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Amateur Radio Newsline headlines for Ham Nation. January 29, 2020.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KB7TBT, Jan 27, 2020.

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  1. W4HUF

    W4HUF Ham Member QRZ Page

    i would take winnie the pooh over any biden
  2. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Too expensive: $38,000 a month for doing nothing... probably MORE if he does SOMETHING.

    Just jokin'-)
  3. KC9YGN

    KC9YGN QRZ Lifetime Member #750 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I'd disagree. The most exciting radio I know of is the one I got sitting on the bench that shoots sparks out the back when you key the microphone. Really livens up a party.
    W1YW likes this.
  4. K8JHR

    K8JHR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am not sorry they canned the bloke. I am unimpressed (revulsed, actually) by his management style as revealed in his monthly columns. His agenda clearly differs from mine. Perhaps the Board is as disappointed as I am.

    While QST Magazine it is only one task assumed by the organization, I am disappointed by recent developments. While it purportedly revamped the layout to be more efficient and contain more text on fewer pages (albeit at the expense of aesthetic embellishments,) it has substantially increased white space surrounding text, reducing content, saying less on fewer pages. It often squanders whole pages with sophomoronic (a portmanteau of sophomoric and moronic) graphic images depicting simplistic concepts we all know (or should know) about and take for granted,. It wastes even more space with idiotic polls and other empty headed nonsense. Devoting 5 or 6 pages reprinting material from 6o years ago is just insult to QST is NOT the informative rag it was just a few years ago; obviously simplified to pander to children and chicks - who are, in fact, far more sophisticated and technologically savvy than the publisher lets on. Considering the number of aging OMs on the Roster, I understand the need for SOME nostalgia - but six pages devoted to nostalgia is too many and unlikely to lure young people into the hobby.

    I am pleased the canned the guy. I certainly did not share his vision of the future. I hope the Board does better next time.

    Of course, this is just MY take ... your mileage may vary. JR
  5. N0DZQ

    N0DZQ Ham Member QRZ Page


    I was an Advanced who was out of the hobby for over a little over 20 years raising a family. When I came back I think I studied a WHOLE week prior to taking Extra exam. Damn if I didn’t pass with only one mistake. Not bad for your average dolt.:cool:

    If I can do it, the rest can. No reason to create participation trophies for those who are too lazy to take any initiative to better themselves.
    ND6M likes this.
  6. WA4KFZ

    WA4KFZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    In one of his QST editorials, he mentioned that new Technicians were not joining the ARRL or local clubs. He indicated that the ARRL needed to cater to those who are not members and find new ways to reach out to recently licensed hams. I suspect the focus away from getting people to join the ARRL probably probably did not sit well with the board.
  7. N9NY

    N9NY XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Agree with you 100%
  8. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    The board is certainly aware that there are few hams percentage wise who are ARRL members: roughly 150K in, 600K out. Efforts to reach the non members is a board directive.

    The fact that the board has not told the membership the specifics of the dismissal creates the very problem you have shown as an example-- an issue they generally want to address is thought to be the opposite of what they want to accomplish.

    Certainly not YOUr fault, nor mine:)!
    K8XG likes this.
  9. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page


    CEO's come and go from organizations based on closed board meetings every day. There are confidential contractual agreements, and no CEO is King, he answers to the Board of Directors in EVERY organization. Goals and Directions change. And if you don't think in a legislative environment with Bandspace that is ALWAYS finite that there isn't anything to protect then you're just kidding yourself because you MUST remember: We are VERY much in competition with commercial interests who eye our bands.

    We ALSO have a FEDERAL regulator who has an ear that is MUCH more attuned to those Commercial Interests than Little Old Us.

    We also have a small pie to cut, and what part goes to the lobbyist, what part to education, what part to publicity, etc. are yet smaller parts of that pie. With the eye on both short term and long term goals and the constant surveillance of external commercial interests and the look at "ourselves" and how we are currently doing. Who makes the metrics? Who reads the metrics? Who interprets the metrics? Paying salaries. The Printer... Etc., Etc.!

    CEOs also leave organizations for personal reasons: Being Top Level Managers they are in high demand, but for VERY few "slots" (namely: One) in other organizations. Who might offer more in terms of Salary or Benefits! Or his wife might want to move out of Connecticut because she likes Florida weather better. Or health reasons... Or whatever!

    I've never heard of an organization that didn't have a BOD that didn't meet behind closed doors (even the YMCA) and I've never heard of a private employment contract of a CEO being made public. Nor have you, because that's NOT how it's done! For example, if you think that the CAI (the group that represents the Homeowners Associations) is going to tell you their CEO and Board of Director's goings-on, not to mention how and what and to whom they are going to be opening their Financial War Chest to (which I'm guessing is a Hell of a lot bigger than ours) you are just kidding yourself!

    The ARRL does a LOT of good, and the membership cost is far less than for other clubs or professional associations that you may belong to.

    Might you consider setting your differences aside and supporting the ARRL for your own AND the collective Greater Good of Amateur Radio?

    The important thing is that we have stability and continuity, and a National Organization that represents our Big Tent!

    73 DE W8LV BILL
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
    W9JW, KE5OFJ, WA4KCN and 1 other person like this.
  10. WW5JS

    WW5JS Ham Member QRZ Page

    In theory, agree. In practice, sorry I can't agree.

    Age has taught me that blind obedience to an organization without considering its people and values can be unhelpful...or even dangerous. I'm not aware of any recent examples where ARRL leaders have clearly put the community's interests above their own. (Am I missing something?) Nor of any real steps to innovate or modernize in a competent way (hello, the 1990s called and want their log book system back).

    And sorry, but I don't buy the congressional lobbying angle anymore. It's a sucker's game that congress critters use to pimp the the nation for cash. And practically speaking, little ARRL's lobbying war chest will always be chump change in relation to the corporate money. It's not a game we'll ever win.

    Sorry to go negative, but at this time I think the best thing for ARRL leadership is to wake up and realize hams will continue to stay away until they see some change.

    K1OIK likes this.
  11. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    There's already been quite a bit of change in and with the board and leadership.

    In fact, when it comes to CEO's in the last 4 years, CHANGE IS ABOUT THE ONLY THING WE HAVE SEEN! :)

    What specific additional changes do you have in mind:)?

    Chip W1YW
  12. K5CO

    K5CO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I dropped out when they faked the survey of hams "wanting to drop CW"...………..They knew they could sign a lot more members ($$$) if they let the CB crowd sign up.
    WA5VGO and K1OIK like this.
  13. WW5JS

    WW5JS Ham Member QRZ Page

    From the outside looking in ARRL has the appearance of a rent-seeking organization out of touch with the community, in love with the past and overly keen to stress the bad things that will happen if they cease to exist. They have few compelling messages for prospective members. Here are some things I would change:
    • The geography-based org structure worked well 100 years ago. Today geography matters little with the internet. Re-organize around interest groups (e.g., HF SSB, CW, digimodes, homebuilders, microwave, emcomm) and let the members develop those interest groups organically. Make access to the interest groups a compelling part of the value proposition of membership. Give all the interest groups a seat at the table in proportion to their membership activity (within limits).
    • Take some cues from the open source software community on how to organize groups of talented enthusiasts in a way that lets the cream rise to the top.
    • Move on from the stuffy men in suits pics on the web site. Nowadays people are drawn more to knowledge, competence and judgment in jeans and a t-shirt.
    • Ditch the paper-based publications that few people want cluttering up their houses anymore. Develop a rich online library of content to drive membership and revenues.
    • Give members the sense that they are being heard. Message boards on the web site open to members and aligned to interest groups with active participation from leaders (actually responding to members' questions and concerns) could be a start.
    Do these things effectively and I would join at 2x the price.

    W1YW likes this.
  14. AI6NL

    AI6NL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Useless info; nothing about "Why." They should buy these CEOs a razor. What's with the stubble?
  15. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Age has taught me that many commercial entities are interested in controlling and exploiting finite natural resources... Band Space is akin to national forests in this respect: We must protect it on Our Watch.

    Blind Obedience to an Organization? You're Kidding, right? The ARRL is a voluntary association where you participate and VOTE!

    It is a Fact that the ARRL Spectrum Defense is helping preserve band Space for ALL Hams. Their educational outreach is unmatched by any other Amateur Radio Organization that I know of. As a matter of fact, I don't see any other organization out there doing that.

    Do they always get things 100% right? Of Course Not! It's a Human Endeavour...
    Do you agree 100% with your Rabbi/Priest/Pastor/Synagogue/Church /Wife or Party?

    I see a LOT of dissing the ARRL here, and little stepping up to the plate. And it's a Shame. Even in the change of CEO, does it not occur to anyone that the Board of Directors is possibly acting in our best interests, and that people come/go/leave/ from organizations for a wide variety of reasons?

    I'm sticking with the ARRL. And NO MATTER what your particular interest is in amateur radio, you should too.

    Vote. Participate. Talk to your fellow members. Call your Section Manager, who will be GLAD to take your suggestions AND criticisms. Help him. Pitch in.
    Elmer a kid. Talk to some Cub Scouts, Or even someone your age or older who is finished with the World of Work, and could learn and enjoy our avocation.

    Age, the Silent Key Page, my Hometown Newspaper's Obituary section, and my professional calling, have taught me that we are here for a really, really short time.

    Do YOU remember when you were a Kid, and Amateur Radio, and the WHOLE WORLD and the Wonder of... Well... EVERYTHING was new?
    You can help preserve such future moments for the Next Generation, and beyond.

    73 DE W8LV BILL
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2020
    W9JW, KE5OFJ and AE8W like this.

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