention. And President Roosevelt's top science adviser, Vannevar Bush, observed the public's tendency to panic alarmed him, he would later tell W. Cameron Forbes, his colleague at the Carnegie Institution...

    Vannevar Bush eventually became director of The Office of Scientific Research and Development. Many useful innovations resulted from OSRD research and development including improvements in radar, the proximity fuse, anti-submarine tactics, and various secret devices for the OSS (the precursor of the CIA).

    Dan WQ4G
  14. KW1NG

    KW1NG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    So the joke going around is, that we are all going to stay up New Year's eve, not to welcome in 2021, but rather to make sure that 2020 goes out!
    K0UO, NS4WT and K7DIP like this.
  15. W4NNF

    W4NNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Wise decision IMHO. Yeah, some say this is no worse than the flu. Most don't say that or much of anything else when they wind up on a ventilator, though. ;)

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