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Why Coax Fails

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by M1MRB, Mar 29, 2020.

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  1. M1MRB

    M1MRB Ham Member QRZ Page

    ICQPodcast Episode 321

    In this episode, Martin M1MRB is joined by Leslie Butterfield G0CIB, Edmund Spicer M0MNG, Dan Romanchik KB6NU and Ruth Willet KM4LAO to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin M6BOY rounds up the news in brief and this episode’s feature is - Why Coax Fails


    We would like to thank Dean Sproull (VE5SPR) and our monthly and annual subscription donors for keeping the podcast advert free. To donate, please visit -

    News stories include: -

    • Scientists Create Quantum Sensor that Covers Entire Radio Frequency Spectrum
    • It’s Time for Remote Amateur Radio License Exams
    • WIA Board Comment
    • Need a new hobby? Try amateur radio!
    • Fair Lawn Amateur Radio Club Begins Daily Health & Welfare Broadcasts
    • Errata to 2020-2024 Amateur Extra-Class Question Pool Released
    • Hamvention Names 2020 Award Winners
    • EU to Impose VAT on Low Value Parcels
    • Ofcom Awards Six New Community Radio Licences
    The ICQPodcast can be downloaded from

  2. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's rare that a ham will see an actual FAILURE of typical (ham use) coax.

    More likely, water vapor gets into the jacket and or inner line and oxidizes the copper and/or degrades the dielectric. This oxidation leads to ohmic loss. If you put the coax on a VNA you will see it has substantially higher 'insertion loss' on its length. A good rule of thumb is to replace your coax every 5 years, if buried underground. I rarely obey that:-(
    WA4KCN, WQ4G, N7GPP and 3 others like this.
  3. HB9EPC

    HB9EPC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Voilà une bonne réponse, rien est éternelle...
  4. W8AAZ

    W8AAZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Insufficient sealing at the ends. Animals that like to chew on it. Lawnmowers. Most of us will not be putting in enough power to damage coax.
    N3CIZ, SA1CKE and AE8W like this.
  5. SA1CKE

    SA1CKE Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Unless someone is crazy enough to run 1kW into a RG-174.
    W8KIC, NC7U, W2TB and 1 other person like this.
  6. KI6PMD

    KI6PMD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Rodents ! forgetting to seal with tape is a good way to turn your cable into garden hose ! Getting some one very upset on 80# meters ! there are many other ways to damage your cable I am sure ! Hi Hi 73 all stay safe & remember April fools day is just around the corner !
  7. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    REAL Source of 'coax fail...'

    K3RW, OH6XG, VA7UO and 20 others like this.
  8. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Why====WATER more than 99% of the time.

    Cuts, nicks, (from poor install, rodents or holes shot in it), & number one, is from not taping and sealing connectors properly.

    Less than 1% = lightning damage
    VK6APZ/SK2022 and W2TB like this.
  9. KC2YMO

    KC2YMO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not scared .
    W2TB likes this.
  10. N2EY

    N2EY Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    SA1CKE likes this.
  11. KI7HSB

    KI7HSB Ham Member QRZ Page

    When do they actually talk about coax? I listened to this for 45 minutes and heard nothing but codswallop and blather. Got tired of it and lost interest.
    N1NA, NT6U and KD5RJZ like this.
  12. WB6JJJ

    WB6JJJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    My coax problem was from a Squirrel that climbed my 55' tower to bark and chew on two cables at the top. I have pictures...
    Bill, WB6JJJ
    W8KIC and K4FMH like this.
  13. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page


    If you find these wacky photo collages FUNNY, then please post a 'like'. Its not an ego thing for me. I just need the feedback to justify the time it takes to pull them together.

    I am not doing them for MY health; I am doing them for YOUR health:)


    and stay happy to stay healthy!

    Chip W1YW
    KD2TTM, KG6WU, KA5RIO and 7 others like this.
  14. K4FMH

    K4FMH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Bill, you have an SWR issue: a squirrel-to-wire problem! Tommy Martin of has one too...
    KG6WU likes this.
  15. K2RRX

    K2RRX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Had coax fail on me...HF antenna in the end sealed well at the connector, other end inside the truck!
    Could not resonate the antenna...cut the cable every foot and found water damage 1/2 way down the length..about 7 feet
    in....replaced with a made up section of RG8 and its all good.
    Still don't know how the water got in
    K0UO likes this.

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