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Yaesu has it wrong! FT-891 RX/TX Current Test

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by OH8STN, Mar 13, 2018.

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  1. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello Operators
    Topic of the day is the Yaesu FT-891. Many field radio operators have turned away from the Yaesu FT-891, because of thd specs regarding current draw on RX, published on the Yaesu website. Having owned the Yaesu FT-857, and 897 in past years, the current specs for the 891, seemed somewhat off- In fact, I wondered if Yaesu simply published "worst case" numbers on the site, without bothering to publish a range of numbers which would make more sense to potential buyers. So, in this video we'll be measuring the current draw of the Yaesu FT-891 at RX, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 Watts.

    I've had many requests on the channel for such a video. Operators would like to compare current consumption to other popular rigs like the Yaesu FT-857D, Icom 7200, Icom 7300, as well as understanding how hungry this radio is when deployed in the field.

    Despite the heart crushing review from the ARRL, I have found this rig to be a better investment, than the up and coming FT-818. Opinions may vary, I've got mine.
    Enjoy the video.

    Julian oh8stn
    KK5R, F8BJE, AA8GK and 16 others like this.
  2. KD7WPJ

    KD7WPJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    To make a valid test - you have test current consumption on all bands. I reviewed PA design for this radio, and I found that it uses MOSFETs with significant gain change at 1.8-50 MHz frequency range. This may lead to different current consumption on higher frequency bands. In comparison, IC7300 uses MOSFETs with constant gain over HF/VHF/UHF bands.
    AB3ZI, KA2FIR, K4AGO and 3 others like this.
  3. NX1Q

    NX1Q XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for the video and the effort behind it.

    I thought the same thing when I saw the 2 amp draw spec, and basically dismissed it out of hand to too much Tokyo 20% Rice Sake...(just like the quirky items the radio has, like resetting both the width and shift every time you use the band button, not saving width and shift settings in the memory and some others.)

    But, what makes me very happy is that you, Julian OH8STN, one of the premier portable operators has obtained the same radio I recently have also chosen for portable/mobile, really likes it, and is using it while making videos about it ! I'm looking very forward to more !

    Thanks so much !

    Don NX1Q
    WN6K/SK2022, W4MJE, W5VBA and 2 others like this.
  4. YO5PTD

    YO5PTD Ham Member QRZ Page

    oh8stn would it be possible to publish the bare numbers as pure text? thanks yo5ptd 73
    KK5R, KR3DX and OH8STN like this.
  5. K1YYI

    K1YYI Ham Member QRZ Page

    I bought the 891 after 2 months of reading reviews and doing research. Haven't regretted it at all.
    K4GMO, W1SRR, KB2QQM and 1 other person like this.
  6. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Excellent point.
    I wanted to get valid feedback to improve my test. I think your comment is it. I'll repeat the tests, on each band in the coming weeks.

    Julian oh8stn
    AB3ZI, WC5P and KF5VGK like this.
  7. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'll add episode notes tomorrow.
    Julian oh8stn
  8. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi Don
    I'm just a guy too stupid to stay warm in winter.
    My only "regret" was the current draw @ 5w. I got over that kind of quick when I realized the receiver was what it was.
    Thanks for the kindness.
    Julian oh8stn
    K4GMO likes this.
  9. US7IGN

    US7IGN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    N4FZ, KF5VGK, KK5R and 1 other person like this.
  10. OH8STN

    OH8STN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yeah, I am with you there.
    I initially dismissed this rig, but glad I came around.
    Julian oh8stn
    WJ6F likes this.
  11. N3RSJ

    N3RSJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Aside from the video the radio still works well enough great video.TY
    Other best noticible on this radio it is without vhf & uhf no Rf failure on 70cm like ft 100D and 857 with swr warning and smd rf switching problems as newer radios are becoming too small inside to work on go figure with hf & 6m less issues. Still having a 891 will beat a 818 it is just better economically.
    OH8STN likes this.
  12. WE7H

    WE7H XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello Julian,

    Thanks for the vid. I've been eyeballing this rig for a while now. The rubber don't meet the road in a brochure! If you have one of these rigs and it works for you, then that's that in my book. I wanted to grab that one the was for sale here a week or so ago for 400 something. Somebody beat me to it. Imagine that!

    You may be right about the "worst case" scenario. In the vid you did show a bit of straight rx consumption but there wasn't a signal being received. That was running around an amp. I also noticed in the vid that the "spec" was 2A (signal present) which assumes the radio is doing some additional work and most likely generating some audio as well and the spec on the audio is 2.5 watts max which would add to the rig's receive mode work load. I can see a busy receiver chewing up a little more power than an idling receiver. Not sure it would be 2 amps worth, but must be considered. Maybe that's the "Max Audio" consumption rate.

    Have you looked at it as an idle receiver versus signal present, generating audio (other than the noise floor)? Maybe even take that out to headset vs. speaker. That would be interesting to see as well.

    Glad you're out there doing reality checks!

    Thanks again Sir.

    73, Stay Warm, Stove Lit, Have Fun!

    Ed, WE7H
    OH8STN and W3KKO like this.
  13. AE5GT

    AE5GT Ham Member QRZ Page

    For worst case receive it needs to be tested at 13.8V +15% AND 13.8 V -15% , full audio out with a signal present (full modulated SSB with the preamp on ) . Looking at the specs and assuming that you tested with zero audio ... my best guess is 1.7 - 1.8 A and then pad that with 10% due to component tolerances (yours may draw a little more or less) . I think you'll come out pretty close to 2 amps .
    KA0HCP and WD4IGX like this.
  14. K7LZR

    K7LZR Ham Member QRZ Page

    For those of us who remember lugging around a 35 lb. FT-101 + car battery and thinking that we were operating "portable", this is such a treat!! :).
    WB4M, VA3OSO, NU4R and 5 others like this.
  15. KD9CJX

    KD9CJX Ham Member QRZ Page

    I noticed the actual draw on HF was lower than advertised. Both on idle and full 100 watts key down. Glad it isn't just me


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