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Windows 10 support ending Oct 2025

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by W5BXY, Aug 5, 2024.

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  1. G8FXC

    G8FXC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    For many years, all my server side development has been Linux. I've done desktop side Linux development quite recently - needed to support the server side infrastructure - and it is a painful exercise. There are no equivalent tools to Visual Studio with C# which can generate highly functional desktop applications with a modern user interface.

    Martin (G8FXC)
    W5BXY likes this.
  2. KJ7QNP

    KJ7QNP Ham Member QRZ Page

    From what I can see most Linux how to / help instructions, use the CLI way too much, mostly for unnecessary tasks, things as simple as creating or deleting a folder, moving a file from one folder to another.

    Using Linux the only times I ever have my computer crash is when I am trying to install off applications, or customize my operating system, if I just use it as is and keep it up to date I don't have any issues whatsoever, but this hasn't happened yet I am always doing or changing something, most computer users are not like this, some are afraid to even shutdown in fear they will lose their pictures of their grand kids..

    Windows however always crashed, always running slow after about month of using it, worry about a virus, hackers, and mail-ware, running dodgy freeware, or paying for crap software with advertisements, and now from what I read, its full of AI, cloud based software and forced general updates before you can even use your PC.

    Grandma needs Ubuntu, not Arch, and if she is happy with the per-installed programs and it suits her needs, that is just fine. As for hardware capabilities, I mostly run older hardware, with no problems. Right now I am at a quad core 3.6GHz with 8GB of ram, onboard video card, and I play an online nicely graphical race car game, along with an open browser window, background processes, and a chat, and it runs smooth.

    Windows has its problems too, it is not anymore dependable, and most average computer users will always take their computer to a shop or a friend anyway regardless of the operating system. So why not just start introducing Linux to people now.
    W5BXY likes this.
  3. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Windows 7 started working real good when MS support stopped. No un-needed updates to screw it up.

    Maybe Win 10 will get better also. :)
    KC2YMO, K1IO, KV4PD and 2 others like this.
  4. W9BRD

    W9BRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Bad Actors will do your "updates" for you.
    KD8DWO and N6HCM like this.
  5. WB6MIO

    WB6MIO Ham Member QRZ Page

    You mean MS taking over my computer for 2 1/2 hours Wednesday doing some update? Man am I Pissed off!
  6. W9BRD

    W9BRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Man are you not catching on to the fact that you can tell Windows Updates to do its updates during periods of computer disuse by you.
  7. KK4NSF

    KK4NSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    well.... practical evidence seems to indicate that is simply not the case. My latest experiment seems to indicate that Win7 is no more likely to be hacked than Win10. Maybe it's due to the belief that Win7 machines are not worth hacking, or whatever..... but my conclusion is that most of the "hackers will eat you alive" hype is just MS's way of twisting your arm into buying their more intrusive software.
    KC2YMO and W5BXY like this.
  8. KF2ZZ

    KF2ZZ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    What is wrong with Windows 11?
    It works just fine for me with Open-Shell.

  9. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    365 push for one thing.
  10. KD7MW

    KD7MW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I stayed with Win7 as long as I could. Then, a new version of a photography program required a newer OS. Then I got a new Win11 computer a year later. So in quick sccession, I dealt with both Win10 and 11. Each “upgrade” was more intrusive. More into the data collection business. User interface change for its own sake, and to be more like a mobile OS. More obfuscation and added layers and detours between the user and getting under the hood. The TPA thing. A ridiculously convoluted way to do a safe boot. Regedits for things that used to be more user friendly. More pressure to use all-Microsoft subscription solutions for everything. All in the name of security, I'm sure.

    Windows has become a large corporate OS with a side of data mining and some mobile UI tidbits for coolness. We can like it or lump it. I have set Linux Mint up on my old computer. I could use it for some of my ham radio activities, and ordinary things like email, surfing, and office stuff. But I also do photography and music composition. The Linux apps for these activities are not anywhere near as good or convenient as the Windows apps I know. WINE or similar means risking compatibility with every app update. So I’m stuck. There might be a breaking point, if Windows and my most-used apps go to the “rent me forever or lose access to your data” model. We’ll see.
  11. W3KHG

    W3KHG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Windows 10 will still function for years BUT there will no longer be safety updates putting your data at risk by bad people.
  12. W5BXY

    W5BXY Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I’ve been in the IT business over 35 years yet learn something new just about every time I turn a computer on. I use both Windows O/S and Linux Mint on my personal computers. I ditched Apple products years ago due the proprietary nature of their products.

    In the past, using Linux required a learning curve that most users didn’t like, nor did I. However today’s versions are much more user friendly and I’ve found Linux Mint to be similar to Windows in many ways and more secure for my personal business use. Certainly it will not run many of the existing Windows apps but I use a separate computer for those.

    Different strokes for different folks…..
  13. KJ7QNP

    KJ7QNP Ham Member QRZ Page

    I first tried Linux in about 2005, and for me it was unusable, as I was into PC games and photography, I had Adobe Photoshop, in 2010 it was a different story, I did lose my games, but about that time I was so sick of Windows, both me and my tried a Linux live CD and my dad pressed the install button after about 10 minutes, and we haven't looked back, today everything appears to be plug and play. I do some 3D modeling, play a Linux race car game, use a few different photo editing programs but mostly Gimp.

    I understand the person who need Windows for an application, but calling today's Linux too hard to learn for the average user is ridiculous, the majority of people are smart, and it does not take too long to learn the basics of Linux.

    I ditched Apple at the price tag, but boy I sure loved the sharp colorful screens they had on display at the store.
    KR3DX likes this.
  14. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Microsoft has a lot of people brain washed that think that is really true.

    I did not fall for that BS.

    It is just a joke. o_O To scare you...
    W5BXY likes this.
  15. KR3DX

    KR3DX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Here's an EXCELLENT 11 minute tutorial on making Win 10 or Win 11 more secure, private, and usable:

    MOST of the time, the roadblock to a Win 11 "upgrade" is the lack of a TPM (Trusted Platform Module), although most motherboards from the last several years already have one. Check in your BIOS and make sure that TPM is enabled.

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