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(IRESC) Granted United Nations Highest Amateur Radio Status

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W0SCT, Aug 7, 2012.

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  1. NQ5Z

    NQ5Z Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just another wannabe like IARN and Glen Baxter.
  2. KC9IGZ

    KC9IGZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    UN.... What's that? Oh I remember, the singularly most corrupt organization on this planet.
  3. N0WYO

    N0WYO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    While your at it, why don't you tell the UN That I said that they should get the h(*ll out of the US! Your attempt at intimidation doesn't impress me
  4. HB9SLM

    HB9SLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    what is it

    Is that the soccer organisation which is preparing for 2014 ? :D
  5. K4YZ

    K4YZ Guest

    After seeing the original post, the one I quoted here, and reading up some on this "IRESC" thing I wrote directly to W0SCT.

    What I got back was...well...entertaining.

    I am sure that there are people behind this "organization" that have some sincere desire to help, but they are, at the end of the day, nothing more than an Amateur Radio version of a "rump militia."

    If their "Senior Vice President's" verbiage, grammar and professional conduct are any example of what the rest of the "coalition" is like, then even the slugheads at the United Nations will figure that out before long.

    I certainly intend to express my concerns to the UN on their granting of NGO status to this group.


    Steve, K4YZ

  6. AC7DX

    AC7DX Guest

    Screw the UN:mad:
  7. N0WTR

    N0WTR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Bingo - 95% of this countries population has no idea what the UN really is all about. They think its all about warm and fuzzy peace. The UN should be kicked out of this country and the sooner the better.

    Read the UN Agenda 21.
  8. N7WR

    N7WR Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    UN Agenda 21 is being implemented by the U S Government. Look at the PUBLIC LANDS CLOSURES that the U S Forest Service and BLM are trying to shove down our throats and the declaration of millions of acres as "wildlands" thereby restricting the public that owns those lands from access. We are being sold out in more ways than one. The UN is a vehicle for worldwide socialism and we ought not to be a part of it.
  9. WA4OTD

    WA4OTD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    This one line grabs my attention. I guess this means there will be a special event station from this soon?

  10. KN4X

    KN4X Ham Member QRZ Page

    History ... Growth By Division. When that happened it was obvious what kind of org they were.

    I think I'll start another completely useless Emcomm group and apply for "U.N. special useless" status.

    Is there no way to stop this dribble from being posted as amateur news?
  11. KC9UDX

    KC9UDX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    If the comments have no importance or value, won't you surely look a fool forwarding them to all those agencies?
  12. K4YZ

    K4YZ Guest

    [​IMG] Originally Posted by W0SCT[​IMG]The United Nations and the ITU nd the IARU and IRESC will be forwarded your comments.

    The above stated United Nations agencies and NGOs are recognized and respected. Your ill comments have no importance or value, they speak of your unrecognizable GEM Organization who fails to respect the UN.

    Mr. Senior Vice President of the NGO also known as IRESC doesn't care. He told me as much in an e-mail. So much for being a 'consultative entity'. Any correspondence with him that doesn't sing his praises is "ill mannered" and is therefore "useless of not construction". Apparently Mr. Emergency Communications NGO consultant is not well versed in the use of grammar and spell checking technology. I dare to wonder what other 'communications' issues he's deficient in!

    That thier application for this 'status' they apparently received ever made it past the mail room clerks only serves to support the opinions of those who are anti-UN. I'm not quite there, but rump militia generals like this character certainly make the case for it ! ! !


    Steve, K4YZ
  13. W7ASA

    W7ASA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Calling this guy and his ilk "rump militia..."

    That, Sir - is an insult to rumps everywhere! :p

    Now I will probably be reported to the U.N. as well. (Yawn!)

    de Ray
    W7ASA ..._ ._
  14. KE5PPH

    KE5PPH Ham Member QRZ Page

    If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, Baffle them with BS.
  15. K4VOV

    K4VOV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Evict the current Residents of the United Nations building in NYC and turn it into a Homeless Children's Shelter.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2012
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