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NY ham ticketed for talking on his radio

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K4HSM, Jun 2, 2010.

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  1. W5HTW

    W5HTW Ham Member QRZ Page

    They aren't even similar.

    Last time I rode in an ambulance (and I've done that a few times) they made two short voice transmissions during the hour ride. Transmissions of perhaps 15 seconds each. The EMT, the one who was NOT driving, transmitted my EKG via data transmission. He didn't have to look at the road at all. In fact, he made one of the two voice transmissions. Next time you ride in an ambulance, pay attention. You can't compare their radio transmissions to amateur radio, in any way.

    Public safety and public service (road grader, etc) transmissions are very short, direct, to the point, no rambling. Even our rural volunteer fire dept knows that. They do not use the radio for hobby chat. They are doing a job, and don't have time nor the desire to chat. They aren't hams, and the radio is not a toy, like it is with us. It is simply a tool for their jobs.

    Sorry, no comparison.

    There is, though, a problem with the cops using the onboard computer in the car. They really need to stop on the shoulder and use it, or have a second officer in the car to use it. We had a cop killed here while using his computer. He ran across three lands and hit an abutement. That is inattentive driving, whether I am the one doing it or the sheriff is. I wish we could address that, for it is a very, very dangerous action.

  2. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Ed, it's called productivity. They don't want to give a driver license number or plate info to a dispatcher (who's driving 5 wheels on a chair) to look for warrants and such. Takes too much time. Perhaps, in busy locales, they'd have to hire more dispatchers.

    They could also try speech recognition. If Ford can do it in their consumer verhicle products, mobile terminal manufacturers can as well, and stop keyboarding and looking at the screen. In fact, take them completely out of the front area of the vehicle.

    They'd bust us in a heartbeat for keyboarding while driving.

    From the ones I've seen, they're so big that even a cop who doesn't eat donuts would not fit in the available seat space between the terminal and the right front door.

    Time for a technological solution......or to go back to letting the dispatchers do the wheel/leg/finger work.

    And, by putting a small roll paper printer on the dash and the dispatcher can feed them a paper copy. Of course, that wouldn't fit with the FCC's plans for 700MHz broadband in the car for law enforcement. As if just text weren't enough of a distraction. Geesh.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2010
  3. KS2K

    KS2K Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    No matter how you cut it, Cell Phones and Two Way radios are a distraction. I have ridden with Hams who would write down call letters and other info on a note pad. I have ridden with Hams playing with a HF rig in their car at 70 mph. Nope, all communication devices, should be banned while the vehicle is in motion. I know the Ham Lingo as much as anyone.....we need to talk while driving for emergencies. Well pull over, stop and really make your calls and notes safely. This also goes for all commercial two way radios. Pull over and conduct business. I have run rescue for 32 years. I have seen stuff I wish I could forget. I wonder how many of those accidents were caused by distraction. Rear ender, 5 kids burned alive.......why did the driver not see the car stopped in front of him.......distraction ???

  4. WA1ESO

    WA1ESO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Distracted driving causes death and injury

    Friends I ride a bicycle for pleasure and to commute to work. I have had two near accidents due to motorists communicating via radio while driving. I have one biker friend that got hit by a motorist that was chatting on the air.

    Whether we agree with a cellular while driving ban or not can we at least not make it hard for police to enforce this law? Use a headset and VOX. I do. Better yet when in traffic situations shut the ham radio off an pay attention to driving.

    At 60 years (about the average ham age) I notice reaction time not as good. I now need a stronger set of eyeglasses. This is not a good age to be multitasking behind the wheel.

    Sorry folks but I kind of see the cops point. Distracted driving is just that and it doesn't matter if one is using a cellular phone or any other kind of device.

    What ever happened to plain old common sense?
  5. W3RXO

    W3RXO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Actually, ANYTHING can be considered "Distracted driving".....

    .....If it is distracting you. The problem in our narcissistic society, is that people are so self-absorbed, that they do not even realize they are being distracted, when they are doing what they WANT to do. It is this type of behavior, that brings on the very unnecessary cell phone, texting and (potentially) anti two-way radio, laws. Unfortunately, the advancement of technology, came about, at the same time our society embraced narcissism. Every, or nearly every state in the union, already has had laws prohibiting distracted driving.
    I am a retired school police officer, and currently working as a professional driver. (and no, school cops, where I come from, are not substandard peace officers. Unbeknown to many in society, they must meet the same P.O.S.T. standards & training, as do municipal, county and state peace officers, regardless of their employer) I see both sides of the problem. The unbelievably high numbers of those who flaunt the laws, and continue to text, yap with the phone glued to their ear, or any of the plethora other distractions, ARE a danger to the motoring public. And, they ARE out there, young and old alike. Men, women, all races and ethnicities. IN FORCE. LOTS of them.
    While I disagree with the law, I believe in following the law, as should all so-called law abiding Americans. The answer, though, is not more laws, which rarely, if ever, get enforced. Rather, law enforcement should be enforcing laws that are already on the books. It matters not, if the distraction is cell phone use, texting, eating a burger, applying makeup, disciplining children, adjusting the volume or tuning on your broadcast band radio, or using your ham radio. If you are doing ANYTHING that distracts you, from driving in a safe and prudent manner, you should get a citation for distracted driving, regardless, of the object of your distraction.
    I know not whether this fellow was driving as though he were distracted, or not. I know not whether the police officer who issued the citation had reckless regard for the law, and simply wanted to inconvenience the ham operator (it does happen). But, the lack of personal responsibility, fed by society's acceptance of narcissistic behavior, has led to, and will continue to lead to more "Nanny-State" laws, to protect us from ourselves, when we really ought to just be more thoughtful of others, and these types of laws would be unnecessary.
    I do not propose to tell society how to change from their narcissistic ways, I believe we go through cycles, and this, too, shall pass. I can only hope it is in my lifetime, but I am a bit of a dreamer.
    As for the use of a cell phone, with or without a hands-free device, a ham radio, a laptop computer or anything else, we should be personally responsible for our actions. If a person takes the time to notice that they must speed up, or get straight in their lane, when their activity ceases, then they HAVE been distracted, and should cease performing such action, in the future.
    And, that's my two bits worth of unimportant opine.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2010
  6. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    You do? Well, who's going to 'write the cop' for using his FCC-inspired 700MHz broadband IP widget while driving?

    Yes, common sense gets thrown out the window when it comes to applying it where double standards are involved.
  7. KB1NXE

    KB1NXE Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is neither common or a sense. ;)
  8. W3RXO

    W3RXO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Forgot to say previously.....

    ......There are those of us who can drive safely while holding the phone up to the ear, and those who cannot. I am one who cannot. Same with many other distractions. The difference is, many people believe they have a "right" to do what they want to do, and do not care if they are distracted, and their distraction is effecting other drivers. There needs to be more personal responsibility in the vehicle. AND, there needs to be more intimate knowledge of the laws cops must enforce, by the cops, themselves.
    A law which prevents some folks from doing something that for them, is safe and prudent, is an unnecessary law. When will the gooberment stop trying to protect us from ourselves?
  9. W3RXO

    W3RXO Ham Member QRZ Page

    If sense were common, we ALL would have it.
  10. WA9JAM

    WA9JAM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Driving privilege

    Driving is a privilege in all states, maybe they should put it on the driving test, and have everyone who takes the test, (or renews a license) test while on a phone, being asked questions by an automated voice, and responding with the correct answers while driving a simulated course. You crash, you fail, you cross a line, you fail, forgot your turn signal, you fail !
    Boy..... wouldn't it be nice to drive without all those SOB's out there !
    Oh well, just a thought !
    ( Can't wait to read the comments on this one !!)
    Even NASCAR drivers talk on the radio, and their only doing 195 mph, and it's a regulated sport, go figure !
    I do some of my best needlework while driving ! !
    LOL !
  11. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Uncommon Sense

    Sort of like your avatar. How many did bigotry kill?
  12. K7KBN

    K7KBN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Many have been killed when a bigotry fell on them.:p
  13. KC2UGV

    KC2UGV Ham Member QRZ Page

    That would be true, if that's how the law was written. However, it is not:

    The law states no radio that is capable of receiving LEO traffic can be installed in a vehicle, unless that person is a holder of a federal license.

    - NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law, Section 397
  14. NU4R

    NU4R Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hello! ARRL! ARE YOU THERE?!?!

    The message title says it all. Misdirected and goofy as an organization gets.
  15. AB8RU

    AB8RU Ham Member QRZ Page

    I see another lawsuit cooking

    If you happen to be a ARRL member they have attorneys who specialize in such issues. Maybe a good lawsuit will get their attention.

    I know 2 hams had lawsuits and one officer was given a desk job, at the police station, and he still gets into trouble, maybe the city is downsizing and give him a layoff.

    and other interesting stories. not the WX channel ! :)

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