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California AB-1785 signed - Bans Ham Radio Usage in Vehicle

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K6ZOO, Oct 27, 2016.

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  1. K7XRL

    K7XRL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Then perhaps a better examination into the exemption should be conducted. As a society, do we just assume that the added risk is worth it to enable first responders better communications? Or is the added risk to innocent bystanders great enough to toss out the exemption?

    Maybe instead of safe, I should have used the word, "acceptable".
  2. KD7YVV

    KD7YVV Ham Member QRZ Page

    DM3BC: prone to violence much?
  3. K7XRL

    K7XRL Ham Member QRZ Page

    I can respect that. You are consistent in your beliefs.
  4. W6JWZ

    W6JWZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Don't drive like an inattentive idiot. and you wont even be noticed... not even with all of the antennas on your vehicle.... and guess what people while the verbiage is vague... you are federally licensed to operate... which does denote training... and is not for the masses. unlike CB.... an easy argument in court. should you get a ticket... not worried. business as usual.
    N4GST likes this.
  5. N1EN

    N1EN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Or you do the alternative, and make it less of an issue.

    Start paying close attention to the number of people you see in police cars. A growing number of jurisdictions are choosing to double-up, partly to reduce distracted driving concerns (one person drives; the other person operates the computer and other hardware).

    Of course, that does come at the cost of fewer patrols and potentially slower response times, but there's a trade-off for everything.
  6. KV6O

    KV6O Ham Member QRZ Page

    Where is it written that RACES membership supersedes motor vehicle laws?

    And emergency vehicles operating in the course of their duties is their JOB are included for good reason! Btw, they also get to run traffic lights, speed, drive in opposing lanes, etc., when running code 3.

    What's funny is holding and eating an apple would be legal, holding a microphone is not. Wearing a headset with a boom mike (not covering ears) and using a foot switch would probably be legal... ridiculous.

    The hams in Cali need to get this fixed. If holding a microphone is such a hazard, then they should ban scratching your nose, sneezing, holding a cigarette between your fingers (probably already illegal in CA), drinking coffee, adjusting your mirror, using the turn signal, etc., etc. All of these action require a HAND (except sneezing, but they should ban it anyway just to be safe).

    N2IPH/SK2022 likes this.
  7. N1EN

    N1EN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I would expect nonemergency commercial drivers to be applying some pressure soon. Hams aren't the only folks who want to play radio while mobile.

    (Alternatively: hands-free interfaces for radios are available.)
  8. W6JWZ

    W6JWZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    the law reads specific in some areas. the device being mounted to dash that does not obstruct view, may be operated with one hand.... there are no provisions for a handheld microphone.... mind you.... dont be entering dtmf codes and squinting at the mic while driving in the rain....

    1. mount your radio to dash/console as clean as you can! lol!
    2. pre program it..... touch manipulation.... (yay... buy a new rig)
    3. don't hold anything to your ear..
    4. don't manipulate the buttons on the mic

    5. don't drive like a buffoon...

    I like foot pedals... and i guess a lapel mic would work too....
    N4GST likes this.
  9. WB6FQZ

    WB6FQZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yea, we have our problems here in Kali-fornia but it makes no sense to insult us. I sure as hell wouldn't insult your state so KMA.
    WB2KSP and K6CLS like this.
  10. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    This CA law is so goofy and rammed through I wonder if Silicon Valley had an influence to use it to indirectly push harder for faster development and earlier adoption of so called "driverless" vehicle technology.

    The horror of that is what about the aftermarket EMC related safety aspects? How will a Google self-driving car react to a 200w TS-480 and a hamstick on top with a passenger calling CQ on 14200 khz?
    N4GST and N6PJB like this.
  11. W6PEP

    W6PEP Ham Member QRZ Page

    The legislature appears to apply to handheld wireless communications devices such as a portable radio or cellular telephone... My mobile setup has the wireless portion (radio) affixed to the center of the dash as specified in the legislature and the only thing I would have in my hand occasionally would be the microphone, which is not a wireless communications device.
  12. N1EN

    N1EN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    No. Reading through some of the legislative discussion associated with the bill, it sounds like the legislators were trying to do something about how California courts were tending to rule that the no-cell-phone-while-driving law only applied to actually using using the gadgets to make telephone calls while driving, and therefore there weren't any laws on the books that effectively banned smartphone app use while driving. (Texting is covered under a separate law.)

    Therefore, they wanted to craft a law that recognizes that smartphones are more than just "phones", and to severely restrict their use while driving.

    Unfortunately, their attempts to craft language that would pass muster in their state courts lead to the mess that passed, one which prohibits traditionally-tolerable radio use by hams and LMR operators.

    The only reference I found to the local tech companies were discussions about what the law would mean to Uber/Lyft, and the need to provide some leeway for cars' built in infotainment/navigation systems (which are already covered under federal regs to allegedly limit potential distraction).

    There's no conspiracy here. It's just typical sloppiness arising from legislative contortion.
    N4GST, WA8FOZ and W0PV like this.
  13. N4JRP

    N4JRP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wow! the left coast never ceases to amaze me.
    N4GST and AA5AZ like this.
  14. AI6YR

    AI6YR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hmm... I think the law as written is quite vague. Anyway, as someone living in California, I wouldn't worry too much about this one. I usually see about a dozen people talking on their cell phone (which is definitely illegal) around here every time I get in the car--there are so many I think you could stick a motorcycle officer on a corner any day of the week and rake in 150 violators (plenty of fish in the sea, as it will). The other trick here (which I would guess the legislatures were trying to fix) is all the folks who try to run their cell phones in speaker mode and holding them up to their chin.

    Anyway, they'll pull you over and give you a ticket for distracted driving whether or not it's a cell phone or a ham radio. Plus, they pretty much ignore you when most hams might be conversing while mobile (i.e. stuck, motionless, on the 405 or 10 freeway -- or way out in the desert on a long stretch of highway!). It's unwise to be driving around locally through stop lights and stop signs anyway while talking on your mobile radio. We're the least of their worries, I think..
  15. K9CTB

    K9CTB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Kalifornia is owned and operated by liberal kooks (abv. libkooks) - They're collapsing under the huge weight of over-taxation and over-regulation. Was anyone NOT expecting this? Think of the revenue they'll rake in when some hapless hams get pulled over for waving a microphone around at a stoplight. Meanwhile the gangbangers wave pistols around 24/7 with impunity .... <smh> I really feel sorry for W6s .... chin up guys!
    N4GST, WD4DXQ and AA5AZ like this.

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