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WA0TJU silent key

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by AA0RQ, Mar 30, 2009.

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  1. AA0RQ

    AA0RQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Richard Michael Honeycutt, long time Leavenworth, KS resident, died Friday, March 27 in Leavenworth, KS. He was 56. Richard served in the Navy as a Radioman. He was a ham operator whose call letters are WAOTJU. Richard was also involved in the American Legion, Radioman's Association, Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS), BMW Owner's Association and the Navy Amateur Radio Club. He was also a member of the Pilot Knob Amateur Radio Club.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
  2. K1DT

    K1DT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    My condolences to family and friends. RIP SK
  3. KB7HK

    KB7HK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sorry to hear that. He was much to young for this.
  4. KD7ZOS

    KD7ZOS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Prayers for the family and friends, from Tom KD7ZOS, Portland,Or. Rest in Peace,:( Brother Ham!
  5. W9DO

    W9DO Guest

    Richard will be missed

    Richard used to check iin to the Before Breakfest Club Net on 3973 Kc every morning. I loved his tales of his motorcycle adventures and funny stories. Richard, you will be missed.

    Greg, W9DO
  6. W4DRR

    W4DRR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am truly saddened to hear this. Though I haven't communicated with him for several years, he, more than anyone else, got me interested in Amateur Radio. I first knew him back at Leavenworth Junior High School, where we were classmates, not long after he was first licensed. Because of his influence, I went on to get my ticket while in High School. He will be missed.

    Bob Grevillius
  7. AD4GB

    AD4GB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Richard will be missed

    Sorry to hear of Richards passing, he was a regular on the BBC and we will miss him.
  8. W1RGO

    W1RGO Ham Member QRZ Page

    At rest

    God bless you all!!
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  9. W1RGO

    W1RGO Ham Member QRZ Page

    At rest

    My sincere condolences to all of the family and friends of Richard, may they all find peace and comfort knowing that their loved one is at last at rest in peace. He will be remembered.
    Spencer W1RGO
  10. N4MDB

    N4MDB Ham Member QRZ Page



  11. W3PRL

    W3PRL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Rest In Peace Ole Man

    Our prayers are with the family.....
  12. K4NCG

    K4NCG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Rest in peace "sparks"

    Sparks, your watch is over, but as always it was a long watch but all the logs are correct and signed, the traffic checked and filed and the classified message board is up to date. The LMAA, LMBB AND LMCC Broadcasts are all fivers, WWV is loud and clear on the R-390A on the 5 meggar but will soon fade and a spare R-390A is set for the 10 meggar. The teletypes are all clashing and banging away, mostly ZFG traffic this morning. Ship to Shore is good on both ends. No outgoing traffic pending and the HiComm radio check with NAVCAMS was loud and clear. Shredding was done and the butt cans emptied. Soon the Chief will stop in at Radio Central to check the Old Man's traffic, check his and ask how the 0400-0800 went then head on down to the goat locker for coffee and breakfast. The old man will soon follow to pick up his message traffic and head to the wardroom, soon followed by the XO, OPS, COMMS, ENG and the Admin Officer too. Take a breath, sign off your log, turn it over to the oncoming watch and head down to the galley for a cup for yourself.
    de NVVW QRU AR RMC Sparks...
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