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Yaesu launches 3 new mobile radios with new evolving Super-DX and Audio Digital Signal Processor!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W4LKO, Nov 14, 2024.

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  1. KC1SZS

    KC1SZS Ham Member QRZ Page

    As opposed to what?

    I think the new administration ought to come out with a system of hanging cardboard tags, which show where the object is made, and where the majority of its parts come from. This could be a source of national pride and also boost states' pride in manufacturing. For large objects, like cars or tools, it could also say where the steel comes from.
    KE0GXN likes this.
  2. KE0GXN

    KE0GXN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    That would be a good question for Yaesu...

    All I am saying is all my manufacture stickers state Made in Japan.
    DO1FER likes this.
  3. K2ENF

    K2ENF Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    And what kind of processing are we talking about here other than the fact that it's digitally implemented? Are we talking about making the transmit side more understandable or is it strictly focused on receive?

    If it's receive, I'd be interested in seeing it in action. Personally I can't imagine DSP on an FM receiver making things as dramatically better as they apparently would have us believe.

    I'm a Yeasu guy, but I'm skeptical
  4. N6TDG

    N6TDG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    No--It needs 2m, 1.25m, 70cm, 6m and 10m to make it the perfect technician radio...
    WN1C and K1CWB like this.
  5. KB8SKK

    KB8SKK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Like others, bring back the 857.
    FM, that sounds better, ha
  6. KB8ZIO

    KB8ZIO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hate to be a negitve Nancy but prices are too high for radio's that dont have C4FM
    KC4GMY, W1LIM, DO1FER and 1 other person like this.
  7. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    You are right that C4FM is with these transceivers by Yaesu a must have.

    But think about the measurement of the devices, they are all just a handful. They are tiny like cheap chinese attempts with a short lifecycle. To that the special windtunnel for cooling is integrated. At next the 5W speaker is massive for so small devices. Further the new super-dx DSP can be a big thing (I didnt heard it). And in the end is the dual-band device packed with a viceversa receiving and transmitting unit.

    All that counts for finding the right price, when its really so super-duper.

    These latest video at youtube tells more:
  8. KC1SZS

    KC1SZS Ham Member QRZ Page

    The one thing that flew over this guy's head is that these are pretty much all just updates of current radios, with the new DSP technology added to them. He totally missed the point that it is just a step forward for each existing model, not a leap.
  9. K8JHR

    K8JHR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Perhaps we are missing the Elephant in the room: Yaesu is merely replacing its existing line with slightly upgraded, yet mostly similar radios at HIGHER PRICES. They are merely an excuse for raising prices.

    Think about it ... 2 meter FM signals are plenty clean and clear already. There is no need for DSP noise reduction because most 2 meter action is on a repeater ... common you KNOW how many times new operators ask if their signal is "full quieting" on the repeater! Adding DSP NR to a 2 meter FM rig where range is line of sight is ludicrous and mere window dressing - like, WHAT noise will it reduce? Moreover, the notion anybody is doing FM DX on the 2 meter band is even more silly. And upping TX output from 65 watts to 85 watts is essentially meaningless.

    So, without adding seriously new and better capabilities, these new models must be driven by economic considerations - new radios get new prices. Simple as that. There is an analogous trend in cars, cameras and music production gear where manufacturers produce a purported "new" model adding a few highly touted, yet essentially marginally useful features to the old model, and charge higher prices. If it says "digital" on the tag, it automatically costs more - even though that may mean fewer component parts (i.e., more ICs) and lower production cost - the new model still costs more than the old one.

    Manufacturers know operators would scream if they simply raised prices ... so they produce supposedly new models at higher prices because they know consumers will tolerate that better than raising prices on existing models. But that is just MY take ... your mileage may vary. JHR
    HA3FLT and KE0GXN like this.
  10. K1CWB

    K1CWB Ham Member QRZ Page

    If anyone is interested. From Yaesu USA, but the latest one you'll have to click and watch it on YouTube's site though.

  11. K2ENF

    K2ENF Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I should think the reasoning behind higher prices should be self-evident given that everything else and I mean literally everything else is going for a higher prices.

    As for the idea of a new design, why certainly. Look, most of the line is based on 10 or 15-year-old parts which often as not, are becoming scarce based on age etc. as has been discussed in other threads, technology doesn't stand still even if you're a manufacturer.

    Digital might require fewer parts and therefore be physically cheaper but let's consider the r&d involved... Substantially more than your standard phase modulated two meter rig.
    HA3FLT likes this.
  12. K8XG

    K8XG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    There were some radios in batches by Yaesu Made in China and they said so on them.
    Even some batches of FTM-100 C4FM radios

    When the FTM-100s became end of life and folks wanted one for a 'Digital C4FM node', having one for sale that was 'Made In Japan' was a selling point. You didn't want the one made in China. There are reasons Yaesu quit doing that.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2024
    KE0GXN likes this.
  13. KE0GXN

    KE0GXN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Glad I missed out on that batch.
  14. K8XG

    K8XG XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yes, that didn't work out well for Yaesu
    KE0GXN likes this.
  15. KC1SZS

    KC1SZS Ham Member QRZ Page

    There are some mistakes in your broad statements. Not all contacts are 100% line of sight. I have one which is kind of far away. I can break the squelch on the repeater and people can hear, but a lot of background scratchiness. Same for the signal coming back.

    On another repeater, it is closer, but there is some terrain between it and me.
    I can sometimes break the squelch, and it might be understandable 20% of the time, but often enough, leads to frustration on either or both ends. I plan on upgrading my coax and raising the antenna a bit, but having another 20 Watts and something to quiet down the background buzz would be most helpful.

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