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Report all scams at us gov website

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by KF2YD, Oct 15, 2014.

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  1. KF2YD

    KF2YD Ham Member QRZ Page

    File your complaints at the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at

    Someone was impersonating me and was using my name and call and was trying to scam other hams. I found out that if someone steels your identity or scams you you should immediately report them to the US government's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at I went there and filed a online complaint against this impersonator and scammer. If everyone would do this then maybe we could get these scammers prosecuted. I reported this crime and so should you. If every person that was scammed filed a complaint on the US government's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) website at we would stop them and have them prosecuted . Don't be lazy, do it now!
  2. WK9U

    WK9U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ham Scammers apparently look for QRZ bios that don't have email addresses. I've come across this nearly a dozen times and in each instance there was a correlation.
  3. KC8VWM

    KC8VWM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Does filing a complaint actually result in anything being done, or is this another one of those window dressing / do nothing websites, intended to pacify people into believing something is being done?
  4. KT1F

    KT1F Ham Member QRZ Page

    Did you identify the person who was using your name and call?

    Did you have useful information for the section titled: "Information about the Individual/Business that victimized you"? It has fields for their name and address.

    I guess there is no reason not to report it but unless you have information that might identify the bad guy then I suspect it's a waste of time.

    I know it's not nice to learn that someone was impersonating you but you're not really the victim here. If others really were scammed and had contact with the scammer then it would be better for them to report it. You haven't been scammed or had your identity stolen. Someone using your call on the internet is not identity theft.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2014
  5. KC9UDX

    KC9UDX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I expect it gets your name put on a list of suspects.
  6. K7POC

    K7POC Ham Member QRZ Page

    The only person not victimized is the victimizer themselves. Honesty they are hurting themselves as well. They just don't know it. I sure wish we had a government that went after people who do such deplorable things. Or at least put a little more effort into it. Accountability is has gone the way of the Dinosaurs in the internet age it seems.
    If you get hurt by a scam better report it.
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