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FT8 TEST on air "DXpedition Mode" on 6 and 7 March !

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by IW2BSF, Mar 2, 2018.

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  1. LA6VQ

    LA6VQ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I noticed the capitalized winks.

    On the other hand, in the moderne world where contest surveillance is done by a multitude of SDRs around the globe, I guess it will be quite efficiently policed, just like self-spotting, rubber clocks, excess power and other maladies of contesting.

    73 de Frode LA6VQ
    WU8Y likes this.
  2. K5VOU

    K5VOU Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Moroni among us :)
    AK9S and WU8Y like this.
  3. W4PG

    W4PG QRZ Lifetime Member #279 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I just came across this thread and read through it, but I admit to having to go back and make sure there was not some FCC declaration that ALL contacts must now be FT8!

    Really, folks, if you don't like the "automation" or other aspects, the great thing about this hobby is there ARE many other modes where you CAN find the outcomes you are looking for. Go enjoy those!

    WU8Y, LA6VQ, WB4M and 1 other person like this.
  4. WB4M

    WB4M Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yeah right. I could kick back and press the button on my mic instead, since it takes such skill to operate a microphone. And yes, the higher the QSO rate, the more hams who get to make a contact. But no problem using a computer that you hate to get on here and complain about others having fun.. with a computer!
    WU8Y likes this.
  5. KD2NOM

    KD2NOM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    FYI - Princeton may be in the midst of a power outage for tonight's testing. This Nor'Easter is pretty bad
  6. KI7QVR

    KI7QVR Ham Member QRZ Page

    If you want to use FT8, use it. If you don't, don't. Easy peasy. But, remember one of the key purposes of ham radio; emergency communications. In times of poor propagation or heavy QRM/QRN, picking out SSB phone could prove difficult as could picking out CW. Due to it's nature, even with the short message structure, FT8 could very well be that mode that saves a life when nothing else is working. And isn't that, in large part what amateur radio is all about? Do we really care how "challenged" someone was when they sent an emergency message and saved a life?

    Just another perspective...

    Brian, KI7QVR
    N0NEV and WU8Y like this.
  7. K7VZ

    K7VZ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The test was all done on Tuesday evening in the USA. Note that the times were listed in UTC.
  8. KD2NOM

    KD2NOM XML Subscriber QRZ Page


    Guess I need to read better
  9. WU8Y

    WU8Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's simply not true at all. The received wisdom here on Teh Zed is that FT8 is NOT REAL HAM RADIO, and most posters are hating on it.
    N5INP likes this.
  10. WU8Y

    WU8Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    Unlike the advocates of a certain other mode, who demand that all hams operate that mode and endlessly whine & complain that the rules were changed recently, not in their favor...
  11. W4HM

    W4HM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I made 118 FT8 contacts in July 2017 but then I decided it was just to fast for me and no fun. But I'm totally supportive of those that enjoy the mode. It's a great thing what W1JT has done for all of us with the WSJT suite of digital modes and we should all appreciate it.

    There are so many aspects of the hobby to explore and I have explored much of it in the past 30 years. In my opinion your "NOT" an idiot just because I don't do what you do. I'm tolerant of it all if it's legal.

    I've gone back to JT65A and JT9 and I still enjoy those modes very much and many others have also come back from FT-8 and there are lot's of contacts to be made again. I also do some RTTY DXing and contesting and we know how much some hate DXing and contesting.:eek::mad:

    73 & GUD DX,
    Thomas F. Giella, W4HM
    Lakeland, FL, USA
  12. N4UP

    N4UP Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    As someone once said, or so I understand, to each his own.

    CW is my preferred mode, but I also like FT8, RTTY, and SSB. I don't get bored with any of them, I just change bands-modes-etc. whenever I feel like it.

    Since I also chase DX to some extent, I like the idea of FT8 DXpedition mode. I am glad to see the foresight to have it not interfere with regular FT8. If you don't want to go there, then don't.

    I like quick exchange contacts, and every now and then some more substantial conversation. Neither of these should offend anyone.

    Now I will admit to something I really like about FT8 --- different folks. I collect band-mode-counties, prefixes, countries, etc., and to a large extent the people I work on FT8 are not the same people I work in contests, QSO parties, etc. Which means some new counties, prefixes, etc.

    And it seems to me that FT8 is one place for a newcomer to get started in the hobby without a considerable expense, no fancy antennas or amplifiers needed. If they stay with FT8 that is great. If they move on to other modes that is also great.

    Some weeks ago I attended a meeting of a local radio club that I had not attended before. What struck me the most was that I was the only person there who had any real experience in HF. Everyone else was 2-meters and whatever is beyond that. It was like two different worlds. I spent time explaining HF and they spent time explaining repeaters and stuff that I was not familiar with. Yes, been licensed since 1963 and have never been on 2 meters or used a repeater. The point is, our hobby is very diverse. Different modes, bands, contesting, county hunting, casual conversation, nets, emergency preparedness, etc. From what I can see, there is nothing inherently wrong with any of these "interests" within the hobby. If you like something, get involved. If you don't, find something else to do. No need for anyone to bash people who have different interests.
    N0NEV, K7VZ, WU8Y and 2 others like this.
  13. W4PG

    W4PG QRZ Lifetime Member #279 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    One thing I've noticed about FT8 contacts is the very high rate of LoTW use. I'm guessing 75-80% of my contacts, maybe higher, are confirmed via LoTW. Pretty cool!

    K7VZ, WU8Y and W0PV like this.
  14. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    FYI - just QSO'ed the newly active TY7C expedition on a unusual FT8 frequency of 10.132.3 +/- Mhz.

    They seemed to be switching between DXped Fox mode and standard FT8. I finally made it work with the latter enabled here. Their clock also seemed off by more then 1.2s; I had to tweak mine manually before they seemed to copy. Or else I was just too weak. They were -11 and I got a -20 sig report. (running only legal-beagle 30m 100w output here :cool:)

    73, John, WØPV
  15. SM6CVX

    SM6CVX Ham Member QRZ Page

    FT8 is the worst thing that has happened to our hobby.Beginning of ,,,,no more Ham radio.
    SORRY, will NEVER use it. Others that do, yes go ahead,of course.BUT FT8 should NOT be
    together with mixed DXCC awards aso,,,,Its just computer to computer.73 Hans SM6CVX
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2018

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