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Youth under age 18 can attend IDXC 2025 for free!

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by N6PSE, Feb 4, 2025 at 11:57 PM.

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  1. N6PSE

    N6PSE XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    We are pleased to announce that we are waiving the registration fee for all youth up to age 18 to attend DXC 2025.

    This allows free access to the Convention programs and forums and the Exhibit Hall. Meals, Raffle Tickets and the Bus tour are not included with the free registration.

    Update on DX Academy: Our approach to DX Academy this year will be "Back to Basics" Learn from the Masters on effective tips and techniques to work the DX and have fun doing it. DX Academy is held on Friday from 8AM to 12 Noon.

    Additional Information:

    Any shirt orders must be made by 00:00 UTC on 2/27/25
    Convention pre-registration ends at 00:00 UTC on 4/3/25.
    We have many Hotel Rooms available. Be sure to use our Hotel Reservations Link for the best rates at our participating Convention Hotels.

    In the coming weeks we will be announcing:

    1) Our complete program by day, location and time listing each presentation.
    2) Major Prizes. Get those Raffle tickets!
    3) Hourly Prizes.
    4) Optional DX Academy on Friday morning (8am to 12 noon)
    5) Optional Contest Academy on Friday afternoon (1-5PM)
    6) Next Generation DXing: This is a new program encompassing the latest techniques and methods to work and log the DX.
    7) Exhibitors displaying their latest products.

    This is just a partial list of the features & benefits of attending IDXC 2025.

    Attached Files:

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