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XML Issue when downloading QRZ-Logbook via API?

Discussion in 'QRZ XML Logbook Data' started by DJ7NT, Oct 2, 2024.

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  1. DJ7NT

    DJ7NT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi QRZ-Team,

    we noticed a small change at the QRZ-LogDownload via API.
    It seems like QRZ generates it's adifs a bit different than before.

    UTF8-File // QSO with a station who has a NAME with special-characters.

    QRZ: <NAME:20>José María Melchor
    Old One: <NAME:18>José María Melchor

    can anybody confirm or help here? which one is correct? According to ADIF-Standard the Length should be "The length of the ASCII-Strings". Since é isn't a ASCII-String, the counting of QRZ would be right.

    however: since that has been changed by QRZ (not sure), some parsers are failing.

    Any help is appreciated
    DF2ET likes this.
  2. DJ7NT

    DJ7NT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Additional Info:
    A lot of Logbook-Tools create the above example with a stringlength of 18 (Number of chars // not number of bytes)

    The new behaviour of the QRZ-Export breaks a lot of parsers out there.

    Create a QSO to any Station with HamRadioDeluxe, Log4OM or HamOffice and Type in "Jôrgê" (instead of "Joerg") at the Name.
    ADIF-Export at all those Tools contain `<NAME:5>Jôrgê`
    Upload the resulting ADIF to QRZ. You'll notice that qrz shows `Jôrg` instead of `Jôrgê` because the importer at QRZ is already counting Bytes instead of letters/chars. this one isn't that evil, since there are only a few letters/chars missing (Bad, but nothing breaks).

    Now try it viceversa and download the QSO from QRZ.
    You'll notice, that the Name Field will be exported as `<NAME:5>Jôrg`.

    Now most of the import-parsers will fail, because there are (now) 4 letters/chars and not 5.

    The Export from QRZ has been adjusted to that during the last few days.
    The Import (QRZ takes ADIF) was always working that way (Cut strings in case of UTF8-Chars)
  3. VA7STV

    VA7STV Ham Member QRZ HQ Staff Volunteer Moderator QRZ Page


    We are still investigating this issue and cannot find anywhere that such a regression could have taken place. However there definitely seems to be an issue more work will be done on this tomorrow.
    DF2ET and DJ7NT like this.
  4. AD5HQ

    AD5HQ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Could it be UTF-8 encoding that is representing special characters as 2 or 3 bytes? Could it be counting cr-lf?
  5. DJ7NT

    DJ7NT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yes: Those special Chars are counting 2 bytes. That explains the behaviour.
    But: At ADIF everyone counts letters/chars, not bytes. That's the problem here.

    No: CR/LF wasn't/isn't part - thats another story
  6. VA7STV

    VA7STV Ham Member QRZ HQ Staff Volunteer Moderator QRZ Page


    I am testing a build that will return these field lengths based on the number of printable characters rather than bytes. We still have some concerns as we have not been able to verify what regression caused this issue and may have to roll back if more problems arise.

    We will also be testing a build that should handle importing these values better without truncating them (not currently life but I wanted to give you a heads up as it could impact your testing)
    DF2ET and AD5HQ like this.
  7. DJ7NT

    DJ7NT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Many tnx.

    if there's any kind of testenvironment on your side, i can offer testing there.
    DF2ET likes this.
  8. HB9HIL

    HB9HIL Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Dear @VA7STV

    we also noticed an issue with the downloaded adif data. does return incomplete data. The end of the return is always cut...

    we use the API like this:

    curl -X POST \
    -d "KEY=[Logbook API Key]" \
    -d "ACTION=FETCH" \
    DF2ET likes this.
  9. HB9HIL

    HB9HIL Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Here some examples:


    DF2ET and DJ7NT like this.
  10. VA7STV

    VA7STV Ham Member QRZ HQ Staff Volunteer Moderator QRZ Page

    I cannot recreate the issue you are seeing. Can you recreate it using a specific QSO record? I tested with the following command - It is possible that a specific QSO record is causing your problem

    curl -X POST \
    -d "[REDACTED]" \
    -d "ACTION=FETCH" \
    -d "OPTION=LOGIDS:1154617585,TYPE:ADIF"

    Using mod since makes it difficult to recreate exactly what you are seeing.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2024
  11. VA7STV

    VA7STV Ham Member QRZ HQ Staff Volunteer Moderator QRZ Page

    Changes are now in place to how we export UTF8 characters as well as how they are imported.

    At this time I still have not been able to recreate the issue @HB9HIL reported.
  12. DJ7NT

    DJ7NT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Regarding the UTF8-Patch. Many many thanks. i'll keep an eye on it ;)

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