Youth-operated stations around the world will be part of a special event celebrating youth in amateur radio during the month of December. MAPLE GROVE, Minnesota, USA, November 29, 2023—Amateur radio operators ages 25 and younger will be on the air as special event stations around the world throughout December in celebration of youth in amateur radio. YOTA Month stations will be on all bands and modes at various times. QSL and award information is at In the United States this year, the callsigns will once again be K8Y, K8O, K8T, and K8A. Argentina will be active as LR1YOTA, Canada as VE3YOUTH, VE2YOTA, and VA7YOTA, and El Salvador as YS1YOTA. Amateur radio operators should be encouraged to listen for and contact these stations as well as all callsigns ending in the letters “YOTA” across the globe. Last year, young hams worldwide surpassed their goal of 100,000 QSOs in the month of December with a final tally of 107,845. Overlapping with YOTA month is round 3 of the YOTA Contest, which is on December 30, 2023 from 1200 to 2359 UTC. More information about YOTA Month specifically in the Americas can be found at The Youth on the Air website is sponsored by ICOM America. More information about YOTA Month globally can be found at events.ham- To schedule interviews or obtain additional information about YOTA Month participation in the Americas, please contact YOTA Month Americas participation coordinators Kees Van Oosbree at
Please do some digital. I would like to see some FT8 outa you guys! See you in the pile-ups. Glenn NØIDX
I have sent an email about this and wondering how I can participate in it as a teenager (15 yo)? Any help would be appreciated! De VK1AAK
Any activity from regions in footprint of LEO satellites near VU land? There were a couple of high schoolers in our LEO Satellite contact group who are trying to be active on satellites. 73 de VU2JO.
I hope you got a reply on this. if not please contact me and I will see how I can help you. 73 de VE3FNT
I have gotten a reply, it's just that I am allowed to participate, but maybe next year since it costs quite a bit of cash a long with having to give about a month's notice to ACMA (Australia's version of FCC) and won't be able to do it this year