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XML to Excel

Discussion in 'QRZ XML Logbook Data' started by N7AY, Jan 6, 2020.

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  1. N7AY

    N7AY Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Has anyone successfully imported XML data from QRZ into Excel?
    I'd like to set up Excel so I can enter a call sign and get little operator data back into my spreadsheet.
    Anyone willing to give me some pointers how to do this?
  2. WW5F

    WW5F Ham Member QRZ Page

    Google "xml to excel macro".

    There are lots of options depending on what "exactly" you are aiming to do.

    And you can get very specific if you're familiar with VBA (<- that's kind of like a programming language within Excel).
  3. AK1CT

    AK1CT Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is how scraped my QRZ log in 2023 with Microsoft Edge into Excel by hand. I'm familiar with HTML and how to inspect the source - been doing it for years with other things. Display your log. Go to the first page, line, right click and "Inspect". On the right-hand side of the browser is now an inspection tool for the page source - in the Element tab, it ought to be highlighting the source line for that first line in the log. Now the trick is you want to find the start of the log table - that is a few lines above, mine says ---> <table id="lbtab" class="styledTable activeLogbookTable"> <--- Highlight that, right click, copy, copy OuterHTML - Switch to Excel, and Paste. Go back to QRZ, go to page two, line one, and do another Right click Inspect. and repeat. When you paste into excel, delete the header on page two and subsequent pages. upload_2023-6-21_10-49-8.png

    Attached Files:

  4. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    There's some good information on this in the Logbook Users Forum.

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